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Father's Day Plans

MrsZipper's picture

DDs had a dance recital last week and YSD, OSD and SDIL were there with bouquets of flowers for DDs. I have been somewhat disengaged from the skids since their exclusion of our DDs (their half sisters) at their (large, expensive, not kid-free) weddings last year, so I didn't invite them. DH, however, has more than compensated for my lack of communication, and did invite them.

We all went out to dinner after the recital. Skids were charming and nice and DDs were thrilled they were there, as usual. OSD invited us to spend Fathers Day at their golf club. There will be a big fathers day brunch, then hanging out and swimming at the pool, and then DH was invited to play golf in the afternoon with the skids. Dh said we would love to, and DDs were excited to go. I said remember we had the cookout at my parents house. DH said oh that's right, even better, we can all hang out until their tee time and then since he will be busy all afternoon it's the perfect time for the girls and I to go to the cookout and spend time with grandpa. Look at how everything worked out so nicely!

Hmm. Well, while skids have kept DH at the periphery of their lives for years, we have made traditions. Fathers day starts with donuts, coffee, presents and cards for DH. Then we do something active like biking or bowling or hiking. Then we have a cookout, either at our home or my sister's or my parents. The skids are always invited but decline if it's not at our home, and only stop by for a short time if it is. Otherwise we see the skids at some point for a meal to drop off DHs present and card.

But just one word and the skids can change the tradition just like that. Just like Thanksgiving. Just like Easter.

We rarely argue. It's almost exclusively related to the skids when we do, and I have not won any skid argument lately. DH remains perfectly rational and calm, framing his arguments as win-win, while I get frustrated. How can I be mad about him missing Easter weekend when he will be there for Easter, the most important day, and with YSD for an important milestone the day before? How can I be mad we are going to YSDs house for Thanksgiving when my family was the one who changed the date and now we get to do Thanksgiving with both? How can I be mad about what he spent on their wedding gifts when he only used what we agreed from our joint accounts? And then from last night - How can I be mad about DH doing what he wants and spending time with all of his children on Fathers day when I did exactly that on mother's day?

I wanted to bring up mothers day but I knew that argument would end like all other skid arguments - with me not having anything to counter him with and nothing changes. It's pointless to even try, I don't know why I did this time. Rationally this change of plans should not bother me and I know that. DH gets to spend time with all of his kids. My dad gets to spend time with his kids and grandkids. But it does bother me.


MrsZipper's picture

I know and I feel stupid even complaining about it, there is just something that bothers me. Like we will drop our plans to do whatever skids want to do, you know? But yes just venting.

MrsZipper's picture

That's exactly it - where does it end? YSD will have her baby in a few months and DH will be a grandpa. I'm afraid the catering to the skids wishes will only get worse. And our DDs have no idea how they are really viewed by skids and there is no way to tell them without needlessly hurting their feelings, so I won't, and they continue wanting to do whatever the skids want to do.

MollyBrown's picture

I might be mistaken, but I thought the only kids at the wedding where children of the wedding party. Other then the wedding, it seems like the step kids show kindness to their little sisters.

fakemommy's picture

Do you think as your children age and marry and start families of their own, your radiations will remain unchanged? They will change and evolve and you will adapt. DHs children are already there so your traditions are evolving earlier than expected. I think you focus a lot on hurt feelings rather than adapting to the natural changes of a family.

Acratopotes's picture

MrsZ - I get the traditions thing... but when you marry some one else, you have to keep in mind, they have their own traditions.

Why did you never compromise? Why should each and every Fathers day be according to your tradition, or Christmas, or Thanks giving for that matter, why not say.. every second year?

I just assumed that this is what people do.... when you are single you keep with your traditions, then you find a partner, and automatically it changes, one year his and the other year yours....

Acratopotes's picture

She can still change it, she can simply tell her family, not this year for fathers day... we are doing something with DH's other kids, and then DH can have all his children for fathers day .... and she said her younger 2 with DH was looking forward to the golf club day...

hereiam's picture

the girls and I to go to the cookout and spend time with grandpa. Look at how everything worked out so nicely!

So, you and the girls are to go to the cookout at your parents' house, but your husband stays at the club, playing golf? That would not fly with me.

secret's picture

No more than the stepmom who couldn't go to the zoo on her birthday because her DH didn't want her to since SD wasn't around

secret's picture

I meant couldn't go as planned. She wanted to go to the zoo with her dh and her kid... dh said no because SD wasn't there.

Acratopotes's picture

:jawdrop: :jawdrop: how do you know about her Golden Uterus.....

LF I swear I did not tell any one.... I think it's glowing for every one to see, sorry

Acratopotes's picture

I really feel for you for not having a Uterus Hon, you are so jealous of us having golden once...

must be very hard being you..... Don;t worry, Aldi has some silver once on sale..

hereiam's picture

It bothers you because you cannot count on making any plans with your husband. If and when something else comes up, he will do it without a second thought.