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Last name change

Ondasash's picture

So my Husbands ex wife / Baby mama signed her name on my Sd's fundraiser paper as if she was still married to my husband. When she take my SD to doctors and all she signs her name and maiden name. But on the fundraiser she signed her first name and last name as mine! I don't wanna see her last name as mine! Gross! How irritating! If you are divorced why the hell keep the same last name? I'm thinking she does this to get to me.. idk. I mean it means nothing but still I don't want to see her last name as mine. She had that chance and blew it. Anyone else deal with that?

New second wife-step-mom's picture

All of the time! You just can't let them know it irritates you.

I am hoping that one day BM will get married... probably wishful thinking tho.

Willow2010's picture

I legally changed my name back to my maiden name when I got divorced. I did, however, spend the next 7 years using my kids last name for anything to do with school. It just made it easier.

Reprise08's picture

1. Cost of changing her name.
2. Confusion with school and children over different last names.
3. It is her name, too and she is used to it.

I didn't change my last name when I got divorced. There was no reason to go back to my maiden name which was my father's, not something uniquely mine. Although the judge would have put it in the divorce decree had I chosen to change it, the effort and cost of getting it changed would have been mine. I did take my new husband's last name when I remarried but my daughters were 17 and 20 by then and old enough not to be confused by it. It took months of filling out forms and going to the Social Security offices, the bank and the DMV to get through it, not to mention changing it on every account in every office I've ever conducted business with or purchased from. If I hadn't remarried, I'd still be known by my ex's last name because it was mine for a long time and changing it was a pain. It would never have occurred to me that someone new in his life would have seen it as spiteful or deliberate.

oneoffour's picture

Probably so the school is not confused as to who she is????

My DH and his ex got a house name sign when they married "The .....'s".
He didn't take it with him when they divorced and when we call by (very rarely now as the boys are older) it is still there by the garage. It pisses me off a little but then this is also the last name she has as well as her sons. And anyway, would I want a display of my name on my house? Not really. ID theft and all, but still the Child Within still gets annoyed. But then I remember she always kept DH out of any plans because he 'isn't family'... after being married for 18 yrs. And now her house has HIS last name on it. BWAHAHAHAHA! }:)

Not_what_I_wanted's picture

I changed my name back to my 1st husbands name, after my 2nd divorce - only because its the same as my childs. Its much easier to have the same name, and that is the ONLY reason I did it. My exH didnt care.

BSgoinon's picture

It drives me nuts too, but whattaya do about it?? Nothin. I am just hoping she gets married some day. And when she gets divorced from that poor unfortunate soul DH will tell her she better not change her name back to his name. She can use her maiden name. She just wants to have the same name as SS, which I suppose I understand. It just wasn't that big of a deal to me to have the same name as my girls. They have their dad's name.... I have my husbands. It is very common nowadays.

I do have a very dear friend that actually hyphenated her middle name to include her sons last name. So now her name is "First/ Middle- Ex's last name/ NEW husbands last name". I think she is crazy. Her new husband was not crazy about it, and her EX threw a fit... but she is stubborn. That's what she wanted. LOL.

herewegoagain's picture

Crazy witch did the same...the excuse? Yep, the same as here..."cause it was my kid's last name". What a crock as far as I am concerned. I have never had my son's last name, never will. He is STILL my son. People get confused? They're stupid. Too bad.

As far as crazy witch, funny she claimed that was the reason, yet she had TWO OTHER DAUGHTERS that did NOT have the same last name as her. So, what do these mothers who keep it to have the same last name as their kids do when they have other kids with their new husband? Yes, the crazy moron ex kept my DHs last name, but her two kids with her husband had her husband's last She CLAIMS she finally changed it. I highly doubt she did legally...she probably only started using her husband's name although not even legally...

PS - DH's divorce papers specifically stated "BM WILL CHANGE HER LAST NAME" after a couple of years of her doing nothing, DH showed her the papers and told her he'd make an issue of it if she didn't change it...

TASHA1983's picture

I loathe the thought of my BF's gold digging cheating c*** XW still having his last name...and the thought of his spawn having his last name too so I am seriously debating if I just want to keep my last name that my son and I share or if I want to just hypenate it to say "mine-his" or vice versa.
My BF really wants me to take his last name but the sheer thought of having the same last name as two people I wish would fall off the face of the earth really does get to me. May sound petty or ridiculous but that is just how I feel. Oh well!!!

So...I will most likely keep my last name but obviously people will know that I am married because the ring and all should hopefully give it

Ondasash's picture

What if the BM has no custody of SD and so she doesn't even deal with school or anything. She only gets Sd every other weekend. She ordered a candle on the fundraiser and used our last name. It has nothing to do with confusion. SD knows herself BM and dad are divorced and that they have different last names. She is 11. So the school and confusion part is not the case. The BM don't even custody of any of her other kids either! So idk about her using same name for kids....

Ondasash's picture

I understand the hassle of changing as well. Didn't know they cost for that. She isn't getting to me to much but I saw that on the paper today and was like WTH! She never uses that! We have SD 24/7 so the mom never deals with anything. Idk just got me off guard for a bit. Didn't understand why she is using our last name.

RedWingsFan's picture

I agree 100% with this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I'm just glad DH's ex hyphenated his last name with her maiden name when they got married. When they divorced, she simply dropped his last name. Now it's all MINE! HA

Ondasash's picture

Funblendfam understands! Lol. That's my point. Why would anyone wanna keep the same name as their ex? Even if it was for the kids...what if they re marry???? Their name changes and the kids don't!!! So yep! Lame excuses. I'm not killing myself over it. I'm just curious as to why when u are divorced!!!! U are not married anymore. I understand alot of ppl have same names in phone books. But that's different. They weren't all married to same ppl either. Anyways...thanks for the comments! They were all good and informative. Funblendfam I totally agree with u!

Spaf1025's picture

Yeah bugs me too. Dh's ex has no reason to keep his last name as she has hardly any contact with SD and it's been 7yrs since they got divorced.

Ondasash's picture

Right. My SO has been divorced for 8 years. BM is now seeing SD since i'm in the pic. So there was no need to keep the last name and she uses her maiden name all the time except this time.?.

Erin005's picture

To all those saying its too much of a hassel to change your name back, you didn't find it to be too much of a hassel to change it the first time did you!!

As for having the same name as the kids, well thats understandable, but its not about the kids being confused, its about YOU not wanting a different name to them. And what happens when you remarry? Are you going to keep exh name?? I'm sure new husband will be thrilled with that! And any new kids??

My mother didn't change her name back after her and my father divorced. I always found it weird and even embarrasing that she was clinging to this idea of us all being one family. It was especially wierd when we would see my fathers family. She still has it even though we are all adults now and she has a SO.

The bm in the posters case seems to be trying to ruffle some feathers. She has already gone through the BIG HASSEL of changing her name back but then signs it as exh's on a peice of paper shes knows him and the poster are going to see.

smartone's picture

Yeah, I'm kinda shakin my head at this whole discussion. I divorced 5 years ago and still have my married name. Not because I like it, but because I am my kids' mom and I'd like to share that with them! Not to mention, what does it tell the kids when the mom changes last names? I actually thought it really weird that my bf's exw went back to her maiden name when they had such young children in school. Additionally, if you have used your last name professionally/publicly for years, it just invites people into your personal life if your last name changes (or changes back). Who wants to keep answering, "oh, did you get married/divorced?" To each her own. Move on to things that matter.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

I agree, it is ridiculous!!!!! I still have my married name and nobody cares.My SO's ex still has his, I couldn't care less!As smartone mentions, it is not only for the kids , but also for business and other purposes...give me one real reason why I should change it!

doll faced sm's picture

I once overheard a conversation between my step-mom and her mom about this. Step-gma retained her married last name, too. Her reasoning was this: She married ex-h when she was 16; he divorced her when she was almost 50! She had been a [married last name] over twice as long as she'd been a [maiden name], and had long ago stopped considering herself a [maiden name].

Ondasash's picture

Well i'm not letting it rule my life. It isn't that huge of a burden but at the same time I don't want her name as mine. She is divorced now. No point of keeping it. Everyone has their own opinion on this. I don't think one should criticize the other for either being okay with this or not being okay with it. I am not okay with it never will be but if that's the name she wants...which it isn't her name b/c she already switched bck to her maiden, she just uses our last name for some odd reason, then it is what it is. It isn't just for kids sake! My son and I have different names now since I married. Idk I guess Some of these reasons on here are just fake. But I am no one to judge. I appreciate the comments. I love this site. It really helps me! But my life is still fine hypovic whether I hate the last name of her or not. It has nothing to do with life. Just onions or thoughts of ones mind.

rosie33's picture

I used to feel the same way as far as the exw dropping the last name, I was adament about doing everything we could to get her to do it but it's like my BF explained, anyone can change their name legally to whatever they want. You can't tell a person they can't so there was nothing we can do. Also, my boys have my last name, not their father's and I'm super proud of that. MY family helped me raise them ( I was very young) and I want them to carry my family name on. So on that note, as much as I can't stand the exw, I get why she would want to keep the same name as her kids, bc I feel the same. We don't plan on getting married and honestly, even if we did, idk that I'd want to take his name and not have the same as my boys. It's different for everyone and I understand why an ex would want to keep it.

Ondasash's picture

I understand. But ... the exW of my SO doesn't have custody of SD. She has 2 other boys and has no custody of them either. All the kids have different last names. They all took the fathers last name. So in my case the ExW didn't use our last name for her kids sake. She don't even use our last name usually. She uses her maiden but for some odd reason she used our last name on the order form she signed. Honestly I don't care but I do care if I have to see it in my face. Lol. I was just curious on others thoughts. If I was ExW with kids I might would keep the last name but then again... I might not. Idk. Not in the situation like that but I do understand u all. Lol