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YSS behavior

tankh21's picture

So over the weekend DH and I had a huge argument about YSS and the way he behaves. Saturday we planned on going to eat somewhere. The whole time we are there YSS is trying to crawl underneath the table because he is "bored" and wants to leave. I know kids don't understand that the world doesn't revolve around them but, this kid has no regard for anyone else's feelings at all.

Then he orders a chicken fried steak and DH asked him if he was sure he was going to eat it. Well guess what same thing that always happen it goes home and one of us eats the leftovers or it gets fed to the dogs. DH has explained to him that he will not be ordering stuff when he go out to eat if he is not going to eat it. I really don't know what DH can do in this situation.

He will be labeled as mean because YSS will be sitting there eating nothing while we eat in front of him and then he will run home and tell BM that DH isn't feeding him. When the reality of it really is that DH is just trying to teach YSS that we don't waste food or money. So then Saturday evening we decided we were all going to go roller skating well YSS didn't want to go so I told DH well why don't you take YSS to the movies and OSS and I can go skating like we planned. So that worked out up until DH and YSS came to pick OSS and I up from skating and YSS decided he didn't want to wait a few minutes until we got done skating so he started misbehaving and got on top of the snack bar tables and walked on it.

I was so pissed off because this kid doesn't think of anyone but himself and what he wants at the time. You have that kid an inch and he takes a mile. So DH told him to get off the table and took him to the car outside. I told DH I am tired of YSS acting out and embarrassing us in public just because he is "bored" or wants his own way at that time. He tells me I have tried everything to try to make YSS behave I have ran out of options what do you want me to do? I told him well maybe there needs to be some more structure in our household. He then thought I meant to instill fear in his kids. Which that is not what I meant at all. I meant that we don't go anywhere and do anything if YSS cannot learn to behave himself. I have to deal with this kid in my house for the first part of the summer starting next week and I am dreading it so much. Does anyone have any advice? I have disengaged and let DH deal with his own kids when he is there but, YSS behavior drives me insane. I want to get away from my own house when he comes over.


twoviewpoints's picture

This is the SS with ADHD, right? Also taking behavior therapy? Has DH talked to the person/s doing the therapy sessions and asked about what Dad can try at home? You mentioned once (sorry if I'm remembering incorrectly) that SS takes ADHD meds while at BM's, but not at your house and it's also BM who takes the kids to therapy.

I guess what I'm asking is, do the people doing therapy with the kids actually know how the child/children behave and interact in your home and during Dad's time or is the sessions based purely on what BM tells them and during times the child is taking his meds (BM's time).

tankh21's picture

Yeah tell me about it. BM is secretive about the skids stuff. School medical you name it but, she always says she wants what is best for the kids. It is also my DH's fault because he has 50/50 custody of his kids and is perfectly capable for finding out medical and school stuff because he can just show the school and the doctors the CO and they will have to give him any information on the skids I assume.

tankh21's picture

I don't know for sure. Last year YSS told my DH that his mother was giving him ADHD medication before he went to school. This year he says that he is not taking any medication and OSS says that he isn't as well. So I have no idea I assume that maybe he was on it last year for a little bit but then maybe the doctor or BM took him off of it.

twoviewpoints's picture

I'm not going to comment any farther on the meds, however if the child is taking meds and you're not exaggerating on the 'zombie' bit you wrote, he's not on the correct meds and/or dosage.

And for what's it's worth, biting isn't always a sign of some messed up violent kid. It can be simple poor impulse control.

It really is time your DH make an appointment with the drs his son sees and have a consultation. Just tossing his hands up and saying BM won't tell me anything is an excuse for not exercising his rights and duties as a parent. Being this child spends time in Dad's home and Dad is uninformed with exactly is going on with his child is also not fair to the child, to you, to his brother.

ESMOD's picture

"I was so pissed off because this kid doesn't think of anyone but himself and what he wants at the time." Sorry, pretty much all kids are like Not a lot of empathy. they are soul suckers Wink

A little advice on the two issues.

1. Food ordered and not eaten. Ok.. STOP giving the kid the choice to order his own meal. Just stop. Dad needs to pick something on the menu for the kid and order it for him. Child's menus are offered at virtually every restaurant. Get the child's menu and perhaps if he wants give the kid the choice of THAT menu only. That's it. Restaurant meals are too big for most adults to eat everything. In fact, maybe dad could just share his plate with his son.. maybe add a salad or bowl of soup?

2. Behavior... sorry, you are going to have to break some eggs to make some omelets. The kid isn't going to learn to control himself in public and behave if he doesn't have the opportunity to do it. So a couple tips.
First, pick places that are kid friendly and known to bring the food out fairly quickly. Long drawn out meals are tailor made for kids to become bored. It's not fair to do that to him while he isn't yet able to control himself better. He will always fail if you do that. You can go to other places as he learns.

Second, before you go inside, your husband goes over the rules with him:

"We are going in here to have dinner, I expect you to be on your best behavior and that means that you will use your inside voice, stay seated and not bother other diners. You will eat using your best manners which means no chewing with your mouth open, do not interrupt adults and do not play with your food. If you can't manage to behave then I will take you outside and you will miss dinner while everyone else finishes their meal". Then, if kid starts to get a bit antsy or whatever, dad asks him "do you want to outside and miss the meal?"

Now, none of this is delivered with yelling and histrionics... dad matter of factly tells him "ok bucko, you were warned. I told you that if you didn't sit in your seat that we would have to leave. Ok Tankh.. you enjoy the rest of your meal, we will see you outside"

Then outside it's not a fun time right... you sit the kid in the car and tell them you are disappointed in them.. then silence... let them sit and ponder the fact that everyone else is inside and they aren't.

tankh21's picture

Yes, I get that they are suck the life out of you but, I think he also has some psychological issues because of the violent behavior towards his brother.

ESMOD's picture

That you think he may actually have real issues that may be driving some of this behavior means you have to stop thinking of this as he is "doing this to drive you crazy."

Some of this stuff he probably literally cannot control. I think if you try to get your husband to work on his dining out behavior using the above steps that you might see some improvement. Your husband needs to stop reacting to the kid's behavior and anticipate it and get ahead of the curve.

Right now, it appears your husband's idea of parenting is "hope for the best". Obviously that isn't working for your family. I mean, it seems like this child's behavior is pretty predictable. You know he his hyper etc.. that doesn't mean that you don't go out necessarily, but you go into it with a plan. A plan that the kid knows and understands the consequences.

tankh21's picture

We don't know for sure if ADHD medication at BM's but, we thought because at one time YSS told me DH last year that he was taking ADHD medication but, when DH asks him now he says that he is not but, maybe he is lying for BM because he is a zombie and perfect little angel on Friday night when he comes to our house and then right back to his old self come Saturday afternoon. I could be totally wrong about this but, maybe he is hyper the next day because he has had enough sleep. I have no idea if the occupational therapist knows anything about how the skids interact in our house. For all I know BM could be telling the therapist that all of the problems are at our house. But YSS behavior is worse at BM's house because he bites OSS at her house that has never happened at our house. Last summer there was a few sessions at our house but the therapist just did his session with YSS and then told DH that he was leaving and didn't discuss anything with DH. I am sure BM told him not to.

tankh21's picture

Yeah I told my DH there needs to be some "military" in our household and when I say that I mean some order and structure like if you don't behave then their is consequences and my DH said that he doesn't want to instill fear in his kids and then they think that we are evil. I told him that he has the wrong idea and that is not the case. If the skids misbehave then guess what things get taken away they don't get to go anything fun and so on.

tankh21's picture

Yes, I agree with you FruitSalad704. DH thinks that I am mean and I tell him that he has the guilty dad syndrome. Do you think something along the lines of telling instead of asking the kid to behave should be set into place? Or am I wrong?

secret's picture


SO's kid was always asked if he wanted to do things... do you want to go potty? Do you want to go here? Do you want to have a nap? Do you want this for dinner?

End result - kid never has to do anything he doesn't want to do... dad gets frustrated... and kid got used to having his way...I got frustrated.. I put my foot down and "taught" SO how to parent.

It was rough for a few weeks.

SO used to be worried that he wouldn't be seen as the fun one - he wanted kid to "love" him the best. I told SO that was the most childish thing I'd ever heard him say - that the kid wouldn't love him more because he was fun rather than strict, and that it was a dick move overall because a child should never have to "choose" who to love "more" and should never be bribed for affection.... that a child needed structure and discipline, that they crave it - it makes them feel secure... that they know their parent is predictable, can be trusted, can be depended on...

Now, SO tells kid when it's time to use the potty, when it's time for a nap, when it's time to eat and what he will be eating... kid still tries to push dad's buttons... but then I step in and it's Yes Secret!

One of the times it happened, where I stepped in, I took a screaming kicking kid up to his room for a time out, and held the door shut while he raged for a few minutes... after he calmed down, I went in and we talked, then I carried him downstairs and sat him down where we continued talking......kid says Sorry secret, I'll listen... and I couldn't have planned it even if I wanted to but it sure drove the point home of what we'd just talked about... but that's when kid decides to give me a hug and say "I love you, secret", despite me having JUST given him a boat load of crap.

DH is realizing whether he's fun or not has no bearing on whether kid loves him nor how much.

But... he had to see it, to believe it.

tankh21's picture

MY DH says can you please turn the TV down or can you please stop doing that to your brother and then after the 3rd time of asking the kid to please do something he gets mad at him and yells. I am like why don't you tell him in a stern voice the first time and my DH just looked at me and said well I don't want to instill fear in my kids and make them afraid of me if and I feel like I am talking down to them. I am like that is a load of bull crap.

Ninji's picture

I have eaten in a Wendy's in front of my SS without ordering him anything. I was taking care of SS and SD because DH had to work. I had to run to the store and told them if they behaved I would get them fast food. Like always, SD was well behaved and SS was a brat. SS had to watch me and SD eat burgers and fries. He got a PB&J when we got home. I didn't care if DH or BM got upset.

Also, for close to two years, I refused to go anywhere in public with SS. I still will only go to limited places with him. DH used to complain about how we don't have fun together anymore. I told him to teach his kid to behave and I'll think about being in public with him.

Your DH needs to do the same thing. Limited the fun places until YSS learns to behave. When you do take him places, leave immediately if he starts acting up. I have made SS bring a book and sit on the sidelines while everyone else had fun. Actions have consequences.

tankh21's picture

Did your DH think it was mean that you let SS watch you and your SD eat food in front of him? My DH probably would've said that I was mean if I did that.

stepmomof1biomomof1's picture

It is pretty typical for parents to not give their kids ADHD meds on the weekends. I have never done it but my sons doctor says about half of parents do. I think it is harmful because all they do is get in trouble when not on their meds.

My sons ADHD meds make him not have an appetite during the day. I make him eat a big breakfast, he takes his meds, he usually does not eat lunch and then eats a big dinner. Maybe he just isn't hungry?

I would order for him or make him order off the kids menu.

Can you tell BM that she needs to send his meds/let you know if he is on meds/what his diagnosis is or you will be taking him to a ADHD specialist this summer when you have him?

tankh21's picture

Yes DH could tell BM that I am have mentioned that to him that he should do just that. My DH thinks that YSS shouldn't even be on any ADHD medication and I told him well you need to take him to the doctor and see what the doctor says. SS also has a speech problem as well and gets therapy for that and for the ADHD.

Luckyone's picture

I have a son who is on the spectrum. Super mild, you would never know until you got to know him. Some tactile issues, a bit of obsessive behavior, inability to cope with situations, easily overwhelmed. And the fluorescent lighting in many places makes him nuts!

So, I only get after him if it is necessary. I try to accept that he is weird in some ways and he can work on it but Rome being built in a day and all that. But the things that he can control? He knows if he acts like a shot his punishment will be swift. I don't wait, I immediately correct. And my kids have a healthy fear of me losing my shit. It doesn't happen often but when it does... run!