Kids vs Pets
OK - now to begin, I'm not the crazy type of pet owner that dresses up my animals or treats them as humans...but I do love them and want to do 'right' by here goes the vent
In living with SO and his two children (EOW) I choose to participate. I make sure the SS4 goes potty, I change SS3 diapers, I sing bedtime songs, I cook dinner (and not just cold hotdogs that SO usually provides)....however I come with a couple of 'bags' too..namely a dog and a cat. The dog is 7 is a mutt and has the best personality you can imagine in a dog. He is 65lbs of loving...the cat...ummmm well...he loves me...and that's about as good as it gets Anyway...long story short, 3rd floor apartment, dog gets put on steroids for a couple weeks (for his paw) which makes him need to go out like every couple of hours...I realize that he is 'my' dog and that I am responsible for him, but could SO really not offer to take him down stairs a couple of times?
He has a schedule that he goes out at 6am (he wakes me up right as the alarm clock is going off) and he has to go at 10pm (right when I go to bed)...the times in between are somewhat 'negotiable' (as in whenever he starts whining really loudly):) Last night I playfully asked if SO would take him down before bed...and he laughs and says "No, I don't think so" I really really really am tempted to wait for Friday night to roll around and when the kids want to eat, pee, go to bed, etc...say "No, I don't think I want to do that tonight"....
I know...that is silly and childish...but I get so aggravated that he doesn't see the connection..again..I know they are animals and his children are his own flesh and blood, but for me (after 12 years of infertility...)my pets are my children..and he doesn't seem to have the same feeling of wanting to 'participate''s kind of sad to me...
I can definitely see how
I can definitely see how you'd be tempted to do that, but the passive-aggressive approach is generally not a good idea for a long-term relationship. Can you take the direct, mature approach and sit down with him calmly sometime today or tomorrow, and tell him exactly what you told us here? You do a lot for his kids, and you would love it if he could help with your dog the way you help with his children?
If he sees what you're saying and is mature, my guess is that he'll say, "Wow, you know, you're right. I'm sorry." And then he'll start helping out with your dog and appreciate more what you do with the kids.
If he has another reaction... well, then you've got an issue on your hands.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
Unfortunately, I did tell
Unfortunately, I did tell him this last night when I came to bed after taking the dog out. He said that he has taken the dog out before (I've been here 3 weeks and he has taken him out 3 times
). He doesn't seem to understand my feelings that sometimes I just want his help..I tried the approach of asking him if when he had his children if he really thought to himself that he would have to do it all alone...that I was certain that he thought when he had them that he and the wife would do it 'together'.
Then asked him how he felt when I said I would move in with him. Probably a little sigh of relief, knowing that he would have a partner. Someone to help with potty training, and bedtime rituals, and cooking, etc. As we all know, it's hard to do it all by yourself.
So then I tried to say, it was the same way with my pets. I got them when I was married with the knowledge that it would take two to work together to 'raise' them. After the divorce, I learned to do it all alone, but that when I decided to move in, I had a little sigh of relief knowing that I would have a partner to help with the pets again. Someone to every now and again take the dog out to go to the bathroom, or put food in his bowl in the mornings....
But I don't think he got the connection
Maybe I am expecting too much out of one man...ha ha ha...and my examples, never quite hit the mark 
Well, then, frankly he is
Well, then, frankly he is being an a-hole.
Since you tried the mature way, I do suggest that you do what you said. This weekend, disengage from doing any work for the kids. If and when he asks you to, say, "I've made dinner for them before." And other phrases he used with you as his excuse not to help you with your dog.
This, I think, is one of those moments that will tell you what you can expect out of this man for the rest of your relationship with him. I'd be thinking seriously about whether he is the right one.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
I am a stepmom to four kids
I am a stepmom to four kids with none of my own and will not be having any. I have two cats that think I am their mother. They follow me everywhere. I spoil them and they are my babies. I talk to them all the time and my husband actually gets jealous(although he won't admit it but his comments say otherwise). He would say things to me about them getting away with everything or criticizing things that I do for them. What I do is turn it around and put his kids in the same situations and how he handles them and he does realize that I am right. I flat out told him that these are the only kids I am going to have and they actually feel like my own (no I am not a wacko)He gets it, and he hasn't criticized me since. He knows they light up my day.
I too, am a crazy cat mommy.
I too, am a crazy cat mommy. I love my cat more than BF sometimes
He doesn't go out of his way to help, but he'll make sure he's fed if I'm going to be late. I do have to ask him to scoop the poop but he'll do it with no problems.
I don't think it's unfair of you to ask him to participate but I can also see how he doesn't "get" it. Maybe if you phrase it in such a way that it would be helping YOU, he'd be more apt to help you out sometimes.
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
i have two skids and none of
i have two skids and none of my own....... i came into the realtionship with an angel girl kitty that pretty much only loves me.... and thank goodness dh accepted her (even though he was so NOT a cat person at the time -- we have 2 now and 4 dogs) otherwise it would have been a deal killer...
since you have already taken the high road as belle advised.... do what you said and when his baggage shows up friday let him take care of them all by his self..... in fact at dinner time, go in the kitchen like usual and instead of making skids dinner, make yourself a martini and take your dog for a walk....
i would be freaking fuming right now if dh did that to me & my kitty....
I am a mommy to both dogs
I am a mommy to both dogs and cats....those guys are my kids! DH and Princess actually get jealous of the attention I give my fur babies. The thing is, the animals are 10 times for likeable and lovable lol.
I guess what bothers me about your post is it makes me feel like your SO is taking you for granted. It is not your place to mommy his kids, but you do it out of love for HIM. You are doing all the extra work of being a mommy, but he can't even take the dog to pee? How is that fair? Now I could see him having a problem if you never took the dog out, but if you are sharing the child duties, he can share the pet duties. This issue isn't about the Skids at all. To me, it is about courtesy and doing things to help your partner and make them happy because you love them. He isn't sharing your burden or doing anything to help lighten your load. If if were you, every single time there was a diaper to be changed, I would hand him HIS kid, and you take YOUR kid outside to go pee. When he looks at you and asks if you are going to change the diaper, I would give him his quote back, "No, I don't think so". Not trying to be a bitch, but this behavior needs to be nipped in the bud.
LOL, Crayon, me too! I do
LOL, Crayon, me too! I do have to admit my DH is wonderful with my two furbabies. He plays with them, feeds them, looks after them & even shares his snacks with them. Whenever we grill out, DH always grills them something, too. He's even been looking for lifejackets for them so they can go on the boat with us this summer!
(Meow) I'd rather marry a
I'd rather marry a man with two pets..........;-)
so true!!!
so true!!!
My BF tricked me into loving
My BF tricked me into loving him!!! He had a mini yorkshire who needed a mommy!! LOL
Seriously, though, I only found out about the kids and the XXX a few weeks later boooooo!!
You said it. Why couldn't
You said it. Why couldn't mine have had two dogs instead of two kids?
If I ever were to get divorced and had to date, the first question would be "Do you have kids?"
Any yes answers would be immediate rejects.
If no, then next question, "Do you want any?"
If yes, immediately reject.
If no, then next one would be "Do you love dogs?"
If yes, those would be the keepers.
Ugh and "HISS"....Anyone who
Ugh and "HISS"....Anyone who does not like cats would not like me. They are like 1st cousins to me and actually have been my entire life.
Smart, fiesty, and ever so loving. Just don't "rub" their fur the wrong way!
BTW: Legend has it that cats see much farther into other realms than humans normally do. Ever see a cats eyes light up while looking around and over your head?
This thread has kept a smile
This thread has kept a smile on my face all day! I could not agree the men with pets and NO KIDS!!! Hind sight is truly 20/20....I have 2 furbabies(dogs) that I adore! When I hear SS yelling at them for being excited about his presence at the house (which is more than I can say for myself) I want to choke him! Or he'll get them riled up and then whine because they want him to my other SS LOVES them! He could care less if they jump all over him and lick him in the face. He lays in the floor with them and lets them lay all over him.
if i ever saw skids kicking
if i ever saw skids kicking or shoving my angels it would be all i could do not to beat the shit out of them.....
You are dead on!!! My big
You are dead on!!! My big baby has gotten me through so much and IS MY KID. I can honestly say that if my dog did not come in my life 1 year ago, I would have not gotten through this first year of my marriage. I often tease my husband and tell him that I am scared to have a child of my own because I don't know if I will love it as much as the dog, lol!!!
"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus
I comfort myself with my pet
I comfort myself with my pet and I have a kid! lol he forces me to seek solace and comfort from creatures that don't talk back:)
We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin
My pets are the reason I'm
My pets are the reason I'm not divorced. I wouldn't have made it without them.
Thanks everyone for the
Thanks everyone for the replies
They have definetly put a smile on my face today! I love my pets (even when I get mad at them
) I think they keep me sane...well...sort of...
SO says he likes the dog and says he wants to have a couple of our own dogs someday..but he really just isn't the type to get down and roll around with my Boonie dog and play..he is much more the kind that is ready to throw a ball once or twice then kind of be 'over it'...which makes me think twice about getting other dogs in the future...just not sure that he actually wants the dogs or just likes the 'idea' of a dog...
My 2 cents - Step back from
My 2 cents - Step back from caring for the step-kids.
If you’ve told him how you feel and he still doesn’t get it, then let your actions speak for you.
I brought 2 dogs (and no children) into our relationship and he brought 2 kids. I take care of the dogs, I feel like if I wasn’t in this relationship then it would be all on me anyway. And my fur-babies know who’s #1. They follow me around and ignore DH and the boys.
DH was raised with cats but I’m allergic (so is SS8) so having dogs was totally foreign to him when we first got together. Early in our relationship he said something to me about my 2 dogs being a pain and I said, “You’ll always have 2 kids and I’ll always have 2 dogs. If you can’t handle that then this won’t work.”
Since we’ve been together I’ve lost 2 dogs, adopted a 3 y.o. rescue and we recently adopted a puppy. (BTW - We had to get a puppy because DH wanted the boys to have the experience.) I’m still the primary dog/puppy caretaker BUT DH will help me out whenever I ask. And when I had to put down the 2, he was with me and he was just as heartbroken as I was. We were both crying fools leaving the vet clinic.
In fact over the years he’s been helping out more and more with the dogs. When we did obedience classes with the puppy DH was the one that did all the training in class, I sat and watched. The boys do very little when it comes to helping out with the dogs. But then the dogs reciprocate by not wanting to play with the boys, which makes the boys mad, but oh well
DH and I keep telling them that it they fed and walked the dogs once in awhile the dogs would play with them.
Maybe it’s just a slow learning curve with your SO. Stepping back from helping take care of his kids may speed up the process.
Oh and here’s a funny for you –
When DH then my BF started spending the night my dog wouldn’t let him into bed until I said it was okay. I thought it was funny, DH not so much. DH started talking about no dogs in bed blah, blah, blah…I set him straight though I told DH “Listen Fido and I have been together for 12 years and you and I have been together for less than a year, so technically Fido has more rights to my bed than you do.” DH just laughed and let it go.
-Henry Kaiser
That is too funny lol. DH
That is too funny lol. DH used to say I loved the dog more than him...I always responded "But I've known him longer!"
Now that the serious
Now that the serious rough-patch has been smoothed over between BF and myself, we joke about who is the dog's mother...him or me. I told him he can be the dog's mother since I already checked and I wouldn't get any CS for the "baby" lol
Then he said, "OK, you'll be the father...start paying up!" BATCH!!
I too plead the fifth...I am
I too plead the fifth...I am going to jump in a lake to save my amazing big yellow dog before I jump in to save ANYONE else...hahaha!
If you change his freaking 3 year olds diapers and make sure his 4 year old goes to the bathroom - he can take your dog out once or twice a day!!!
same here, skids or my pets
same here, skids or my pets (anybody's pets for that matter) the pets are getting saved first....... and only probably.....
wonder if you can get in trouble for that??
no shit, crayon!
no shit, crayon!
I'm lucky when it comes to
I'm lucky when it comes to this. DH has 2 sons and I had a boy German Shep (who is my world). My dog is my baby and I told him that upfront. I got him with my ex-H who ended up abusing him at the end of the relationship (trust me Ex-h got his for kicking the dog....grrr!). As crazy as it sounds, I said I'm a package deal like you. I'm not giving my dog up b/c he doesnt go with YOUR rountine. I've never expected DH to take care of him and he's never expected me to care for his kids. It just happened. DH cares for the dog, he lets him out, feeds him, plays with him, etc. But I do the same for his kids. I refer to him as Daddy and my dog goes running straight to him. It's definately a joint effort!! My dog had to have surgery and we didnt have the money and DH looked at me and said we'll find the money and we did. He knows how much my dog means to me and I know how much his kids mean to him.
Yes they are pets but in my house, my pet is also my family. His kids love the dog, my DH loves the dog and I love them all!!
I made my BF read this! NO
I made my BF read this! NO more of this it's your dog crap! He actually responded quite well, and acknowledged that his double standards are wrong, and they need to change. I love him, and YOU for posting this and making me rethink it!