Venting before the Weekend
I have to get this out before the weekend starts or I will explode.
I have a BS who is launched and Three SS's. OSS19 is away at college, MSS15 and YSS10. I have little to nothing to do with OSS and MSS. They were PAS'd out by BM a long time ago so I really never have to deal with them. DH still has 50/50 and YSS comes on his regularly scheduled visits.
MSS15 is in every sport known to man and is the "golden child" in BM's eyes. She refuses to miss a game or event for MSS. This leaves YSS out in the cold. He hates sports so BM pawns him off on family and friends regularly so she can worship MSS.
YSS finally decided he would give Soccer a try. He played last Fall in a local league and this year BM decided to put him in a spring travel team.
The problem is, the practices and games fall mainly on DH's time. DH work hours make it difficult for him to assist with practices and games. BM didn't think of the fact that MSS is in baseball with an average of 4-5 games a week at the same time as YSS's practices/ games.
So far, DH and BM have been trying to pawn the responsibility of YSS's practices and games off on me. I have resisted this as much as humanly possible.
However, on the weekends we have YSS, I typically do get him to his Soccer game on Saturday. I do care for YSS and feel he gets ignored by BM and even DH so I don't put up a fuss about helping on our Saturday.
Here is my issue....I am a planner. I like to know details if I am supposed to be helping YSS with his games. I want to know when and where at least a few days in advance. BM and DH are always last minute planners which drives me insane. So last SUNDAY I told DH, If I am expected to get YSS to his game, I need details. He said OK. Fast forward to Wednesday, still no details. He hadn't even bothered asking. So I again explained, I WANT DETAILS. I explained how I hate to have crap thrown at me at the last minute so get me a time and place for YSS's game.
It is now Friday. DH did manage to get the address yesterday but has yet to forward it to me. He hasn't technically even told me he has the address. He also doesn't have a time for the game. He didn't bother asking for that info. So basically it has taken me SIX days of nagging to get the info I need and I STILL don't have it.
I am beyond pissed. Yes it seems like a trivial matter but to me it is not. It is a level of dis-respect which I have complained about for years.
I refuse to do much to help with the SS"s because I have never been treated with respect from BM. Now I feel the same disrespect from DH. How freaking hard is it to get the info I needed when I asked for it days ago???
So DH is going to be surprised when I inform him that I will NOT be taking YSS to his game. He can either miss work or have BM take him. If I can't be respected enough to be provided the info I asked for then I am OUT. And he doesn't need to bother asking me to help again.
OK...Now I have vented. Whew...Now I can go about my day.
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Ahh the 11th hour kind of
Ahh the 11th hour kind of guy. This was a problem until I asked to be added to the team email. I get the updates such as time, location, etc. I double check with SS to be sure we are both on the same page.
I see no reason why you
I see no reason why you should bring SS to his game if you were not officially asked by DH. I have 2 BDs and 3 SDs. All are in sports. If anything needs to be worked out regarding attendance or transportation, it is between the parents of the child only. For instance, my older daughter is on a traveling cheer team. All those details about who will take her, etc. I work out with my ex. If my DH wants to go, great, if not, I go alone. This isn't your kid or your problem. You are being used
I totally agree. I had put
I totally agree. I had put my foot down with the older two SS's and made it clear it was not my job to take them to and from activities. But DH plays on my heart strings for YSS. I feel so badly that he gets ignored, I compromise and agree to only take him when it is our weekend. But part of that agreement is that I get the details ahead of time, not last minute.
When my BS was in sports, I too did it all myself. I never depended on DH to take him anywhere or even attend any of his sporting events. I think in the 5 years we have been married, DH went to ONE sporting event for DH. Yet I am expected to give up my entire Saturday running YSS around so BM can ignore him for MSS as usual.
I think it is time for this SM to get off this ride and tell DH to either take off work or make BM do it. If they can't respect my simple request, then I can't be expected to give up my weekend to help them.
Exactly. If you do it that
Exactly. If you do it that one time, it will get easier. Find something to do during the time you are supposed to leave, hair appt, nails, whatever. Then play innocent when asked, "oh, no one got back to me, so I didn't know" I bet you his parents will realize that one of them needs to step in and handle this.
Agree with the above
Agree with the above posters.
DH learned the hard way that I do not follow last minute directives and assumptions that I'll be the fall guy for toting SDs around.
If I am not directly involved in the planning (and on my terms if I am the only adult involved) or decision making then I'm not responsible for any of it. No last minute requests (unless necessary like sickness or a last minute work meeting), no DH "not feeling like picking up SD because I'm too tired," no "but I mentioned this to you last week" (but with no asking me if I would do it or final decision discussed...etc., etc., etc.
You are right, it's a matter of respect for your time and your individuality.
To get DH on the right page, I was firm and consistent.
I also do help out (with the above caveats) and sometimes even volunteer on occasion.
But I don't do others' bidding.
I had the same issue. I'm a
I had the same issue. I'm a planner and DH is last minute and "forgetful".
He'd even have the information for days and just not think to relay it to me until the last minute.
I've also recently told him if I don't get informed in more of a timely manner, I will not do whatever it is he is asking. And I use the word "asking" loosely. Usually it was "I NEED to you take SS7 today...or I NEED you to pick up SS tonight..." and I done it most of the time without even a "thank you" from DH. No more.
BM sent DH a schedule at the
BM sent DH a schedule at the beginning of the season but then the parents were told it was wrong. I highly doubt DH ever asked for an updated schedule.
Trust me... I am losing it.
Trust me... I am losing it. I haven't asked DH for the info again because I am going to just let this ride out. I have asked twice. He hasn't bothered to give me the details so I will not ask again. YSS will just have to miss his game or DH can find other arrangements.
My natural reaction would be to just start a big argument over it. But I'm not going to do that this time. I am going to just keep it together and not ask again.
I may even really push the issue and wait until 15 minutes before the game starts and text DH and BM to find out when they plan on picking up to take him.
Let them see how it feels to scramble around last minute.
I wouldn't even bother to
I wouldn't even bother to text them. It will be a cold day in Hades before I'm ever a regular skid taxi service.
Say NOTHING. Don't ask again. Don't text them. Don't drive the skid to the game. Period. Dot.
Nope... and I'd find
Nope... and I'd find something to do and already be gone by the time pick up/drop off time should be
The skid is 10. I don't know
The skid is 10. I don't know if OP is okay with him being at the house alone.
oops, missed that one.
oops, missed that one. Sorry.
Op suddenly has gardening she's into? Conveniently taking a long hot bubble bath? In the middle of baking?
Secret, I'd have something
Secret, I'd have something cooking that was long prep time and long cook time. Plus cleanup!! Something in the slow cooker, a batch of baklava...
Oh yes. Something that cannot
Oh yes. Something that cannot simply be interrupted in it's cookingness or left unattended. (as far as they know.)
And I wouldn't use convenient
And I wouldn't use convenient things like the food processor. Chopped nuts? Cutting board and knife. Oh my, this knife is dull. I'd better sharpen it RIGHT NOW!
Better clean the sharpener
Better clean the sharpener first.. I have one of those old ones where you run the blade through a slit in a holder...the knife goes between two rotating stones... I have to possibly take it apart to clean it...
pasta is always a good one.
Takes forever.
Delicate handling.
Needs to be just right to roll...just right to cut... etc etc... it's a whole Saturday morning ordeal for me to make 2 pounds... lol
(it's actually not, but I claim this time!
These are some great ideas!!
These are some great ideas!! I may have to work on that. Lord knows DH wouldn't know any different since he has ZERO idea how to use a stove.
Heaven forbid that something
Heaven forbid that something gets spilled IN the stove. Cleaning THAT up would take all morning!!!
OMG, totally. While you're on
OMG, totally.
While you're on it, you need to defrost the freezer... you know, efficient use of time and all that jazz... which means everything has to be taken out and cover the kitchen......then you have to clean THAT up... then the smell and exertion made you dizzy, so you just HAVE to take a nap... to rest... because you're SOOOO tired at having to do all that with NO HELP....
SS is a very immature 10 and
SS is a very immature 10 and not able to be left alone just yet. I don't think he would actually do anything to burn the house down but he is the type of kid who Is afraid of everything.
PigPen is a very immature
PigPen is a very immature 14.5yo. DH will not let PP stay by himself for 15 minutes.
"I may even really push the
"I may even really push the issue and wait until 15 minutes before the game starts and text DH and BM to find out when they plan on picking up to take him."
Wait, are you upset that they expect you to take SS? I understand that especially if that is what is just assumed, but I thought you were upset because no one had informed you of the time.
Okay, I now see where you
Okay, I now see where you needed to have the location ahead of time.
There should be a switch on
There should be a switch on our partners so we change flip on the consideration and planning.
Everyone has the same amount of time. Don't respect mine and you won't get any of it.
Transportation is between DH
Transportation is between DH and BM.
Of course in an emergency you would consider helping but other than that, 1st falls into BM lap since she signed child UP and IF dh wants to help her then he can.
Not saying this is the case but I have known bm's who sign child up for everything under the sun on a year round basis. This action makes it almost impossible for a ncp to have a normal schedule for the child.
Which by the way it the intent of a high conflict parent. MAKE her do the pick ups and drops for her activities. Dad can plan his time on his terms NOT bm's terms.
I agree and have had this
I agree and have had this conversation with DH before. The last weekend he had games on our time, he had two games in one day. I made it very clear that I was NOT the one who signed YSS up, nor was I consulted or asked. So therefore, he and BM can work that out themselves.
So it really irks the hell out of me when I actually give a freaking inch and agree to one game and am treated with such disrespect. The exact reason I stopped doing for them all in the first place, lack of respect.
Lesson learned.
SOMEONE must have a game
SOMEONE must have a game schedule?? When I got BS7 baseball schedule, I took a picture on my phone and sent to MIL and my mom and some friends who like to come and watch him. It's really not rocket science. Why can't BM just forward the whole damn schedule so that you don't have to keep getting information piecemeal??
Better yet, if this is going to fall on you, the next practice or game that you take him to ask the coach for a schedule. I'm sure he'll have one.. problem solved then you don't have to rely on idiots.
I think the reason we don't
I think the reason we don't have a schedule is two-fold.....1) DH is a lazy parent who doesn't bother to get things like schedules and relies on BM to keep him in the loop. and 2) BM loves the fact that she controls the schedules. She can sit back and command her wishes be carried out. Then she can boohoo to everyone around how she has to "do it all" and also PAS the kids against DH for not showing up. It's a sick twisted game.
I refuse to get in the middle of it all. That is why I told DH "if you want me to help, this is what I need and when I need it" It is up to him to get me the info or there will be no help coming from me. He really dropped the ball this time.
I am a planner. Sometimes I
I am a planner. Sometimes I get mad when DH doesn't give me info on things coming up before the last minute but then I have to remind myself that I am a really good planner and he is used to be having everything organized and ready. Well this year I put HIS name down for Soccer and Tball and told him if he wanted to go to a game or practice or if SS needed to be brought to one, it was up to him. He's been dropped out of both group messages at least once, has showed up to cancelled practices once for each, has missed one soccer practice because he was out of the group message and nearly forgot about pictures. He looks to me and I say, "you are an adult and fully capable of typing into your phone schedules" Sure he gets mad when I say this but he knows I'm right. He knows that I have no right/obligation to these sports and I go above and beyond for school and take care of most other things but communication with coaches isn't one of them. If BM can do it then so can DH.
Update to my Weekend. Well
Update to my Weekend.
Well the obvious happened. DH didn't bother to share the info regarding YSS's game until around 7:30 pm on Friday night. He mentioned the game and I said "well, considering you STILL Have not given me the details it looks like he won't be going" DH looked at me and said "OH I have the address" I replied "Are YOU the one that is taking him, if not, then maybe you should have given ME the address" That little comment got me ignored for the rest of the night.
Only one thing....he didn't tell me what time the game started.
So about 12:30 am, as we were going to bed, he shared with me that the game (which was an hour away) started at 9:30 and he needed to me there 30 minutes early.
I nearly fell out of bed. I tried to remain as calm as possible and just said, I hope you have a great time taking him.
I then rolled over and went to bed.
YSS didn't go to his game.