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Can a father, mom, and daughter be a family after the divorce?

kurlos's picture

My girlfriend occasionally goes on "family" outings with her 5 year old daughter and her ex-husband. To me, it seems that she wants to have her cake and eat it too. She wants to maintain some resemblance of family for her daughter, I understand that. Still, it makes me feel lousy. In my opinion, they are not a family anymore, period. The family ended the day of the divorce. Any thoughts? Thanks

StickAFork's picture

Are these overnight outings?

Really, I think it's a good thing if parents can be together with their kids. I think if your relationship was serious, it would be time to include you.
I never understood why when a relationship ends, the parties are supposed to "hate" each other...or treat the other like they have the plague. :?

Frustr8d1's picture

NO! Trying to maintain the "normalcy" of the prior marriage & idea of keeping the prior family together only confuses the kids! It's not good for the new relationship and it gives the kids a false hope or keeps them in denial that mom & dad are divorced. It's better to cut the line so the kids can learn to adapt to the new situation. They cannot adapt if they don't even know which way they are supposed to be adapting!

My sister has been trying this half in, half out method for 2 yrs and her 4 kids are all a mess--confused, in denial, angry, frustrated... They would have been better off if mom said, dad is gone but will visit you next week. Now, let's deal with this, adapt, and move forward.

Orange County Ca's picture

It's a rare child that has parents who have divorced yet can function together for the kid. Leave it alone. Don't be the ego that causes the problems.

rockpyle's picture

See, I agree with this and I’m surprised at the other responses. I know everyone’s divorce is different but I don’t think it’s inappropriate. My girlfriend does things with her children’s father on occasion. I do things with my children’s mother on occasion. Neither of us have an issue with it as we both know some flame isn’t going to be rekindled. If the original poster has this fear then he should talk to his girlfriend about it. If her answer isn’t satisfactory then he has a choice to make.

kurlos's picture

Why don't you join your girlfriend, the child, and the ex on their outings?

rockpyle's picture

I'm not sure if you are trying to make a point with this question. I have in case you are wondering. Two birthday parties and one trip to an amusement park. On other occasions I choose not to.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Yes, that is not appropiate. Even more so when both have remarried. That is just tacky to new spouses and a good way to yet go through another divorce. IF they wanted to play "public family", as I call it, they should have stayed together and not divorced in the first place.

Major events are the exception to the rule though like, marriages, funerals, graduations, etc.

What that looks like is polygamy, IMHO

stormabruin's picture

While a marriage is between a husband & wife, children also need to be able to find closure when a marrige ends. With the 3 of them hanging out like a married couple makes it difficult for a child to accept that the marriage is over.

The divorce helps bring closure for the adults because they've had the opportunity & the time to move on emotionally. The child doesn't get that opportunity & time if they're still experiencing life as one family.

The fact that now mom is in a relationship with you & EXCLUDING you to go hang out with dad, teaches the child that it's appropriate to exlude you.

Children need to feel secure in knowing that mom & dad will ALWAYS be mom & dad, but it needs to be understood that mom & dad are separate people with separate lives...both lives including her. She needs to experience that separation to be able to find closure & move forward.

RedWingsFan's picture

^^^^^^^^^^Exactly!!! DH and his ex promised SD14 (then 11 yrs old) when they split, they would remain friends and still do all types of things together. Well, that was all fine and dandy until DH started dating other women. SD constantly got into his relationships, trying to break them apart because she wanted her mom and dad back together. It worked until he met me. He'd stopped going on "family outings" with SD and BM about month prior because frankly, he can't stand BM but SD blamed me for it. She tried her hardest to break us up. I won't go into it all here, but that little girl was horrible and so manipulative!

DH sat her down and explained that BM and he were no longer married and couldn't remain friends due to all kinds of circumstances. She was confused, cried, said "but you promised me" and thought for sure they'd be getting back together because they had "family time" after DH had moved out.

Kids need to be secure knowing that both parents will still love and support them after a divorce but that "family" time is OVER

Texas_Pete's picture

You should be invited too,, divorced mommie and daddy should stop pick-nicking like theres nothing wrong.. Talk about sending mixed signals to a child..

hippiegirl's picture

I totally agree.....I would throw an absolute fit if my DH wanted to hang out with his ex! That is wrong, wrong, wrong!

christinen's picture

I definitely do not think this is appropriate. It gives the kids the impression they are all one big happy family when they are not. Kids should understand the reality of the situation and not live in a fantasy world.

serena28's picture

Absolutely not. They are no longer a family and the child/children will continue to believe they are if this type of behavior continues. That is emotional abuse to the child because it is lying to the child who isn't old enough to have the ability to reason or understand adult relationships. That behavior is enmeshment, plain and simple. Your girlfriend needs to sit down with the daugher and explain in a way that a five year old understands, that she and the child's father are no longer a family but that the daughter and the mother is a family and the daughter and the father is another family. If your girlfriend isn't willing to do this then you need to move on and get away from her because she is not someone who cares for you or for your feelings, nor does she care about her daughter's emotional well being.

kurlos's picture

Thanks for the input. I'm probably in denial about all of this. This website has given me food for thought. Before the divorce, there had been a "family" tradition of going to the Nutcracker for Christmas...apparently my girlfriend, the daughter, and the ex are planning to go this year as a "family." I have a very intense negative emotional reaction to the idea. It feels as if she is cheating, even though I don't suspect anything between them. I really don't think I can tolerate it.

serena28's picture

You sound like you are moving out of the denial stage, actually.
"I really don't think I can tolerate it."
Yes, you must be moving out of denial or else you wouldn't even be having those types of thoughts. Sadly for you, it's apparent that going places as a "family" is more important to your girlfriend than you are to her. I sympathize with you. Back when my husband and I were dating I had to face the same situation. We had been dating three months when he told me over the phone that he would be spending Mother's Day with his ex-wife (divorced two years at the time) and their three kids. I layed down the line at that time. I told him, "Either you bring me with you or you don't go. You are not part of that family and those kids will always have the hope that you will be going back to your ex and you all will be one happy family again if you continue to spend holidays with them as a family." He made a choice, and truthfully, all of them have hated me ever since. We have been married 11 years and let me tell you, it has been one drama event after another and one hidden agenda sabotage event after another still to this day and those kids are now adults! Good thinking, kurlos, you are on the track to taking good care of yourself.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

I agree with Serena 100%.

It is NOT normal for divorced couples to do family outing IF they have new partners. Out of respect for the new partner they should NOT go.

Kes's picture

I agree with Serena. We have had occasions when NPD BM manipulated the situation so that she could be included on birthday outings for my younger SD, who is now 15. The last time she did this was 2 years ago - she turned up at the railway station where the kids were all meeting my DH and DH was too embarassed to turn her away. I didn't go of course, as I am disengaged - and my DH was too scared to tell me NPD BM had gone along. I found out several weeks later at the dinner table courtesy of SD17. I told him i was not amused and this better not happen again.

isthismylife0126's picture

I actually think there is something going on between the two of them. There is no other reason they would be doing family things if there was no emotion between them. Maybe it is not sexual at this point but they are still emotionally connected. I think it would be best for you to withdrawl yourself from this relationship as it seems your girlfriend still questions her divorce.

rockpyle's picture

When I was going through a divorce I had to attend one of those divorce classes. One of the lessons I took away from that class is once you’re a family you’re always a family. I tend to agree with that idea. I’ve been divorced for over a year now and while the time I spend with my ex-wife and children falls under “occasional” I think it’s important for both children to see their parents getting along and spending time with them.

Have you ever been married? If not, I can understand why you may feel this way. I think over the past year or so I’ve gone out with my ex-wife and kids to dinner about 10 times and have spent a couple of holiday days with them not including birthdays. Over the course of the year that’s not a lot but that is how we choose to maintain our relationship for the sake of the children. The way you stated your “have her cake” comment it sounds like you are jealous. If you are jealous of and don’t trust your girlfriend there is a completely separate issue at hand. My girlfriend understands there will be times that I spend with my ex-wife and children and she also understands there is nothing for her to worry about as that door is closed in terms of my relationship with my ex.

kurlos's picture

Thanks for your comments. Can you explain to me how you are a family with your ex-wife?

I was married--12 years. The "have her cake" refers to being divorced but, also, having a "family" with the same man she divorced. To me, once the cake has been eaten, it is,by definition, no longer there. I do not think she is cheating, but I think she is trying to maintain a family dynamic that simply cannot exist.

rockpyle's picture

My ex and I will always share our children. Our children will always share us. As parents we will always celebrate their successes and help them with their failures together whether it's in school, in sports, or in life. The way I view my life post divorce is that the relationship to my ex-wife didn't end, it only changed. Our children always will be the tie that binds so I can accept this and maintain a healthy post-marriage relationship with her or I can reject this and never let it go. Some people can't let go of the feelings.

How about another perspective. Was the marriage license and living under the same roof the only things that defined what my family is? Some may say yes but I do not accept that. I no longer live with my ex-wife nor am I legally bound to her but a legal document or a physical roof isn't what made us a family.

Edit: I'd also like to add that I think there is a different dynamic if you're actually living with your girlfriend which I am not sure if you are. If you're living with her I don't think it's right if she goes off to do family things with the ex-husband without including you.

onebright1's picture

10 dinners, a couple holidays AND birthdays with the EXfamily is on average at least once a month and Your girlfriend is gullible, not understanding.

rockpyle's picture

That's very rude and unnecessary. So you are suggesting I'm being unfaithful to my girlfriend? My children are not ex-family.

kurlos's picture

The daughter knows me as Mom's boyfriend, yes. I would almost certainly marry her, if this entire situation did not exist. Your post is reasonable, but I just can't bring myself to think of my would-be wife being part of a family with another man. Why will I want it to be okay for my wife to be part of another family? I ask sincerely. That cannot possibly be normal. It's okay if she thinks of him as a co-worker, perhaps. But, family? My wife is off with her family tonight?

I got a good one's picture

This "once a family, always a family" stuff is nonsense. Divorce is the break up of a marriage and the marriage is the foundation of the family. Once a divorce takes place, that family unit is gone, especially if they move on to new marriages. In this case, you are the boyfriend and your girlfriend is still playing family with her ex-husband. I would suggest breaking up with her and encouraging her to reconcile with her ex. It sounds like that's what they really want. And ultimately, if they are able to work it out, that is what is best for their child. Your girlfriend probably does want to have her cake and eat it too, but she needs to make a decision and stick with it. Otherwise, as other posters have pointed out, it is very confusing for the child, and it's downright disrespectful to you if you are in fact in a serious relationship. You definitely would not want to marry someone who is playing family with another man.

rockpyle's picture

It's not nonsense. A family can be defined in many different ways not limited to your world view. Cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, ect... are all family. Do you really need to have a marriage certificate and live under the same roof in order to be a family? In a divorce the only thing that really changes is where one lives and how the law views your relationship to the other. What about the couple that lives together and raises children together but never marry. Are they not a family? It would appear that according to your viewpoint they are not.

All the people saying that I'm wrong hasn't actually made a compelling argument apart from a couple's legal status, which is largely irrelevant to what makes two or more people family.

rockpyle's picture

Fools? I don't know if that's necesary. In your limited view it seems you saying saying one must be married to be a family. Most couples I know with children are not married but they are not any less family than married couples. With family there is always the tie that binds and in almost all circumstances the tie that binds are the children you have together. I'm not sure why that is so hard for people to understand. This subject is certainly not worth getting uppity over.

With that, I bow out of this dicussion. Peace.

GillyWilly's picture

It sounds like they are postponing the child getting over their breakup. Imagine how the poor child gets its hopes up each time they are together and then having her/his heart broken when they all go their separate ways! This is cruel.

I wouldn't be comfortable with the situation and was in a similar one a few backs. Needless to say we only lasted 6 weeks and the relationship never progressed!

Keep your options open..