Skids are here for a whole month this summer and are eating us out of house and home. DH told them that we will buy junk food once a week and it is enough for a week and they have already eaten it all. I wonder how BM gets by because these kids will not eat any home cooked meals which is what DH and I make and what we grew up on. DH is so tired of struggling with this food thing and then they complain they are hungry and DH just tells them well we cooked dinner so you can eat that. I hope one day they realize that they aren't getting their way on this. I can't believe these kids are that spoiled that they will only eat junk food and fast food. Then YSS starts acting like a brat as soon as DH pays the slightest little attention to OSS. I asked DH if he noticed how YSS was acting when he was trying to help OSS with his Xbox. He started pestering my dog and trying to take away the game controller from OSS. I just wanted to ring his little neck. I told DH I don't know how much more I can take of YSS behavior. DH just keeps making excuses well he behaves like that because he is bored. I said no he behaves like that because you are paying attention to OSS and not him. I said it isn't fair and he needs to understand that he can't be the center of attention all the time. We always get into arguments about YSS because I feel that DH wants to coddle him. I know that I should stay out of it but, it affects me what am I supposed to do leave my own home every time YSS starts to act up?
- tankh21's blog
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I wouldn't argue. Just let
I wouldn't argue. Just let DH handle it. One thing I have learned from disengagement is "not my kid, not my problem". It's heaven.
Hang in there
girl - it's got nothing to do
girl - it's got nothing to do with you, if SS acts out ignore it, unless he hurts the dog, then you address that issue, saying.. SS if you hurt my dog again I will whip your ass understood. (report you to spca for animal cruelty what ever)
If DH and OSS is busy with something and YSS tries to get in between... ignore it Hon, OSS will loose it and wack his brother or DH will tell him get lost... simply ignore it, turn your back on them, go outside, do something in the garden... go and play with your vibrator if you have nothing else to do... this is where knitting comes in handy, you simply keep yourself busy knitting a blanket or what ever...
Regarding the food, once again not your kids and not your problem, make sure there's no junk food in the house, or DH buys it from his money, not the joined house hold money... if they are hungry the can eat what ever you prepared, or they do not have to eat... again who are they spiting by not eating? Not you....
You have to step back and chill woman, your husband is an adult and he can vend for himself... let YSS behavior bother him, not you...
It affects you because you're
It affects you because you're in it.
Don't leave every time he starts to act up - just do something else. Ask him if he's jealous that dad isn't making him the focus of his attention at the moment... lol Put on some music with earphones, grab a book, and relax.
I call out the kid all the
I call out the kid all the time too. I do it to my own kids, too - it's fair game. I'm not picking on anyone, but I'm totally picking at the behaviors.
If kid is jumping on the couch and dad hasn't said anything about it - I will. Kid, what did I tell you about jumping on the couch? Sorry secret...*sits down* A second time and dad hasn't said anything, or has also told kid? Ok kid, I already reminded you about jumping on the couch (and so has your father). Please get off. *kid gets off*
SO and I are talking and kid wants dad's attention... Dad used to stop while I was mid-word and cater to what his kid wanted.... until eventually, I started cutting myself off and telling kid "your dad and I are talking. Wait your turn." and resume my thought... SO got the hint pretty quick, he started doing that almost immediately. When the kid would do it after that... I'd say kid, it's very rude to interrupt someone when they're talking. Now SO does it.
I'm pretty lucky.
Limit the amount of junk.
Limit the amount of junk. Have small decent snacks in fridge (fruits, veggies n low fat dip) baggies of pretzels or popped popcorn (unbuttered) they can grab and snack.
The kids can't eat what is not available readily for them to stuff in their keep the store bought junk (cookies, cakes, chips whatever) in their bedroom closet in a Rubbermaid tub with a lock on the door. Dad or you hand out the 'treat'. Trust me, they won't starve in-between. Start whining they are hungry? Remind them of their approved and ready for them snacks.
I wouldn't fight with them over dinner. Peanut butter sandwich or what's put on their plate (your dinner). One or the other, eat it or not.
I'm sure the boys really think they are being starved and being mistreated. They live with a parent (BM) who has totally different ideas of food and meals. You're waging a losing battle if you think they will just up and decide your food and way of a meal is superior than their mother. But what can happen, is they can learn to accept and tolerate your food and way during their stays in your home. If they get tired of eating PB sandwiches the day may come they actually may try that 'yucky' crap you call dinner on your plate.
If the game system is a fighting point in your home, unplug it. Dad can play a board game with the kids or put in a kid friendly family movie. And if the boys are being real little turds, declare bedtime and send them to their rooms. They can read a book in bed until real bedtime.
If someone were pestering my
If someone were pestering my dog and acting up in my home, I would handle it myself if I had to, and that would NOT be by leaving my home. Your SS knows your husband is not going to do anything about his behavior so he needs to know that you will.
My DH was good about disciplining his daughter but sometimes it took awhile for something to bother him, he's pretty laid back, so I would step in and tell SD to knock it off or whatever the case was. I did not yell but was stern and she knew I meant business. However, she was raised to respect adults, so....
When your step kids get truly hungry, they will eat and they will eat what is there. Wanting junk food all of the time is not hunger.
We have skids about 36% of
We have skids about 36% of the time, so there's a constant in and out at my house, but I know what you mean about the food stuff, tank!
Last night, I was trying to plan meals for the rest of the week, knowing that the skids are coming tonight. They'll arrive around 6:30, and usually they've eaten by then, but not always, and even when they've eaten, they're often still hungry, but not always. So on transition nights we have to make well more than enough for the three of us, knowing that the extra may go to waste. I will not allow them to come in and raid my pantry, which is their strong preference. SS only wants to drink his calories (i.e. applesauce, yogurt, etc. Think no chewing.) and SD only wants food in bar form (granola, fruit, whatever, as long as it's processed into a bar.
Cooking for them is challenging, too. Well, mostly for SS. He doesn't like anything that has to be eaten with his hands, anything that's too warm (the kid's almost 8, btw), and if he doesn't like the food, he will take FOREVER to eat (if not limited, it could take an hour or more) and/or VOMIT at the damned table. Even when he is eating, he gets up from the table at least twice each meal--once to use the restroom (only after we've started eating) and the other to do something else, which could be anything from another trip to the bathroom to getting another drink to I don't know what.
So what will we be having this weekend? Why, chicken thighs on the bone, of course! SS will make a production, which I will expect and therefore be amused by.
And DH will clean up any vomit. LOL
OMG the kid vomits at the
OMG the kid vomits at the table!!
I had a neighbor that had to
I had a neighbor that had to take her kid to therapy sessions because she had issues eating. For example, if the kid got too "messy" while eating, it would sometimes make the little girl throw up. She was a toddler at the time. They were afraid it would turn into an eating disorder.
It's helpful to know ages
It's helpful to know ages because some of this could be normal behavior for the age.
They are 10 and 12
They are 10 and 12
I was always very fortunate
I was always very fortunate living in my dinky little village. Local grocery store carried fresh fruits and veggies year round and then the farm market a mile out of town. Between DH and two boys over 6 foot the three of them could eat a ton. But making the stop out here is no different than picking up our daily mail (no home delivery in our village) and post office and store are right across street from each other. Wonderful butcher shop and deli along with great produce section. Living out in what is called around here, a bedroom community, does have it's perks. No having to run into large groceries and busy lines.
stop buying the junk
stop buying the junk food
continue your normal grocery shopping
junk food is a waste
if they want junk-they can push a mower for a few bucks
and earn their junk food like i did as a teenager
And if they cry to BM-tell her you don't buy junk food
nor do you cater to mini assholes.
sorry kids dont get a say in how the parents run the house
if she's so concerned-BM can provide junk food for your house
Yeah that is exactly what I
Yeah that is exactly what I was thinking. However, we also do not want BM coming to the rescue buying them junk food and bringing it to our house either.
That's what BM does here, she
That's what BM does here, she sends them over with bags of marshmallows, donuts and gum. All things I told them i don't want in my house. They must of told her, because she specifically bought them. Also sends them over with an Extra large Mountain Due. I hate her!
So what did you do when you
So what did you do when you saw that they had that junk?
DH allows the poor wittle
DH allows the poor wittle skids a measly 2 cans of pop (this started after they EACH drank an entire case in 2 days). So BioHo started buying them the biggest fountain drink from the gas station. If they walked in with them, DH would not allow then ANY pop. }:)
Pop? Growing up as a
Growing up as a kid in the 60's and 70's, we hardly ever were given sodas. It was only as pure treats. I remember I used to sneak sips of my parent's mixers out of the pantry. Straight from the bottle, Wink, ginger ale and grapefruit soda! I guess if I had been a step kid, I would have been vilified for Not sure if my parents even knew.
I remember when I was about 8, we were in San Francisco on our way to a deployment in Japan. We were at a restaurant and as per usual, she ordered us a glass of milk to go with our meals. The waitress brought us a coke "by accident".. My mom let us drink it. Oh the luxury.
My mom would also give us a special treat on our birthday where we could pick out a special box of cereal. Lucky Charms.. my fave. until I strip mined all the marshmallows out and the crappy oat cereal was all that was left!.. to get stale in the pantry.
In any case, I get it, I was raised by a parent who definitely was more interested in the healthy side of stuff. BUT, Baskin & Robbins was an ok treat too.
ESMOD, we were allowed one a
ESMOD, we were allowed one a week - usually on Saturday night when Dad made tacos or pizza.
Why does your DH allow this?
Why does your DH allow this?
Food issues: Not sure how
Food issues:
Not sure how they could go through a weeks worth of snacks unless they were allowed free range access. I know some people want kids to be able to help themselves to food, but at those ages, my SD's were required to as permission to get anything to eat or drink (beyond It allowed us to monitor what they ate and when. Even when older, they were shown what food was available for them to eat... so that they didnt' inadvertently eat something that was supposed to be part of a meal later.
Attention Behavior:
First, you aren't likely to get a bio dad to agree at how horrible his son is. Trying to point out his flaws etc.. All you are doing is putting him in daddy defense mode.
Second, it isn't all that out of the ordinary for a younger sibling to try to compete and act up/out to get attention. This is especially true when he doesn't see his dad all the time. Also this would be more likely due to the ADHD issues you have already blogged about. The kid has poor impulse control. The kid is immature.
Third, it may just be part of his personality too. My YSD 19 is a bit like that. She is an absolute joy to be around when it is just me and her dad. But, you start throwing others into the mix and her "sassy" personality comes out. She just can't help but say and do things that are clearly attempts of getting the attention on her. It has gotten better as she has aged... but I still see it a bit.
So, while you may not 100% be able to change the way the kids behave, you CAN react differently. You could choose to redirect YSS and maybe engage him in something with you.. so he wouldn't be able to act up to get dad's attention. You could simply take your dog on a walk, or go take a bubble bath... or any number of things. If your DH doesn't see it and doesn't care to parent, then you will have to figure out how to live with it.
Are they old enough to cook?
Are they old enough to cook? If so you and your husband could get them to help prepare dinner or even make dinner for you all once they know the basics. They could try to recreate their favorite take out dishes at home. That might give them some ownership over dinner and encourage them to be a bit more adventurous.
No I don't trust that they
No I don't trust that they wont burn the house down they are just too immature. But that is not a bad idea maybe my DH can teach them when he is home.
What is Aldi?
What is Aldi?
it's a shop like wallmart
it's a shop like wallmart
Ok thanks I will check it
Ok thanks I will check it out.
We have the same food
We have the same food problems with SD15 and SD12. We have tried to set rules regarding what types of snacks they are allowed to eat. We keep plenty of fruit available 24/7. They still sneak into the kitchen and steal junk food and things they are not allowed to have.
The same thing with my skids
The same thing with my skids they sneak around and eat stuff at night so we have kept stuff in our bedroom to try to prevent them from eating everything all in one day.
I hide food in my room too.
I hide food in my room too. If it's something I want, I also bring it to work.
Tank, I have been through the
Tank, I have been through the same thing. PrincASS and PigPen would be at our house for the weekend and I would make delicious, home-cooked meals. DH was in heaven. PA and PP were NOT. Why? Because BioHo feeds her kids and husband a steady diet of fast food, premade chemical-laden frozen stuff, and junk food.
The day PrincASS said that frozen lasagna was better than homemade what the day I quit cooking and quit caring. I promptly put away the rest of the lasagna over PA's protests, "It's NOT BAD. I'll eat it!" Me: "Oh, NO!! I would never force you to eat food you don't like."
That was the last time I cooked for the skids. DH buys them fast food or pizza or makes the frozen crap they like. I cook for myself: steak, shrimp scampi, stir fry... The kitchen smells wonderful!!
So I guess I should stop
So I guess I should stop caring if those kids eat or not?
You need to let your DH
You need to let your DH handle his kids. He told them they could eat what was cooked. They will eat if they are hungry enough.
If he doesn't want them devouring all of the junk food the first few days, he can parse it out over the week.
Not your circus; not your monkeys.
Yes. SO used to feed the kid
SO used to feed the kid all kinds of crap. Half the time he'd come home with a box of nuggets or something... or would eat a bunch of random crap at home while I was cooking... and I can cook. Really cook.
At least once a week I make homemade pizza.
We always have a loaf of fresh bread (sandwich bread) and a loaf of sourdough bread on the go.
We generally have meals that I consider worthy of serving to a guest.... they're not 2 minute dinners. Although, of course, we sometimes do. But I enjoy makes me happy to feed my family.
The turning point for me was one day - I'd made a really nice meal...was just finishing up getting the kids plates ready, had asked my kids to set the table... went to pee...came back to SO having made kid a pb&j sandwich. When kid's plate was right there on the counter ready for the table. I saw this... took kid's plate...dumped the food in the trash - put the rest of the food away, and went to have a smoke in the garage.
SO asked me why I dumped the food in the trash... I said now or later, doesn't matter... I made your kid food, you gave him something else... next time I just won't give him food, you can do it. And changed the subject. Didn't get mad, nothing.
The next day, I made dinner, and plated up for my 3 kids. Kid's plate was on the counter, but I didn't put anything on it. SO was around... so I brought 2 of the plates out... by the time I'd come back for the 3rd, SO had put some food in kid's plate and was bringing out the 3rd plate for my kids, as well as the one for his kid.
Kid didn't eat it, wanted a sandwich. SO said no... kid dumped glass of water on dinner... He got his sandwich (and in trouble). I didn't say a word.
Next day, same thing again - I plated 3 plates...and when SO went to plate for his kid - I put my hand on his arm - and said it was really disappointing yesterday to see a meal I put so much effort into get thrown out, that it would have been nice to have been able to take it to work for lunch instead of having been destroyed by the kid over a sandwich demand.
He's made kid eat whatever was served every since. No more sandwiches, no more alternate meals... you eat what's served, or you don't eat. The first few days were rough, since kid was used to getting whatever he wanted.. now...he eats whatever he's given... and SO's the one who lays down the law on that.
Secret, I cook well, too! And
Secret, I cook well, too! And I enjoy it.![Smile](
My DH loathes cooking. The only things he will make on rare occasion are pancakes, fried eggs and bacon, and grilled burgers/brats.
I'm glad your SO no longer allows the skid to throw away food! I have no bios, so I cook for myself on skid weekends.
TBH, there is something to be
TBH, there is something to be said for this response.
Tankh.. who really cares what the kids eat? How did your DH feed them before YOU came in the picture? I am guessing he just did frozen/fast food stuff. So did he care? BM obviously doesn't care. So that leaves you. You can't care more than their own parents.
The "healthy meals I prepare" may not be a hill for you to die on. It obviously is causing stress in your home because it invites the possibility of the kids getting BM to bring them crap.
So... if DH doesn't care.. and BM has no problem with it. Feed them stuff they will eat. It might mean nuking a few chicken nuggets and throwing cheetos on a plate while you prepare a "real" meal for your husband and yourself. But, hey, kids will have one less thing to make a problem in your household. They won't die from eating a steady diet of beige food. Sure, it's not healthy and if they were your own kids.. you have every right to decide. But they aren't so feed them the stuff they will eat and they will shut up and you won't have to deal with BM etc..
I am sure your DH nods like a bobble head when you wax poetic on the virtues of "clean eating" but I am guessing he could care less if the kids eat a microwave pizza vs your made from scratch meatloaf.
He does cook and he tried to
He does cook and he tried to make them eat home cooked meals as well we have always been on the same page as far as this situation goes. He has told me that BM and him always were fighting when it came to parenting the kids so this is nothing new. DH does have some kind of sense of decent parenting it is just not as extreme as me.
I would let him fight this
I would let him fight this food fight then. Let him cook for the kids.. if they eat what he prepares... great. If they don't then he can decide how to deal with it.
Perhaps he can deal with it without your helpful (extreme) input?
While the kids are there, let him take over the kitchen/shopping responsibility. I mean, the majority of people in the home are team DH right?
Make it a circus where he corrals his own monkeys.