Last names staying the same
Does it bother anyone else that their SO ex still has their last name? My DH ex wife is a lesbian and she keeps his last name.. It bothers me, and quite honestly embarresses me that we now have the same last name. I wish she would change her name. She is not married to him any longer and I feel like she shouldnt have his name? Does anyone else feel this way?
I don't have that situation
I don't have that situation because BM and DH were never married, but if it did it would bother me. I should be the only one.
Sometimes tho, people keep it out of convenience. It was a pain in the ass to change my name and if I had my married name for a long time, I might not feel like changing it back either.
~*~I'm THE wife. Not wifey or wife material or #2. THE WIFE~*~
I understand where you are
I understand where you are coming from. My Dh's ex did not keep his name, however I did when I got divorced. I wanted to keep the same last name as my child. Easier for my son, easier for school purposes etc. And I have it still, as my middle name. I dont like hyphenated names. I see how it would bother you though. I guess I never thought of it from the new wifes perspective. Hmm?
I actually still use my exes
I actually still use my exes last name. Mainly because I am too lazy to go and change it right before I get married to fiance and have to change it again. But also because I spent 10 years with this name. It is who I am to most people. It would be confusing for me to go back to a name most people I know now didn't know existed. I can't wait til I get my fiance's name though!
On the other side of that though BM still uses the email address she had with fiance's last name and it bothers me a LOT....mostly because they were never married in the first place. She didn't earn that name.
If I thought BM would ever
If I thought BM would ever change her name it would be different I think, but she is gay and she has no plans on changing her name.. It bugs the piss out of me.. When he goes to his daughters school they all think he is still married to HER because of the names, and I get embarressed because when I go for anything involving SD they look at me like "why is she with him, he is married to BM" I cant stand it. and BM never says anything about not being with him, she always says "we" when she refers to anything they do with her.. I say the boys dad and I when I refer to my ex in any situations regarding my ex. I just think she didnt want to be with him any more and she shouldnt have his name either.
Yeah that would be
Yeah that would be embarrasing. I would hate kind of standing around and people not sure why I was there.
Yeah, I hate it, but of
Yeah, I hate it, but of course, she wants to have the same name as her kids. This is part of the reason why I kept my name when we got married instead of taking DH's -- I didn't want to share his name with her.
To be honest, though, it's bugging me a lot less lately. Why? Because DH finally put his foot down and doesn't take her sh*t anymore. And it has made her completely furious. So, I'm guessing that she is not thrilled to share HIS name anymore, either.
That's an okay consolation prize for me!
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
I think I would actually be
I think I would actually be willing to pay her legal fees to have her last name changed to her lesbian girlfriends last name.. They did the "wedding" so now she should take her name.. hmm wonder how she would respond if I offered to pay the fees for her???????
When my BIL got "married"
When my BIL got "married" his BF changed his name. She should too! Offer it up as a "new years" gift! Ha!
LOL, too! I
LOL, too! I would SO pay BM's legal fees. Bring it...come on out of the closet honey, get married to a chick. Let's get this sh*t done!
**Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!**
I HATE it. I never met this
I HATE it. I never met this woman. She has no contact with the kids and a few once in 8 year texts came a month or so ago and yet she still has DHs name. She wont give it up! They've been divorced for 11 years and she wont let it go. They were only married like 2 years. It just irks me that she's running around out there with his last name. Dumb terd.
I will have my ex's last
I will have my ex's last name until I get remarried. It's the last name of my children. I'm not particularly fond of it, but what a pain in the ass to change it until I get remarried.
**my stepdaughters did not grow in my tummy, they grew in my heart**
My husband's ex just
My husband's ex just hypenated his last name with her new husbands last name. She always pays child support with a cashiers check and we recently had to pay her back for 1/2 of the visitation cost and we decided to send a money order. She sent him a very huffy "hurt" email about the fact that she can't cash it because the bank info was still under "their" last name (sounding all like "you should have known I wouldn't change it")...... OMFG this woman is CRAZY!! My husband HATES that she still uses it.
“Only one thing has to change for us to know happiness in our lives: where we focus our attention.”
Stepof1, I cannot agree with
Stepof1, I cannot agree with you more! I don't mean to sound mean, but it makes absolutely NO SENSE whatsoever for an ex to "keep" anyone else's last name after they divorce that person!! You are divorced for a reason - you are no longer a couple and are no longer together - and the LEGAL connection/partnership has been severed. Sorry, but the reasons that I'm reading just seem like lame excuses:
(1) "it's just such a pain in the a#$ to change my name" is such a copout! If there are legal documents drawn up discussing the terms of the Divorce Decree, then this should be required to be one of those terms!! "Jane Roe must cease and desist from using her married name Roe and must immediately resume her former/maiden name of Jane Doe". Going to a couple of government offices to submit a Divorce Decree isn't hard work, ladies!! Whether you work long hours or not, it can be done!!
(2) "I keep my ex's last name because it's the same last name as my kids"...OK, lets think about that one for a common sense minute: you don't stop being their MOTHER (legally or otherwise) just because your last name goes back to your maiden name!! It doesn't take all that much effort to simply submit a copy of the Divorce Decree/Order to your child's school, doctors, etc... for them to note the child's file/records that you are still their mother (that right can & will never be taken away from you unless YOU cause it). Also, don't you think that your children get a bit CONFUSED as they get older when you're divorced & apart from their Dad, but yet you use his/their last name still anyway? Especially those women that then move forward to become engaged/married afterward to someone else??
I don't mean to generalize, but keeping an EX's last name, IMO, is nothing but SELFISHNESS. Is it possible you are just "hanging on" to your EX and that you are just being stubborn or spiteful about it? Be HONEST with yourself when you think about it. Your EX's future fiancee'/wife shouldn't have to deal with their man's EX-WIFE still using their last name!! Don't you, as a woman, totally agree?? MOVE FORWARD WITH YOUR LIFE ALREADY!! By keeping your EX's last name, you are unfortunately keeping yourself "stuck" in the past. Again, I know my post seems harsh and rude - and I assure all of you on ST that it is not intended in that way. It is intended to be a constructive criticism and to make people THINK about how their actions/selfishness affect others. I apologize if this came across rude or disrespectful or harsh. Just me hoping to open up a productive, lively conversation about something that really should be simple. I know there are some exceptions to the generalizations I may have made, and I respect those.
I have to say I kept it for
I have to say I kept it for the reason you mentioned and you issues/arguments are completely just. I do have to add I'm not an evil person and if my ex remarried and they wanted me to dispose of his name I would.
Jenjen thanks a lot. I like
Jenjen thanks a lot. I like to think I have an open mind about a lot of this and respect anyone that disagrees with me or has a different perspective about it that I haven't thought of. I don't think that an EX-W is evil by keeping her EX-H's last name, I just strongly feel that in many of these situations, there are many "less-than-innocent" motives for these women...especially when their EX-H has moved on with his life. I also think it's a CONTROL thing for a lot of the EX-W's. Thank you so much for your honest response...and also for reading my post objectively and seeing another side of this issue. Kudos to you for the last sentence in your reply to my post, because I often wonder if my BF's EX-W (BM) would stop using his name if he (we) informed her how we felt about it, or when we get engaged or married. I've been with my BF for 6 years (living together for over 2) and I've lovingly helped raise their 2 kids (SD15 & SS12) for 6 years now! They were legally separated 7 years ago & their divorce was final back in 2006!! What gives?!? I often wonder if BM gets re-married in the future (the sooner, the better, but no man seems to be up for the challenge - lol!!), will she FINALLY change her name? BM has dated about 6 other men since they've been apart (that we know of) and was engaged last year to one of them...which she only knew for about 2-3 months and the engagement didn't last more than a few months (rats!). FYI - their Divorce Decree states that BM has the legal right to resume using her maiden name, to wit "Jane Doe" (but that's more of a "if she chooses to" type language, which annoys the crap out of me that my BF didn't insist on having his attorney change that language REQUIRING her to stop using his last name once the Divorce was final). Also, FYI, BM has HORRENDOUS credit and my BF has PERFECT credit, and we are always afraid/concerned that she will apply for new credit using HIS last name, all the while defaulting on accounts in her maiden name (or any other alias she thinks up). Oh well, a girl can dream....
AAH! Milomom. Please don't
AAH! Milomom. Please don't judge me. I swear I've moved on. XH ate my dust a long time ago. My kids never needed therapy because of their divorced parents sharing the same name. I never knew a child who did.
I use my (x)-married name. I'd rather not confuse teachers, coaches, and doctors. Sometimes they don't connect who the mother is...especially on paper.
Case and point, I tried using my maiden name long time ago and I found myself constantly correcting rosters, never being called by the school office, being removed from rosters and email distributions regarding my kids. Office staff would glance at an info card and link the last name of kid/parent. My EX was they ONLY one being contacted. He was having to pass on info to me because these people weren't sure. It drove us both nuts so I started using his last name again to make OTHER people's lives easier. Needless to say it worked. No more confusion.
SD's BM does the same. It wasn't our case but some people have horrible last names. Now I have known a few kids who need therapy for that and changing those last names were justified.
Have I made you see through my eyes yet? ( I have my fingers crossed)
StepChicka I would never
StepChicka I would never judge you - quite the opposite actually. You have opened my eyes to a problem that unfortunately exists in MANY places - the age-old problem of the idiots that work behind the desks of very important jobs that SCREW UP because they really don't pay attention to detail, or don't care (or both)...good ol' bureaucratic bullcr&*. I get it. So even when you try to do the right thing by resuming your maiden name, other people screw up which, in turn, makes your life hell. How annoying, but I get it. We've all had to deal with bureaucracy in all facets of life.
Dammit,'re softening me up on this
I understand. But I have to admit, I STILL believe that your situation is (and your motives are) more the exception (innocent) than the rule - especially when you said that you at least TRIED to use your maiden name, but it didn't work in your situation. I still feel that MOST women use the EX's last name for other reasons (especially when they're using it as their screenname/email address/facebook page/myspace page, etc..., where it is VERY EASY to discontinue use of the EX's last name).
I'm softening you Milo. Ah
I'm softening you Milo. Ah
There are BMs out there that keep their last names for really unhealthy reasons...vindictive reasons like if they know it drives the new wife nuts. I honestly think that's what SDs BM did it initially. She had her name hyphenated with her maiden-married name on her web pages then changed to just her married name when DH and I got serious. hmm...
Some divorcee friends of mine have confessed it gives them psychological security keeping their last name the same as their children. It would feel like they divorced the on with different name/new life without them and visa versa. I was so different from my counterparts. Changing my name was like giving my life back to me...for the most part anyway; damn bureaucratic bcrap like you said.
The married name also maintains a little buffer against some major stigmas out there. The area I live in might as well be renamed snobville. Being married is kind of a social status. You're lower notch when you're single and even lower when you're a single parent.
AHA Stepchicka! See?
AHA Stepchicka! See? You've been through it, too! Why in the world would SD's BM change her web pages to just her married name when you & DH got serious?!? This stuff drives me up a wall, I tell you (I don't let her know this, though, or she'll keep using BF's last name forever)! My BF's ex-W (BM to SD15 & SS12) still uses BF's last name as her screenname on aol!! I also know for a FACT through other people that she has about 3 or 4 other screennames/email addresses on aol, myspace, etc... that make NO MENTION of BF's last name. Hmmm... I personally think the BM in my case is just a lonely internet crawler (I'm personally not on FB or myspace or anything else except ST & I only have ONE screenname for my email) who role-plays with MANY different screennames/aliases whatever you call it. I also know that BM has really bad credit, is financially irresponsible, opens up credit card accounts in fake names (i.e. 1 letter off from her name or using her middle name as her first name or using her maiden name just to get a credit card which she probably never pays), so I worry about her ability to still use BF's last name and it affecting his credit in the future (and mine if we get married). BM (if asked) would probably give the same reason (wants same last name as her kids) for keeping BF's last name, but I personally think it shouldn't be allowed - our school district is VERY large, yet VERY organized about divorced parents, etc... and both BM & BF get all skids school related mail, email, etc...regardless of the last names being the same or not. It really isn't difficult. Skids files were all noted (school, doctors, sports, etc...) that parents are divorced & had separate addresses, giving them a copy of the Divorce Decree ASAP once the divorce was final. I know if it were me, I'd run around as much as needed the day my divorce was finalized to "take my life back". Why bother getting divorced otherwise? It's just all weird to me.
Sorry, StepChicka. I'm more convinced that you are more the exception than the norm now. Please forgive me
Amen, Milomom! BM says
Amen, Milomom! BM says "well, it's the SD's last name". They are all about being called by it in BBall, etc. Makes me want to puke. I wish lesbo would marry a chick and take her name...nothing would make me happier!
My mom has kids from two different husbands and is not married to either anymore. She changed her last name back to her maiden name. We are still her kids!! It didn't void us from being her offspring.
I agree, it's just a cop out. Come on ladies, grow some balls and take your name back. You don't need your ex's last name to validate you. Or maybe some people do. That is very sad. BM is a very sad, pathetic excuse for a human being anyway. Ugh...lesbian b**ch. Sorry, just veting tonight. Frustrated!!
**Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!**
I agree Completely! I am so
I agree Completely! I am so glad I am not the only one who feels like she is taking something or maybe bettr to say keeping something that is mine now. She gave him up for a woman so why does she get to keep his name? I bet she still talks to people about him as I'd they are still together too. That's just how manipulative she is. I know she doesn't Do it so she can have the same as sd. Maybe its just more of her laziness to not go change it but damn it it's my name now not hers! Sorry i hope I don't offend anyone. It's just how I feel.
I never had to deal with
I never had to deal with this, and I remarried before my ex got into a serious relationship, so his GF didn't have to deal with me keeping his last name either (which I did for 2 years). My MIL however is a nutcase. She has been married 6 times. Her 2nd husband was my DH's dad. She was married 4 times after him. After her last divorce, which happened 3.5 years ago, she changed her name back to our last name. Dh's stepmom was pissed! But she wanted the same last name as her sons' I guess. I found it sorta weird, especially since we are all adults now. I figured she would change it back to her maiden, her parent's, which she lives next door to. So I asked her about it, and she tells me she doesnt want DHs SM to be the one to have the same last name as her grandchildren, she should get to also, since she's their "REAL" grandmother. That was harsh, but I will admit his SM is a piece of crap!
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
Maybe my reasons for not
Maybe my reasons for not wanting the ex to have his last name anymore is selfish but honestly i dont want to share the same name as her.. She is a lesbian, and it makes me embarressed to know people link us together by our last names.. Plus she is a nasty, fat, bitch, so that makes it worse..I swear I am gonna pay for her to take her lovers last name so she will get rid of DH's..
Wow. I have no reason to
Wow. I have no reason to keep my exes last name other than I am not changing it twice. My ex doesn't even have a current wife, just a girlfriend of 3 months. My daughters would not have to go to therapy if I changed my name back to maiden, but they are already struggling with the last name thing. Schools are retarded and I can see them having an issue with my using my maiden name.
I don't really get the amount of hate spewed out on BM keeping the last name they were legally given by their ex husbands. It is my legal name. I am not tormenting anyone by keeping it. If someone else having your new husbands last name causes that much insecurity perhaps you need to look harder at the relationship rather than at the BM who was legally given their name by marriage and do not have to change it just to please you.
I see both sides of this issue, I just can't believe the hate coming from some of you over this.
I'm with your there
I'm with your there bradybunchmom. Some of the attitudes are overkill regarding last names. No wonder the BMs keep the last name...its a feather in their cap driving the wife nuts.
I mentioned above but along with SD BM changing her webpage name to her married name when DH and I got serious she also tagged him on pictures when they were together! I never mentioned a thing to him or anyone. It was sooo obvious what she was doing and made a major idiot out of her self to EVERYONE. I got that damn feather! LOL
DH's X kept the name until
DH's X kept the name until she remarried. So for about 3 years she literally had my name because we have the same first name. What I decided to do when we married was to return to my maiden name & I am glad I did. I did it to honor my late father. It also helps avoid all sorts of financial problems typical of second marriages. So, it kinda bothered me that she literally had my name---but it changed when she remarried.
If the last name was legally
If the last name was legally given by marriage, then it should be legally taken away by divorce. Makes sense to me! You're not married to that person legally anymore, so LEGALLY you should have to give up THEIR last name.
Actually, you can have that written into a divorce document, but you have to do it right when you are divorcing. Otherwise, you can't force the ex to change her name back.
**Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!**
I feel the exact same way...
I feel the exact same way... DH's Ex wife kept his last name because she had a son from a previous relationship who had a different name and then SD has DH last name and she said she didnt wanna feel left out... LEFT OUT?!!! WTF?! ughh makes me so mad...and youd think since she has been in a new relationship for a little while that she would want to change it...ughh hopefully she gets remarried soon!