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Are you f'n serious???'s picture

UUUUUGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I just need to vent

We are leaving for a caribbean vacation super early tomorrow- I'm so excited to get AWAY, I seriously might cry when I have to come back to this bullshit. We've had a super busy week, gone every evening so we are down to the wire to get packed and everything ready and make sure kids and babysitter and animals have everything they need at home. FDH said he's going to put my checks in the bank bc I get off to late, I need $ in my account for my personal billscoming out while I'm gone, I have 3 work checks that need to go in. He was supposed to stop by my job and pick them up. I call him he's running around (not doing errands for the trip) tells me SD15 wants to finish school shopping tonight.... :jawdrop: Are u f"ing kidding me??? Wow, perfect timing. HE said he "owe's" her the last $100 of her $300 for school shopping. So I freaked out- naturally

I'm expected to do everything pack everything go to the store get everything together bc he has to drop everything for SD???? I'm already a little stressed and on limited time. She's had the past 3 weeks to finish shopping and picks the evening before a 5am flight and vacation???? I'm f'n pissed

I swear she does this shit on purpose.

So he's all pissed at me bc I snapped and said I'm just talkin shit bc he mentioned his kids name and I flew off the

So sick of this shit! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH

Oh yea and he called ME UNGRATFUL!!!!!!!
REally???? :jawdrop:

He finally shows up to my job and starts fighting with me, he's all crabby and now we aren't talking............Happy fucking vacation to me

I'm so angry, I flipped him off when he left and he saw me! LMAO

tonight should be fun...........FML's picture

Oh yea and I forgot to add, I don't care how he spends his time, I sure the fuck ain't doing everything for him. If he's not packed bc he's taking SD shopping then he's not gonna have anything to wear.......

RedWingsFan's picture

Good that you add that you're not going to be picking up his slack for taking SD shopping when he should be packing/prepping for vacation! I was going to suggest that!

Sounds like SD has dadddddddddeeeeee wrapped pretty good.

Can't they finish school shopping after your trip? Or can't he just give her the money he "owes" her and have someone else take her?'s picture

Idk, I kinda doubt he's going to take her he said he will see me at home so we will see it just pisses me off. He mentioned giving the $ to his ex and having her take her's just the actions and the things he said that makes me so mad. SD knows we are leaving, I don't expect her to care, she's too selfish but they (sd and ex) set him up to fail so now he's going to be the big pice of shit bc he doesn't "care" about Sd bc he didn't drop everything and take her. And I'm really pissed that he reacts to me like that about SD. I'm just frustrated!

RedWingsFan's picture

And you have every right to be pissed! You've had this trip planned for a while now I'm sure and preparations for leaving can be stressful! DH should've told SD, sorry honey, I'm busy - besides, she had plenty of time to get the shopping done way before now!

hippiegirl's picture

How does he figure he "owes" her $100? That's how these skids get the entitled attitudes. I never heard my parents say they "owed" us kids anything.

WTHDISUF's picture

I'm terrified of same thing happening. You are scaring me. I'm going to West coast on 23rd to visit a friend. DH is joining me on 27th so we can drive the PCH. But SS8 is going to be here next week from this Sat 18th to 25th. But I can promise you that BM is not going to get that kid on Sat. She's going to call him Sat morning and ask him can he keep him until Sunday afternoon, which means Sunday until 9p by her time. DH won't say no, that he needs Sunday to prepare for his trip. He'll just do it. DH flight is very early Monday morning. I am terrified he's going to miss it because he's not going to be ready b/c he'll be dealing with Skid until the last minute.

Orange County Ca's picture

A normal teenager gives no consideration to a parents schedule. They can be so cloudy she might not even know you guys are leaving. Your problem is not the kid at least not this time around.

Absolutely let him do his own packing regardless of when he gets in.

Do you really want to put up with this for the rest of your life?