Fur Babies
I've noticed a lot of folks mentioning their pets.
Let's talk about something we all love. Our animals.
What kind of pet do you have and what is something really cute they do.
I have three dogs and a cat.
The two little dogs are Mini Schnauzers, and our bigger dog is a Sheltie
I like to scoop my little baby up and say, "Let mommy give you smooches" and kiss him all over his neck. So now he has gotten into this thing where he gets on the bed in the morning and lays his neck right on my mouth. I then give him tons of kisses and his tail wages a thousand miles per hour.
My second little boy will randomly run over and jump up on my lap and give a couple of licks and then run back off. It's like his running over and saying Hi and running back off to play.
The cat follows us on our walks every time. He thinks he's a dog.
The Sheltie doesn't do much except eat and sleep.
- Ninji's blog
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LOL, yeah our bigger dog, the
LOL, yeah our bigger dog, the Sheltie, isn't allowed on the furniture, but every morning when I wake up...Guess who is fast asleep on the couch.
LMAO - my younger boy - a
LMAO - my younger boy - a mini black panther called Harley - he follows us on walks. SO many times I have to return him to the house... I lock him indoors before we go anywhere if I can find him otherwise he sneaks along behind us which is not good if we're going far!
The older boy, Ziggy Stardust (lol) - is a big bundle of black and white fluff. He used to walk us to the bus stop in the mornings back where we used to live (much smaller village in a very rural area in another state) the kids would get the school bus 18km to school every day, and Zig would walk down with us in the mornings.
They are my baby boys, Harley was the one who jumped on the back of my chair the other night causing me to lose a good half a glass of scotch... He is the most beautiful creature - pure black and sleek with enormous green eyes. Stunning.
I don't think I've every seen
I don't think I've every seen a Labradoodle. How big is she?
I would be so bored if I
I would be so bored if I didn't have my animals. When my first schnauzer was just a puppy he would go lay belly up next to the cat and wait for the cat to jump on him. They will still lay belly up next to each other to get attention.
Tri-pawed is my angle dog!
Tri-pawed is my angle dog! His is a three legged Australian Shepherd mix. I’m extremely over protective of him. I yell at DH when he simply calls him names lol. I love it when he gets all excited because then his entire butt wiggles (he’s missing one of his back legs). I have a toy poodle as well. I call her my pogo poodle because we people come over she gets all excited and jumps up and down like she’s on a pogo stick.
We have 2 dogs - an Olde
We have 2 dogs - an Olde English Bulldogge and a lab. They are absolute loves until someone tries to come into our house without knocking. Then they turn into raging 80 pound beasts. My lab is way more active than the Bulldogge and will annoy him when they're in the back yard to the point where the Bulldogge will escape the yard, run to the front of the house and scratch at the door to come in lol.
We also have two cats.one is mostly blind and is currently very pathetic with a cone of shame on following his latest eye surgery. The other one is sweet as can be but pretty dumb, except when it comes to mouse hunting.
Too cute. I had a Puggle
Too cute. I had a Puggle with my EX. He had to sleep in a separate room though because he snored soooo loud.
She's after your soul?! Lol.
She's after your soul?! Lol. I have the perfect book for you
Although I wish we could have a cat
But SS12 would suddenly burst into flames if he enters a house that has a cat in it.
i have a squirrel. he thinks
i have a squirrel. he thinks dh and i are his 'trees'. if dh has him loose when i get home, or if i've been in the bedroom for a while, as soon as i step into the living room he flies at me spread-eagle like he's going "MOOMMM!!!!!"
he hides acorns in the collar of my shirt.
he sleeps with us, under the covers down by our feet. and sometimes even falls asleep in one of our pockets.
BUT - my real furbaby is my dog. on weekend mornings, he'll get up and come over to my side of the bed where he'll put his front paws on the side of the bed and nose at me until i wake up. he loves to give me hugs (he did that from the very moment i met him!). and if i'm crying he'll sniff my tears, and he can tell what emotion is causing the crying- if i'm crying cuz i'm hurting emotionally, he'll lean up on me and put his head on me. <3
Too cool a squirrel. And your
Too cool a squirrel.
And your dog sounds like a sweetie.
lol he eats just about
lol he eats just about anything, or at least he tries to! he eats some dry dogfood, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, all types of nuts and veggies, and fruits (except citrus).
he doesnt hide our stuff, just his food. in his big cage, he'll use the sawdust to cover it up- he scrapes, then pats it down. he does the same thing when he hides nuts in my collar!!! i guess instincts just make him go through the motions
he hides them in the couch cushions, in jacket pockets or hoods that are hung up, under pillows, places like that. it's so funny when we accidently discover a secret stash!!
We have rescued two cats, one
We have rescued two cats, one is black with yellow eyes. The Kitty. The second one is younger and is a Siamese Tabby X. That one is Stormy. They are similar in many ways but so so different in others. Kitty is more of a diva and Stormy is more of the pleaser. Kitty hates car rides. Stormy loves them.
Stormy has some issues but of course SHE'S not aware of that! She has one eye that is crossed and one is straight. She tends to not be able to see things well if it is dark. The Kitty figured this out early on and uses it to her advantage. Stormy acts a lot like a dog. She follows us around EVERYWHERE and likes to lick you. She absolutely LOVES television and computer screens. She will come in early in the morning and start knocking things on the floor to wake us up (she cannot meow - well, she does but no sound comes out at all). Then when we turn the light on, she will go down to the foot of the bed and wait for the television to get turned on. She will twitch her tail with excitement when we come home or wake up in the morning.
The cutest thing to me was when we played The Walking Dead for the first time and when the zombies were coming, she started running away, then stopped, then stood up on her hind legs like a gopher. Whenever TWD episodes start, she runs to the doorway and stays there peeking around the corner. It was like she WANTS to see it but is too scared to be right in front of it!
We used to have a Sheltie. Smartest dog I ever had by far. I miss him so much. Rascal and his cat buddy, Kit, too. All my animals tend to be rescues, as were they. Kit was saved by the veterinarian I used to work for. Some couple had run a half grown Himalayan kitten over the head and brought her in. The vet saved her life but she was blind in one eye and snorted when she got excited. She would also walk/run in circles but our theory was it was because of her one blind eye. Very smart in a Rainman kind of way.
My DH has promised that we can rescue another dog to complete our animal herd. But not until we get our permanent home.
That's too far away for this impatient dog lover! Then again, he has expressed an interest in getting a chameleon or something as well. And wants fish...
That's funny. None of our
That's funny. None of our animals pay any attention to the TV. They spend most of their time wrestling or sleeping.
I would love to have another dog but SO said he would leave me if I brought another animal into the house, not sure if he's kidding. If I had a large home with a lot of land, I would have a couple more dogs.
Yeah, Stormy is VERY
Yeah, Stormy is VERY technologically inclined. She loves my smartphone. She has found out how she makes the sleeping computer come on so she can watch the screensaver. She's even figured out how to do a couple of things on the computer that I had a hard time changing back. And I am in IT! She's also managed to shut it off a couple of times. She knows that if she walks on the printer in a certain way, it will start "screaming", trying to send a fax. LOL Little shithead.
My theory is her one eye being wonky makes television and computer screens appear 3D to her
Wow, Great set of balls you
Wow, Great set of balls you have.
It's so amazing you were able to save your cat. I don't understand people that abuse animals.
Friends of mine had to leave their dog with an acquaintance for about a year because they were living in an apartment. Another friend witnessed this acquaintance punching one of the dogs (they had several I guess) in the back of the head. My friends dog had when neck problems when they got it back until it died just a few months ago. I'm sure this guy was abusing all the animals in the house.
When I bought the place I am
When I bought the place I am currently (temporarily) residing in, the asshole who sold it to me told me and my friend about how he had to kick the crap out of his dogs with steel toed boots on to make them mind.
I wished I would have had the balls that Echo has and took those poor dogs away from him. All the (hollow) doors also had punch holes in them. Anger issue much? Worst part was he has a young wife who was pregnant and they also had a 4 year old girl. I shudder to think what that household is like....
Our dogs go crazy with that
Our dogs go crazy with that commercial too. I keep telling them it's not our door but they won't listen.
I have a 13 year old teacup
I have a 13 year old teacup yorkie who is blind and bumps into everything. He weighs in at exactly 2lbs 12oz. I've had him since he was 4 weeks old. He's been more faithful than any man I've ever been involved with. Yes. I carry him in my purse. Yes. I've snuck him to the office where he has slept in a drawer. Yes. I dress him up because it gets cold and he shivers and damnit.. its cute. I recently got a little halo that goes around his head so now the halo sustains the bumps! His name? Mike Tyson. Oh and Iron Mike likes it when I go to the Starbucks drive-thru because they give him a lid filled with whip cream!! Pretty much is the cutest dog every born.
Aww..We take our older mini
Aww..We take our older mini schnauzer treat or treating with us every year. I put costumes on him but that only last a couple minutes before he finds away out.
We have four American
We have four American Bulldogs. They are all my babies, but the big male decided just days after he was born (in my living room floor) that he was mine and I was his. If I leave the shelter where the humans normally congregate, he is right there on my heels. If I go outside the fence without my big metal suit (the truck) he vocally objects. He will start off trying to "talk" me out of it and end up crying or barking. Then he sits there at the fence trying to figure out how to get over it in case I need him. He is such a support to me emotionally. I never doubt that I am his favorite person in the whole wide world and no stepdaughter in the world can push me out of my rightful place in his heart. Makes me wonder why I have a DH when I have my big beautiful bulldog<3
We have a 10 month old orange
We have a 10 month old orange tabby. Full of personality and kisses. If you're in my house and crying..you will have a cat on your chest washing away those tears. He doesn't approve of anyone being sad, angry, or hurt so he will jump through hoops to make you smile if that what it takes.
Call me a loner but my cat is my best friend. I tell him everything, he acts like he "gets it" then he wants to play. Sort of hard to remain upset if you're animal knows how to redirect you. I keep trying to tell DH that our cat is bugging me for a dog of his own. I just don't want my cat to feel alone when were gone-shhh.
My cat does some tricks, his favorite game, is fetching. He will fetch until he needs to lay down. I recently trained him to fetch nerf gun bullets. He has a hard time seeing the bullet fly past him but he wants to and he keeps trying!
His name is Tarzan. I swear that he lives up to his name too. One minute he looks like he is sound asleep and the next thing you know, there is a cat on your head slowly sliding down as he's trying to hang on. Toddlers are his favorite. He can easily grab onto them and he isn't bothered when/if they grab him by the fur.
When I pick him up and tell him "give mama some luvin", he starts giving me kisses on my chin. Yup he has me wrapped around his little paws and he knows it.
That's awesome! The Kitty is
That's awesome! The Kitty is really my DH's cat. She can tell when he gets (too) excited. She will start "bitching" at him. Usually it is when a NASCAR race is on. LOL She's almost always bitching towards the end of them.
Aww adorable! Cats sure seem
Aww adorable! Cats sure seem to pick up on emotions..the story of your hubby's cat made me giggle.
She is a good dog. We don't
She is a good dog. We don't need a leash when we walk her and she listens very well. One day, before we got the third dog, the Sheltie and our older mini schnauzer decided to dig out from under the fence while we were at work. MS was running around the neighborhood and our Sheltie was sitting by the front door.
I love that my cat thinks
I love that my cat thinks he's a dog. I don't even have a litter box. He goes outside with the dogs.
We have 4 Ragdoll cats - 3
We have 4 Ragdoll cats - 3 girls & a boy.They each have their little quirks & I wouldn't trade them for the world.They rush to the door to greet me when I get home,they curl up next to me in bed & their purring is so soothing.The male is the super chatty one & is also partial to a game of fetch.Girl 1 has an evening ritual where she races upstairs to our bedroom & perches herself on the bedside table & meows for a glass of water (it must be a tall one),girl 2 always rolls on her back & wants her tummy rubbed & girl 3 is the bossiest but the smallest.Can't imagine my life without them.They come when they are called & listen when being told "no" -unlike certain others in this household!
I have two cats (or kippies
I have two cats (or kippies in Echo-terms :)).
My male cat is 16 and a huge lover-boy, noodle-boy (when you pick him up, he goes limp in your arms like a spaghetti noodle). When I was living on my own and traveling, I would board my cats at a Cat Hotel and the employees there referred to him as their Hugga Bear.
The female came from H. Though she was with H and skid for a while before we met, she bonded with me when we were all living together. Even more so when H and I separated and I had the cats with me. She is not so loving as demented. When people ask what kind of cat she is, I tell them she's half Maine Coon, half demon.
But one of the things that cracks me up is when the male baits the female. She'll be sleeping somewhere and he will creep up on her and slowly, very slowly and quietly reach out with his pimp paw until he's hovering over her back. And he will stand there like that until her kitty senses makes her realize there is a problem. She'll wake up, see him and hiss. That is when he gives her the 10 slap pimp paw treatment and runs away.
He's such an adorable little shit.
LOL! I love kitty biscuits!
LOL! I love kitty biscuits! My male kitty would do that to my neck every night and put me to sleep. My female kitty would hit me on my cheek every morning to wake me up...I didn't need an alarm.
After I lost them I had to learn how to go to sleep on my own, and had to start using an alarm to wake up!
I have two adorable rescue
I have two adorable rescue cats, both eight years old. My boy is half Maine Coon and my girl is a tabby. They're both super fat and have been on diet food for a year. They refuse to exercise, so they're still fat.
My boy thinks he's dog. He waits by the door for us all to get home. He fetches (when he's so inclined). Big Boy likes beef jerky, but only Jack Link's Original. And he only gets one tiny piece on special occasions.
My girl is super shy and will slink away and hide if anyone comes to the house who doesn't live there. My mom didn't believe me when I said my cat has normal length legs, because she's only seen her slink away on her belly! My little girl likes coffee. She's a weirdo.
DH is allergic to cats, but they were part of my package deal. If I had to put up with his monster children, he could put up with my cats! They don't come in the bedroom and we have hardwood floors, so they really don't bother him. His evil spawn were much more troublesome.
"They refuse to exercise, so
"They refuse to exercise, so they're still fat." Hehe...just like me, well, I'm not really fat, but I'd like to get in better shape.
I love chunky kitties!