Husband put in jail - Can't come home due to Mandatory Protection Order
I'm at my lowest today. It has been six days since my husband was taken to jail, and a "Mandatory Protection Order" was ordered by the judge. He is out, and on probation for 18 months and until that time, he cannot come home. A man who has never had a record. A kind, patient, and loving man who has let things get too far because of his grown daughter. We're out of money and he is out of his house.
Husband has two kids, both in college; his son's third year, and his daughter (who still lives in her mother's house) just started this Fall. His son has always had a great relationship with him despite the hatred his mom taught he and his sister (we have numerous tapes of this alienation since the kids were in Kdg and Pre-School). We moved away but husband still sent for them during the Summers, or went there to visit. Kept up on their lives via phone in between. Gifts sent to each other, cards, etc. Husbands daughter has taken over the abuse her mom has put us through all these years, and treats her dad horribly. It started when the child support stopped for his son (the oldest) went he went off to college as per the divorce decree. Vile names, filthy language, abuse started on the phone, texts, email, and when he goes out to visit them. Her reasoning; he doesn't give them enough money and wasn't a "Dad" because he wasn't physically there. I can't even begin to tell you the amount of times he has cried to her and told her he was sorry. Then she's sweet to him for a week or so.... until she asks him for money for a car, or college, or a computer and when he tells her he doesn't have the money, she starts in again about what a piece of shit he is, deadbeat dad, scum of the earth, and the rest is vulgar so I won't post it here. He tells her that he has always provided for them and never missed a child support payment in all these years. She keeps saying it's not enough (this is -exactly- what her mom has told us all these years.....we have that on tape as well.) She gets $1,200 per month for lifetime alimony, and $1,200.00 for child support. She's a teacher and makes $73,000.00 per year (I'll tell you how we know that in a minute) and didn't work prior to their divorce.
The stress was enormous and I could see that it was slowly eating away at my husband. We found out that he had a heart condition and is now on tons of medication, and having to have blood draws every other week to monitor everything. He sees the cardiologist after each blood draw.
When the emotional abuse worsened, I begged my husband to please tell his kids about his heart and maybe his daughter would find it within her heart to move forward in a positive direction. He kept hesitating because he's a very private person (not even wanting our friends to know), and didn't want his kids or parents to worry about him. But the abuse from his daughter continued and reached a level of massive proportion. While on a trip to visit them, she started calling him names at the restaurant for not giving them more money and then demanded he take her home. As they started driving away, she started screaming at him telling him what a dead beat dad and pathetic loser he is and she jumped out of the car in the middle of the road and refused to get back in. My husband was so frightened as to what she could do! His daughter called her mom on the cell phone and she came with a friend to pick her up.
A few months later when he finally thought it was enough and they couldn't regulate his medication, he knew he had to get rid of some stress so he told his kids. No reaction. The abuse from his daughter continued.
Last year was a little better in visiting them during the Summer. He helped his son put together a computer (in the ex's house mind you) and it was "somewhat comfortable" with his daughter. He came back home and two days later he was served with a papers to appear in court for six years Arrearage on Alimony. We were a mess. Six years ago my husband was laid off from his telecommunting job in Silicon Valley. After exhausting our savings and paying bills, child support, and alimony on charge cards for three months, my husband asked his ex if he could stop her alimony (not child support) just until he gets a job. He kept sending her the name of each company he interviewed with on a weekly basis but the offers were so much less than what he was making. He wanted to show her his effort. She didn't respond to any of his email. He tried calling her but she wouldn't answer, and the kids weren't talking to him either. He told her there was no way he could afford a lawyer to modify since he lost his job. Still no answer. About four weeks later he took a job in town paying $13,000.00 less than what he made in Silicon Valley. He wrote her again asking her to please take less alimony since he wasn't making as much anymore, and that he would always keep the child support the same. He told her, "I put you through college, I gave you the house and everything in it, can you just please accept less alimony because you didn't work before we got out divorce." She wrote back and said, "I feel your pain, and yes, I can understand. God Bless." We couldn't believe the word usage. We thought for sure she'd curse and call names as she always has. So, we were relieved. My husband started paying half of the alimony, and all of child support.
My husband fell into a deep depression a few months after we were served. We couldn't believe she could do something so cruel. To deceive us all those years in order to financially cripple us. My husband started seeing a Psychiatrist and Psychologist weekly, and was placed on two anti-depressants. We lost in court when the judge didn't want to see the email she sent six years ago. Ordered us to pay all of the back alimony, and would not eliminate lifetime alimony. So on top of what he ordered us to pay for the next five years in back alimony per month, we still have to pay her the $1,200. in lifetime alimony.
The depression worsened and his doctors kept adjusting amounts and trying different anti-depressants. Weekly appointments continued. We eliminated everything we could to bring down our monthly bills and don't go anywhere except for my family functions because they're free
The daughter's graduation was coming up and she told him that she wanted him to pay for her and her brother to come visit us. What??? I told him under NO circumstances could I handle that. The last time she came here, she tried throwing me down the steps and my neighbor kept yelling for her to stop or she'd call the police!!! She had gone berserk on my husband and he was going to cancel their trip to the pool because of it. I told him that it wasn't fair to his son, so as soon as she calms down leave her here and take his son. That I would be ok. Famous last words. We fought many days about this and I couldn't get him to realize that she has been emotionally abusing him, call us names, and why on EARTH would she want to come to visit us unless she wanted to put us through it in PERSON? He was so angry with me. So, I came up with a plan. I told him why don't WE borrow money from your parents and go to her graduation and visit her there?? He told me, "Because she already said she didn't want me there." Seriously? What is not to get in this picture???
Then it was time for him to go visit them last month. His yearly visit. We had to borrow the money from his parents because we're so freaking broke He was a total wreck and stayed in bed as much as he could days leading up to his flight. His daughter told him don't bother thinking he was going to see her. So my husband said ok and that he would just go pick up his son from their mom's house when his flight got in. He and his son had a nice time at my in-laws house two hours away. But each day, his daughter would text him and tell him to go pick her up for dinner (TWO HOURS AWAY) and my husband did..... each night. And each night at dinner she would cause a scene and start yelling at him saying he was lying that we don't have money because she had seen a post on my facebook saying "Thank God, after three years we finally have a working A/C" (uh....and we'll be paying for that for two years too, but she has no clue about financing," and leave. Each night would be very uncomfortable for he and his son on that long drive back to the MIL's because of his daughter. His son doesn't want to be in the middle of it. finally, the last night he was there, he took his son back to college and his daughter told him to take her to dinner again. Same thing... but this time he let her yell with everyone looking on and then told her, "YOU are the child, I am the adult and you see things black and white. You have NO right to know ANYTHING about my finances. Now, you can either ACCEPT me or not...the ball is in YOUR court." She called him some very hurtful names and left again.
They didn't communicate with each other after he came home. Things seemed to be good with my husband's attitude, but after about a week he started getting short with me over the smallest of things. It started getting worse and I asked him about it, if he noticed it? He said yes. Then a week later he admitted to me that he quit all his medication cold turkey because they weren't working. Oh my God. After I told him that could cause SEIZURES and to please go back on them!! he told me he'd start taking ONE starting this weekend. I made him promise he would tell his Psychiatrist so that she could prescribe something else or fix the doses again!
In the meantime...
Last week she started sending me email harassing me over and over that I'm lying about my MS, and that I'm just a selfish gold digger. She called my husband that same night and told him he's a no-nothing sorry excuse for a provider and that SHE is the one who talked her mom into going for the six years back alimony, and how did he like THAT, huh? Doesn't feel good, does it! You scum. You'd rather pay for your brainfart (I have MS) wife who has been lying about her MS, instead of taking care of your kids! How do you feel about yourself??? No answer, huh? Figures.
The harassing email to me kept up all night and the phone calls to my husband continued for a little over two hours. Finally she agreed to move forward... My husband told her he's tired of saying sorry over and over and it's never enough and that if they are to have a relationship from now on, then it moves FORWARD. If she starts bringing up anything from the past, then he will hang up on her. They ended the night on very good terms. But when I kept showing him the email she was still sending me, he became angry and started telling me to IGNORE IT!!! He went to bed after shouting at me and I reached my limit. I got on FB and asked if -anyone- knew how in the heck someone is STILL able to send email when I have them blocked??? People started giving me suggestions and after several posts from friends trying to help they asked why. I told them it's beyond my imagination how people have such cruelty to make fun of a disability. All of a sudden my husband comes to the top of the stairs and yells at me to STOP POSTING OUR BUSINESS ON FACEBOOK!!!! I told him I've had it...I'm going to handle it MY way now. I ended up writing her back (stupid I know):
"I'm so sorry that you have such a cruel way of expressing your grief regarding you and your dads' relationship. I have never dealt with my MS, and your cold attempt to make me feel like I'm a lesser part of society has made me feel saddened....and forces me to think of what my future holds. But, it's ok.... I know you're hurting so you feel the need to hurt others. We have all gone through that... our anger takes over....we're all human. I wish you happiness in your life, Becky. I hope that my MS will not consume your thoughts because it has never taken over mine. Be well. Get well."
Wrong way to handle it, I know. I made a very poor choice. I went upstairs and told him I wrote her back. He was so ANGRY but when I told him to read it, he was ok about it. The next day I woke up to yet another email to me from his daughter and emailed him at work asking him to PLEASE, PLEASE make it stop??? He read it and told me he was going to call her after work, before his therapy session, and talk to her about it. He thanked me for letting him know. This was her email:
"I'm afraid you've given away your cover. As stated above, you've never dealt with MS. So here is the proof that you have been a selfish gold digger all along. I don't know who you're trying to fool anymore-- Me or yourself. Look forward to hearing from ya soon, since you don't have anything better to be doing HaHa!"
Things seemed to have calmed between us during the day because he sent me a text asking how my grandma was (she had just suffered a heart attack the night before) and how my mom was doing (she has also had three heart attacks). I told him what was going on and didn't hear back from him the rest of the day. His therapy appointment is at 5:00 and is an hour long. I get a text at 8:30 p.m. saying he was going to stop off at a bar and have a drink. This is NOT like him at ALL! So I sent him a text asking if he was ok?? He said, "Yeah, things went good." I sent back, "Are you just now getting out of therapy?" He sends, "No, I had to call ___ (his son) after and then I had to eat." I sent back, "I'm glad you got to talk to ___ :)" I was wondering why he hadn't talked to his daughter about her harassing emails? He comes home at 10:00 p.m. and says in an ugly voice, "night" and walks upstairs. I followed him up to see what the heck was going on?? I asked him if he was ok? He told me to leave him alone. I asked him if he talked to his daughter? He said yes and that she would not bother me again. The UGLIEST voice coming out of his mouth... it was alarming. So I asked him again, "Hon, what is wrong??" He starts yelling at me that he doesn't want to talk to me because I'm sabotaging his relationship with his kids and to get the ____ out NOW!!! I tried rubbing his arm to calm him down and told him shhhhhhhhh (I didn't want him to wake my adult daughter who is staying with us. He started grabbing and pushing me and yelling at me to GET OUT and then said, "You know how I felt like choking you that one time? Well I FEEL LIKE DOING IT AGAIN" and pushed me out the door with my daughter yelling at him to STOP!!! (the choking reference happened after his kids went back to VA after the daughter tried throwing me downstairs and we both agreed that he would start going to visit THEM instead of them coming here from now on. But then came a night when he told me this is HIS house TOO and his kids WILL continue to come to visit us and he doesn't care what I say, that's how it's going to be! He didn't put pressure on my neck, just made the motion to try to frighten me.)
The police interviewed me, my daughter and husband. Husband said he was "trying to intimidate me and that he was so angry because I put things on Facebook about our private life, and that I wouldn't leave the room when he told me to."
The only thing I can figure out is that sometime between his workday ending and the bar, he talked to his daughter and it didn't end up well as per usual. In withdrawing from his medication....he snapped, and I was around to get his rage out. So here we are today. He, staying at a hotel spending every last cent we have on that bill, food, gas, and whatever his weekly Domestic Abuse Classes and Supervision charges are going to be. Unable to communicate for 18 months. I am lost and so devastated that it came to this point. I'm sorry for this being so long.
I am pretty certain this
I am pretty certain this reply is not going to be what you want to hear. But I am very glad that someone called the police.
The reality is this: You should be able to drop the PO on request. If it has been made so that you can not, then it is likely at the request of your husband or his attorney as far as why it is not being dropped.
18 months apart with no communication will kill your marriage long before it is up. And ask yourself why you would want to be with someone who would either threaten to or physically raise his hand to a disabled wife.
Start protecting yourself now. Go get an order for spousal support from the courts and separate your finances. Pay your bills and take care of yourself first. He is a grown ass man and needs to be able to figure out how to take care of himself and his own messes that he has either created, or allows to be created and continue.
There is no point to continue
There is no point to continue this insanity. File for divorce and live with your daughter.
Here is a small part of what
Here is a small part of what I don't understand, you wrote:
"We lost in court when the judge didn't want to see the email she sent six years ago. Ordered us to pay all of the back alimony, and would not eliminate lifetime alimony. So on top of what he ordered us to pay for the next five years in back alimony per month, we still have to pay her the $1,200. in lifetime alimony."
I realize he is your DH and possibly all the money is in one account etc, BUT - and this is a huge BUT - YOU did not lose in court, you do not owe BM one red cent!
It seems like you took this in as your loss / problem when it isn't.
On top of that your DH is angry and abusive to you even though you seem to be his partner in every way and try to support him - only to be kicked to the curb.
Please try to be kind to yourself and start separating yourself from DH's very serious issues - both financial and emotional. He is damaged goods and it doesn't sound like the therapy is going to help him much at this point. His DD and BM have set out to destroy him and he LET THEM. Nothing you can do about that.
Save yourself and don't try to lift the PO. It is for your own safety and well-being.
Another poster stated that when someone shows you who they are - believe them - the first time. It is time to face the truth about your life with your soon to be exDH.
Take care and best wishes to you.
Oh and your comment, "A kind,
Oh and your comment, "A kind, patient, and loving man who has let things get too far because of his grown daughter. We're out of money and he is out of his house."
A kind, patient and loving man would never threaten or harm his wife, especially one who cannot defend herself properly!
That statement only proves that you are in a deep FOG. Fear, Obligation and Guilt to your DH.
Please get some counselling and apply for some social assistance - they will be able to help you.
I agree wholeheartedly with
I agree wholeheartedly with 20yearsASAStep-Mom , because I have lived through it - not the physical but the emotional abuse. I left before it was even close to any physical abuse and I am thankful for that. I went to therapy and was told that I was emotionally abused. I did not know it, could not recognize it - thought there was something wrong with me for being overly sensitive , over reacting and not having thick skin.Therapy helped me greatly.Please, seek help because this is something that you cannot deal with on your own. It will be of great benefit to you.Much love and light your way - you are on the right path and on the way to a tremendous life. I am excited for what is next for you ....
First, let me express how
First, let me express how much I appreciate the support here. It's a beautiful place to regain confidence and self esteem (something I had been struggling with since I don't want to have anything to do with my SD, wondering if I'm a horrible person).
Second, just wanted to clarify that my MS is relapsing/remitting. I didn't want anyone to think that I'm confined to a wheel chair
I have my bouts where it's hard to walk at times, and mostly what I struggle with is cognitive. I consider myself lucky that to look at me or talk to me, it's like nothing is wrong 99% of the time
This is why it hurt so much his daughter making fun of me; I don't think about my MS, but she shoves it in my face.
Third, no, hubby wasn't drunk. He went to see my brother play and the manager is our friend; she said he had one beer that night. So I can't blame it on alcohol. It was odd that he went and I knew something was definitely wrong when he texted me that he was going. Coming off of two antidepressants cold turkey is the probable cause in speaking to my therapist (yep, I started seeing one
and everything I've been reading on Psychology websites.
I'm still having a difficult time not being able to talk to him. "wowthisishard" is absolutely right; they have become very strict in their domestic abuse laws is what I've been told.
I've heard from his parents and they tell me that he wouldn't blame me if I divorced him and how sorry he is that he made that bad decision that night. I don't know if he's on all of his medication yet but I'm hoping so. They said that he's using this time to concentrate on building a relationship with his daughter; they talk on the phone several times a week and things have gone well. His parents told me everything that the SD does and says is exactly what her mom did and said to us so the daughter has learned this behavior her whole life. She didn't have to tell me that, I have always known the ex's behavior would mold her children into hate-filled and bitter adults. But I thought that would happen with both, and it didn't. Just the daughter.
I told my husband's parents that I need to take myself out of the triangle. Husband can form any relationship he wants with his daughter, but I will no longer try to help him through it when it goes bad and I do not want to form any kind of relationship with her.
One important thing that I remembered a few nights ago and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I heard a song on TV and it sparked this memory of a movie the SD and SS loved watching when they were young - Stepmom (Susan Sarandon and Julia Roberts), and something my husband brought up a few weeks before his arrest. I don't even remember if we all watched it together at first, or if me and my husband watched it first, (we had the tape) it was so long ago. I remember that the kids loved it, especially the SD and she asked to watch it again. It's a beautiful story about the journey an angry mom and stepmom travel, and the love for the kids brings them to realize all that matters are the kids and both want the very best for them. We had not talked about that in years. All of a sudden when my husband and I were talking about how edgy he was getting with me, he brought that movie up out of the blue, "You had the kids watch that movie Stepmom because the mom DIED in the end." I was shocked and one of the problems that I have with my MS is being struck like a deer in the headlights when I have to think or react quickly. I stammered trying to get COHERENT thoughts to put them in words in response to his irrational statement! I told him that was NOT the reason and how dare he think that of me?? I told him that his daughter LOVED it I think because it had a beautiful message of hope that someday if the anger could subside that they would know that we could all be a family! Then he changed the conversation in a different direction telling me that I've never loved his family and we talked about that; my telling him that was totally ridiculous and that his parents and I write each other every week, does he? The whole conversation was a big blame game that was never staying on subject. So I had completely forgotten about this until I heard that music the other night on TV.
I am doubting everything about myself these days. I *think* I try to do good for everyone. I *think* I'm a good and loving human being and that I tried enough once years went by and the daughter was obviously not going to budge. I'd like to ask those of you here, was this a bad idea for us to watch that movie?
I can definitely see how this may have come from the ex during the years. I have a feeling that the kids would tell her about the movie they liked to watch when they'd come for their weekends with us and the ex telling them their whole lives that the message was that I wanted her to DIE. I would bet my life that this is what happened. How horrible. How cruel. I also think that this came out of the blue from my husband because his daughter convinced him of this and it came out when he was blaming me for various things. Very unsettling that my own husband could be convinced of this.... It doesn't seem right that he would believe this. It just doesn't make sense.
dnk, you are doing like so
dnk, you are doing like so many of us did. Trying to rehash every action we ever took and figure out how it could offend someone. You are ok. You need to take care of yourself and wowthisishard is absolutely right. Take one day at a time and practice taking care of you! No one else. Hugs!