Yeah..... RIGHT.....
I'm not sure if I'm just that pessimistic now? Or if SD13 is actually feeling bad...
I have similar situations like most of us here, batsh!t BM and a manipulated SD13. SD13 has stayed away for most of the year. Earlier in 2013, BM did something whereby I had to call the police. BM had a meltdown and convinced SD I was trying to have her arrested. (NOT TRUE)
Because of this, you can imagine the shitstorm that came down on us and poor DH. I'm ok with not seeing her, but of course it is horrible for him. She has come over 2x recently, both very last minute- but she came, whatever. Her mother does encourage her to dislike me BTW.
There will be weeks where she won't pick up DH's calls or answer texts, then days where she will text him all damn day.
So SD calls and wants to have a 'talk' with DH. She's cying and wants private time. The kid is crying, so I tell him to speak with her. (we were on our way to a friend's bday dinner- walking into the restaurant...he stays outside to talk for about 20mins.)
After dinner I ask- what it was about,and DH says, she is sad and feels bad because, "she has been pushing everyone away and not being nice and she wants to fix it but doesn't know how etc.. etc.." and she feels added pressure with school etc... She has not been bothered with him since FEBRUARY. I didn't say much, but i did sympathize with school pressure.
Is it pessimistic of me to feel, like, yeah- right... not that your birthday and Christmas are coming, right? Now you want to bond with daaaaaadddddyyyyy. Those of you who have young teens- advice?
I am sorry ~ I find that a 13
I am sorry ~ I find that a 13 year old figured out what she was doing !!! Someone is caressing that story ~
I think you are guarded which is healthy. You have been down this road n go burnt. Your hubby still hold hope ~ but remember hope is paralyzing. You are protecting yourself ~ which is normal.
school pressure? what was
school pressure? what was her excuse all damn summer?
i call BS. go with your gut and disengage. if he's like most DH's here, he'll jump at the chance to reconnect (which is good) but will also likely fawn all over her cuz she's now granting him the gift of her partial attention (fawning- not good)
i'd say you're right but your DH may give her the benefit of the doubt.
That's what I
That's what I thought.
Particularly since it has happened a few times in the last 5 yrs...yes- guarded is the right word. Once she gets what she wants- (BM included) all hell will break loose again.
BM concocts some nonsense, gets SD in a whirl about it, then DH spends months trying to fix it, and it all goes in the same vicious cycle...
We are going out of town for Xmas and what I see next is BM planting the seed that it is 'family time' and see? Daaaaaadddddddyyyyyyy is going away with HER and leaving you behind. BM has supported SD's decision to not come over bc it suits her, but we are still expected to drop everything when snowflake princess wants to come over. DH no longer supports this, thank god...
I have two different
I have two different scenarios on my head about SD's logic.
I think she was caressed by someone ~ I question it cause it seems very adult like thought. And seems more DH thought process ~ maybe how he felt n expressed it to her n then he believes she agreed. That sticks out in my head. I can't wrap my brain around a 13 year old saying that. It sounds like what was said was kinda what you all wanted to hear ~ that to me is not an honest explanation.
omg. Never thought of that.
Never thought of that. He would absolutely say that to her... Then in his mind- it is how she feels. I wish I could have heard the conversation and see how 'leading' he was.
huh... Thanks!!!!
Any insight on why she's calling crying in the first place?
If any child cries ~ you
If any child cries ~ you immediate reaction is to fix it. That was her shock n awe ~ she broke him down so that she could get his attention. I would guess ~ that was to break down any barriers that were previously up.
She probably cried n all he wanted to do was fix it. I am guess she couldn't explain why she did/does what she did. Sounds like to him he might have said ~ your pushing everyone away ~ blah blah blah n he made it out like she had a big ahhh haa moment.
Put it this way ~ if you
Put it this way ~ if you called DH n was upset n crying on the phone. I would think normal reaction would be omg ~ slow down ~ what's the matter. Don't worry I will fix it all.
But here is the question ? Is that a genuine feeling or a tactic to get his attention.
The whole one on one time is strange to me ~ not that I don't understand it. But the title of it ~ as kids get to be older teenagers ~ they start to branch off of their parents to discovery themselves with friends n boyfriends. So it's a very fine line ~ my fiancé struggled with this idea but understood it n backed off. Meaning his dd(spawn) was spending more n more time away from him n he was struggling with the idea that she didn't need him anymore. I explained that in teenager years ~ your parenting switches to more of guidance to the kids. They are no longer babies. They are getting independent. He still wanted to spend time w her but she constantly picked bf over her Dad. ( part of life) ~ now however he has adapted to his new life of being on the back burner ~ she proclaimed that he abandoned her which is so far from the truth. He gave her room to grow n she wanted to store him in the closet with all her other puppets n pull then out when she needs then.
To me ~ your either in it or your out but don't bitch when your out n want to me in. You made your bed my dear ~ crawl under the covers n I'll see you in the morning little red riding hood.
You completely hit the nail
You completely hit the nail on the head. Thank you.
The one on one time is because when BM and I had our blowout in February, SD refused to see me or him. In June, I told DH that he needed to see her and it was ok- I can do my own thing.
He saw her on 3 separate occasions, without me, and I think it was good for them to spend some time together. There was one occasion that DH took SD to his parents and it became a big family day. I was at home.
DH realized that a 13 yr old was dictating where and when I could be places and he put a stop to it. BM freaked out and said I was never to go near her 'baby girl'.
I think BM is trying to control things again, one. And two, he totally struggles with the fact that SD is growing up. Any occasion to run to her rescue and he is jello... she knows this.
SD is allowed to choose her visitation- RIDICULOUS- bc BM lets her and because my MIL supports this child-centric view that SD should be allowed to choose, don't force her to visit if she doesn't want to. (I cam along when SD was 8 and this was firmly entrenched- DH accepted a lot of help from his parents, when SD was little- she always came over.)
Like you, now she's a teen- she picks friends etc.. over time with DH and family- and accuses DH of abandonment, and shirking his responsibilities... SERIOUSLY? the first time that came out she was 11. lol- no BM manipulation there...
For a long time, DH would keep weekends 'open' just in case. Then he saw the light. Now, we do what we do, and if she decides to visit and we are free- great! otherwise, no and he encourages her to plan. (the he gets guilt by his parents bc they want to see her.)
He hasn't seen her in a month, and she calls crying... like you said- shock and awe.
Thanks so much- you've given me a lot to think about.
Your hubby is acting
Your hubby is acting completely normal ~ just the tugging of his puppets strings gives her power to manipulate how she's sees fit. He will grovel at any attention he can get from her. Just sounds unhealthy ~ and that part sucks.
I try to think of both sides
I try to think of both sides n try to figure out why people do whst they do.
My only issue with all this BS ~ we all could have it all. If respect was in place ~ respecting who you are in DH life n visa versa. I am sure you accept what position she holds in DH's life you get that loud n clear. Why must a child have completely n utter disrespect w their own parent. Wouldn't you want your father to be happy ~ are they that selfish that watching Dad grows older by himself ~ all lonely cause SD decided to make the choices that she made.
My mother passed away when I was 25 ~ I was an adult ( barely lol ) my father was my world ~ my guy. Months before my mom passed she told me ~ when I am no longer on this earth n when your father finds someone to shares his life with. My wish is that you respect her. Wow ~ what a punch in the face that was. Your asking me as Daddy's girl to accept a woman who is not you in my life n pray that she understands my Dad's relationship with me. You must be crazy mom. ~ you know what ..... That was one of the greatest gifts I ever recieved in my life.
I respected my fathers wife ~ plain n simple. Nothing more n nothing less. But don't misconscrew the word respect with love. I respected n loved my father till the day he died. I respect my fathers wife. Big difference.
SD came to our wedding and
SD came to our wedding and was happy. BM saw it and twisted it.
My biggest sadness for this child is that instead of encouraging a friendship with me and making it easier for her, my BM makes everything about her and how horrible I am.
Really? It's horrible to have an educated, successful woman in her life?
Oh! RIIIIIIGHT! SD should grow up like you! High school dropout, can't hold a job welfare collecting, housing project living bitch. Don't forget the current husband who has 3 children with 3 other women.
My only wish is that HER BM's are batshit too... but i doubt it...
It's is pathetic that you
It's is pathetic that you would think BM would be happy to have someone there who loves their kid. I decided awhile ago ~ that I did what I could when I could. She is delussional n saw me as a threat to her. I never want to be her mother ~ trust me. Embarrassed to admit I know her honestly. She can have that nightmare all to herself. Here ya go ~ on that silver platter. NOT ~
We call BM the Spin Doctor ~ spins everything her way so she looks great. Hey Spin ~ try washing your windows girl I see they all the shot on the window.
I feel like I'm reading about
I feel like I'm reading about myself! I am in a similar situation, very similar! Disengage, if she is genuine then she will contact you and try to work it out. She is not a little child who is not capable of this, she is old enough to know what she has done she is old enough to reach out to you and apologize and explain. I hate being in the situation and often times wish i did not have to deal with it but its there like a dark cloud that lingers just waiting to let it poor. I don't get it either when you hear nothing from this kid then all of a sudden they want to reconnect right before the holidays, good timing. BM has A LOT of manipulating and time to manipulate and will not hesitate to do so. The bm i deal with puts on a face for everyone and so does sd15 but behind the doors they are vindictive monsters ready to attack. can't talk to crazy. bm is a control freak btw not at all surprised that she thinks she can control our home. i agree with Enuff- she needs to respect you period.
It's getting better, I mean
It's getting better, I mean on Thanksgiving she decided last minute she wanted to come. MIL had called her and of course, mentioned we'd all be together including her cousins. I will assume her day included the mall with her transient ghetto mother and not much else.
MIL called DH and asked him to go get her. He said no and if MIL wanted to go get her, fine, but he wouldn't. Of course, MIL goes to get her, is 2hrs late for dinner, but everyone fawns over SD like she's a rockstar.
TOG- ours admits to knowing about crazy too... hehe
1niccolo- our BM is also a control freak. She tried to tell DH that I couldn't attend a party for my niece since SD wanted to go. LOL!
^^ agreed!!