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Too much togetherness

SM12's picture

I will admit the last few weeks have been trying.  DH is working Less than half his normal hours (but thankful he has a job) and is here more than normal.  My patience has shortened and I am on the verge of going crazy.

Right at this moment DH is being particularly annoying.   It is a kid weekend.  In fact YSS hasn't left since last Tuesday.  DH decided, without asking me, that YSS could just stay instead of going back to BM for the 1. 1/2 days he would normally be with her.   
As I am typing I am being serenaded by DHs snores as he is asleep on the couch.   He spent the entire day, before this nap, on the video game while YSS sat in his room.   I can honestly say DH has not spent more than 30 minutes with YSS this entire weekend.  DH has spend the entire time on his video game.  YSS crawls out of his cave of a room to take over the video game when DH manages to peel himself away.   

I am the one who managed to have enough forethought to get YSS some Easter candy.   DH made it seem like he got it.   Don't care.  I don't even care what DH does with his time since I am annoyed with him.  However, I refuse to hear him cry and whine when the time comes that YSS stops coming over. The only reason YSS still comes is to get out of BMs and away from asshat MSS.  

I can see the writing on the wall, YSS will be lost to DH and DH will have zero clue why.   I refuse to teach DH how to parent at this point.   
Here is to hoping this quarantine ends soon before my marriage and sanity is lost forever.