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Last Name

Denys's picture

Hi! I was wondering how many of the dw still has dh last name? How many of you demanded dh for dw to change it? When you get married it was an issue at all or it didn't even bother you?

3terriers's picture

BM made the change on her own. Wouldn't have bothered me. To be fair, she's pretty easygoing and I can think of other more important battles to pick. That said, if it's important to you let him know.

stepsonhatesme's picture

my DH EW refuses to change her last name...she has said on more than occasion that "she was the first Mrs. X, and that all I would ever be is #2". Well, I brought it to her attention, that SHE is the EX and I'm the current Mrs. X. she got pissed, I thought it was funny.

Done WIth It's picture

Ha...yeah! "You're the mistake and made him realize life can be better...and I'm the better!"

caregiver1127's picture

YOu can not demand you DH to make his ex change her last name - that just makes you a pyscho SM - the same kind of woman that we complain about on here except it is the BM. Many exes keep their married names - I personally on the first marriage changed right back but we had no children and he cheated - but I have friends who have kept the name until the children graduated high school and then changed it back but if you marry someone and take their name they gave it to you and it is not their right to take it back. Sometimes we have to live with things we don't like but that is life!!

I would never go to my DH and demand that he make his ex-wife change her last name - do I like that she kept it not at all but at one point they were in love they got married and he gave her his name so what right do I have to make her after all these years change it back - I have no right!!

Still Have Hope's picture

Thankfully she remarried 4 weeks after their divorce, years before I was in the picture. So we haven't had that issue.

BellaMia's picture

EW still has his name and I couldn't care less. She was going to change it, but then decided not to. I think it was an attempt to irritate him (or maybe me) but I don't give a damn. She was always a wife in name only. Besides, I did not change my name. So, clearly, I'm not caught up in the whole, "I'm am Mrs. So-and-So." On some level, not changing my name to his was all that more attractive to me because I dislike her so. LOL! I didn't want to change my name (I already have one!), but I REALLY didn't want the same last name as that bitch! }:)

twopines's picture

I don't care what DH's exwife's last name is. I can't imagine demanding my husband make his exwife do anything, much less change the name she had for 20 years.

giveitago's picture

BM changes her name as soon as creditors locate her so not a real issue here...also they were not married.

RaeRae's picture

DH's exw still has his last name.... despite the fact that she married another guy 1 month after the divorce was final. Wonder what the other guy thinks about his wife using her ex husbands name.... :?

novemberm's picture

My boyfriend's ex married one month after the divorce was final, and that marriage just ended (we think-they are definitely separated). She is now using my boyfriend's last name again, which I don't think is legal. I would think that she would have to keep the new guy's name or go back to her maiden name. Rumor has it she wants my bf back, so maybe that is why.

oneoffour's picture

You can demand anything you like, but it is totally up to the people involved how they want to take your 'demand'.

I know how annoying it gets. I went to a store the other day, they ased me my last name and then which one was I,,,Dhs ex, me or my sister-in-law! Ew! Being associated with my DHs ex???

The thing is she is part of his past and I cannot remove 20 years of marriage from his braincells. Oh how I wish I could! All I know is I am his wife, he loves me and if that woman ever chose to pass herself off as me she hasn't seen anything yet!

Denys's picture

Well I ask because at least she uses her last name and after my fiances last name. Is not that it bothers me but I wanted just to have some feedback from all of you.

roseslady2's picture

BM kept DH's name after they divorced because it was WAY easier to have the same name as her kids and to have an easier name to spell... her maiden name was horrid. But, by the time that I came, BM had remarried, so no biggie for me. And I don't think it would have been. I know who he's with and it's me... not her.

MarchMom11's picture

My husband ex-wife still has his last name. It don't really bother me because I am his one and only. The only thing we have with her is a pick up schedule so considering how many different ppl have that same last name no biggie.

joanie's picture

it must be a pain in the neck to change your name.

bm in my case changed hers to the second husband's so she has that last name now.

ladyfosho's picture

After my first marriage, I never changed my name back because I really do think it is a PAIN IN THE ASS. And BM still has DH last name. Maybe someday some one will marry her and that will change. Not looking so good so far though Smile

purpledaisies's picture

My dh is the one that wanted bm to change her last name but alas she refuses. Mainly to mess with us like calling the ins and telling them she is still his wife and crap like that.

I doesn't bother me she has his name but it does bother me that she uses to her advantage and trying to screw with us.

youngmama1b1g's picture

What a weird thing to do on FB btw. Delete comments after you post them-so glad they put the name thing in there recently, so we can tag that person in the response to their stupidity. You should change your name to the real MRS too...just to piss her off.
That ring wouldve gone "missing"

alwaysanxious's picture

SO's exW got married about a year after the divorce so she has her current H last name. IF SO and I make it legal, I keep my name. I did that with my last marriage too

Auteur's picture

Even while she was ENGAGED to the Snuffleupagus, the Behemoth kept signing her name "Mrs. GG Green" on all of the school paperwork (GG being biodad's first name and "Green" being biodad's last name)

This was WELL after the divorce, too. Her reason was she (and I quote) "didn't want to CONFUSE the children!" (TM)


I've been married and divorced twice. My bios have NEVER been confused about who they are and I adopted my maiden name right after divorce.

Then again, due to the Behemoth PURPOSELY infantizing her children, I can see maybe why they'd be confused.

stepintexas's picture

That is exactly why I kept XH's last name- strictly to do with our bios. Now that I am re-married, I hyphenate. It is much more simple to keep the same last name as the kids, rather than to constantly explain my relationship to them for school and such.

GRojas's picture

I see here a lot of "I don't care, he is with me know, I'm the wife, I can't delete 20 years of his life"...seriously? are you kidding me? Like me, all of you are not happy at all with the idea of the EW still using your husband's last name. She had her time with him, she had her life with him once and it is not about her anymore!! "they were in love once" that's right ONCE back in the past!!! So it is your right to demand what should be only yours now. It is enough to have to deal with all the stupid little details that you have to go through when you marry a divorced man, yes you do it because you love him but that does not means that you have to put yourself in a place you don't like. So yes, I am demanding my husband to make the ew to get over it and change her name as she is suppose to.

seeingitfrombothsides's picture

If you are so insecure in your relationship, her last name is the least of your worries.

Oi Vey's picture

Hahahaha!! You can't make her do anything.

Look at it this way: he GAVE her his last name. A gift. It's now hers to do with what she wishes.

Let me know how this "demanding my DH to make the XW change it" goes for you. I could use a good laugh!!

PS: If you're so insecure over a NAME, why would you want to marry him??

Momto2smto2's picture

I took my new husbands name and my eh's wife took his. My dh's ew kept his name. I asked my bs11 and bs8 if they cared that we had different names. Their response "you are our mom no matter what your name is." gotta love well adjusted kids!!!

wkd_sm's picture

No, no,'s not a big deal if the ex-wife keeps the same last name, especially if she has a child. She made a legal change, to go and change it back to her maiden name (imo) would be like saying she was NEVER married, hence the word maiden. Divorcees keep the last hubby's last name.

DH's ex kept DH's last name and that is fine with me. They have SD and she never remarried. I understand that thinking because I did the same until I got remarried. BM and I will sometimes tease DH about it by referring to each other as Ms. XYZ and Mrs. XYZ. Don't sweat the small stuff. Believe me, there are real issues to deal with.