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age appropriate physical affection?

forever2's picture

Have you lived with a super-clingy, over-affectionate boy skid? If so, at what age does this behaviour change? Please tell me they outgrow it! My skid is 11, much closer to 12. He is overly physically affectionate with my BF. I was a child once, and I observed peers. I observe lots of kids now, and this is not what I see from other pre-adolescent boys. Skid wants to sit not only by, but ON BF, and he is 100 pounds. He still wants to hold his hand in public. Boys I knew at that age would be mortified to be caught holding dad's hand. He contantly hangs on BF, like a weird extended hug. Its embarrassing in public. He won't go to bed without being tucked in. I have been waiting for two years for the hormones to kick in and for him to stop. He is in junior high now. How long can it continue. I just want to see some emotional maturation and some approach toward adulthood.

StillSearching's picture

My BFs son is turning 15 next month and he will still lay his legs over my BFs when we are watching a movie. Sometimes he will even lay his head over my BFs legs and fall asleep. My cousin who is 14 is still very clingy to my Aunt and Uncle, they just now started to get him to stop. My BF will ask him to get off him or move away from him when he does it for very long. Then you get boys like my brother who was never clingy on my mom so I think it just depends on the kids.

StillSearching's picture

I would say that maybe once a boy is sexually active with a girl then it would stop but I am not sure.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Umm. My case might be different but no, my own BK did not hold dad's hand past 6 years old. (independent spirit though)

Unfreakingreal's picture

MY BS13 is affectionate with ME INDOORS. He won't let me kiss him in public and God forbid I call him Pookie in front of anybody his head will spin. But he is VERY affectionate with his dad. I think because he hardly sees him he lets his dad hug him in public and he'll lay with him and watch tv and hug him. I think it's their way to connect with their dads. Let him be physically affectionate. Once he gets older he'll stop it on his own.

DaizyDuke's picture

My SS 11.5 will tell my DH that he loves him ("luv ya") but that is the extent of it! There is no kissing, laying on the couch together, holding hands etc. But we have a friend who has a 13 year old son and they have a totally different relationship. They came over once to watch a football game at our house and son was laying on dad's lap, and my DH actually commented about he thought that was kind of strange.. that he could never see SS doing that!

I guess to each their own??

RaeRae's picture

I think it's great that father/son can show affection to each other. Some dads don't want to raise pansies and discourage this behavior. I agree with above poster... once he becomes interested in affection with girls, dad probably won't get as many hugs or as much cuddle time.

CowGirl's picture

It depends on your BF. Your BF is the one who needs to set boundaries, teach rules, help him grow into a man.

My BF was also like this. My BF thought it was great that they were close - i thought it was strange. I have 3 older brothers & they were NOT like that with my dad. At 13 - SS was still laying with BF & sometimes BF was spooning with him on the couch. They held hands everywhere (fingers interlocked) & at 13 SS was about 5'4-5'5 so he didn't look "little". He would still - actually still does give SS a kiss (on the lips)& hug goodnight.

One day at a park i was sitting about 3 ft from BF and we were watching the kids. BF says - look & tilts his head to the right. I said yeah - a group of guys.(they were gay) He says yeah - but look. I said yeah - they are holding hands -- looks just like you & SS!!! Then i just kept looking at the kids & felt him staring at me. After that he had a talk with SS about needing to have more independence and less hand holding & it got better.SS was 13.5 at the time. Even SD & BD thought it was strange & they looked like a couple.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

My ss13 still likes to cuddle with daddy *roll me eyes*. But he only does it when ds4 starts to cuddle with daddy. Ss will be in one couch and dh on another. Ds goes to lay by daddy and whoosh! There foes ss to lay down with dh too. Sometimes ss sees ds heading toward dh and ss gets there first just to make ds mad. And yes, ds is mine and dh's son. So in my case I think it is territorial, like 'he was my dad first'.