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I think im coming to a place where i need to

Ladystark's picture

To stop enabling-

Dh just does not realize how stressful HE is being!

Over the summer dh started drinking again, this is after not drinking since ss was born. He was drinking just a few on the weekends. It has increased more after his grandma passed and now his moms issues.

I have not told anyone, but im getting so angry at him. He comes home he is tired after work, he has like three ipa's, then he can barely hold his eyes open, but he tries to stay awake because he wakes up around 1am or 3am, and can't go back to sleep! (The sleep thing has always been an issue-always)

Tonight he was with baby girl, and i told him i wanted to get in the shower, he says go ahead i got her.(i normally do not get in so early, but with this sinus stuff and doing errands all day i was getting tired and i already went 2 days without one) I say well you want me to put her in the crib- that way i know where she is if he falls asleep. He got defensive- started saying he would not fall asleep and he never does if he is with her. She was fine drinking milk watching cartoons.

I leave them shut baby gate anyway.

Take shower, hear her talking-yelling, i hurry up get dressed. Ss or dh opened baby gate left it open! Dh is asleep on couch, and baby girl is up by her little table coloring talking all loud. .. looks like she was in the kitchen too! Not sure how long she was loose for....

I mean wtf!

Im so irritated!

I need to talk to him about this because i cant keep having a zombie husband at 730pm!

He works hard, i know, im home all day, which is different than being outside all day...but still i feel like im bymyself.

This drinking thing upsets me, i know he is an adult who can drink a few to wind down, i mean seriously, there are enough mom-wine drinking meme's that its the norm. (Which im not sure how people drink with kids running around), ugh i feel horrible after drinking.

Dh wakes up ta-da! And gets ready for work, i cant do that.

I just feel like this huge fight is brewing and this situation just, man, lit the dynomite!

I know he is a grown man, and i feel weird telling a grown man he cannot drink, but im not going to enable him,(enable- as in i have justified this with oh he works hard, oh its just a sad rough time for him) and if he cant keep it to the weekends, than im not sure i can stay here, i did not sign up for a drunk zombie husband. I did not sign up for someone falling asleep then upset at me because im not awake with him! Ive always dealt with it(him being awake watching the early ams), but its been worse with the drinking, as he will purposely wake me up! Broken sleep is not fun, and i feel so grumpy!

If you know you are tired, why act like your wide awake?! Why get defensive? I will tell him to go to bed, he gets all "no im fine, im not tired"

(I know some of you will say- take a shower in the morning- i have horrible frizzy curly hair- i can take a shower some mornings,if im going curly, but usually im flat ironing my hair in the am)

But i cant keep adjusting for his behaviour. When we met- he was sober living- i drank mostly on weekends-socially...but after i had baby girl its like my body hates me...i used to be able to drink a few hard ciders, or beers, but now i have one or half of one i get the worse heatburn ever!! Ive had to change alot of what i eat! So i dont drink anymore- but i think cause i was a causal drinker i felt fine with him drinking. I did not realize he is not a fun or chill drinker...he is kind of mean... or he gets in these rant modes- he is a drinker id avoid- he goes on and on about music, orlike a spritual talk- AND YOU CANT CHANGE THE SUBJECT##

Ive tried- one night- he got on this whole jerry garcia kick talking about it for two hours, then mad at me because "ill never understand on his level" ugh eye roll...

Tomorrow will probably be a nice fight... or tonight if he tries to wake me up!!!

I have not told anyone, because im not sure anyone would understand, and i really dont have anyone i can really talk to. My sisters are both heavy drinkers. Every gettogether they are drinking. I feel they would just make me feel guilty for wanting him to stop. My mom will listen to me vent, but would probably tell my sisters.

I just feel alone right now...


Ladystark's picture

Im sure its just beer, the only thing i dont know is if he is drinking after work, and i only see 3 beers at home...

Ladystark's picture

I just have not gone all "detective-wife" on him yet, but i feel i might be stepping up my game after this.

Hennypenny's picture

When alcohol affects relationships it's a problem. He also put your child in danger, which is a HUGE problem. He has fallen into a dangerous routine and you are absolutely right to address it with him.

sunshinex's picture

Sounds like he's getting defensive because he recognizes there's a problem.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Contact Al-Anon. There are people there who will understand and who will be able to give you some advice.

He put your child in danger and he is sometimes mean when he drinks - both those things are huge red flags.

Indigo's picture

Hennypenny is correct, just as other posters have offered: there is an alcohol or drug/alcohol issue in the house. AA/AL=Anon.

You KNOW this. Alcohol excessive use/abuse has been a recurrent theme throughout your life. You likely picked DH because he was "familiar" with his demons. DH has an issue. Perhaps he is adding a few drinks or "mini's" from the liquor store before he gets home ... likely a lot of drinks or layering on some pills. Pass-out asleep minding your toddler for 30 minutes while you shower --- even after working graveyard shift or swing-shift or 14 hour days just sounds weird. There likely is a shitload of lying and denial going on.

You are responsible for your baby and if that includes calling B*S* on a parent behaving erratically or neglectfully, of course, you must enforce some boundaries. Protect your little one and yourself. Hiding and excusing and explaining and ... FFS, you are the biggest block to your own sense of living a full life while raising your little one.

Acratopotes's picture

dang woman I've got nothing...... I would simply take a bucket of ice water and dump it over him while he's sleeping on the coach and say - WTH are you not attentive to our daughter...

3 beers a night is way way too much and this from a weekend alcoholic Wink You DH is working in the field, thus there's safety issues ..... you can not work with an beer infused brain.

Both SO and I work for a company with zero tolerance of drugs and alcohol... during the week - we do not use any alcohol... but comes Friday evening.. dang.. you will not last in our house hold, beer is for breakfast lol...
Sunday we stop 2 am and we wait for the next Friday...

Indigo's picture

'Chibuku Shake Shake?' Back in the dark ages, any vat of banana, sugar cane (?) and maize beer stirred over the cookfire with women spitting into it regularly ...

I'd rather 3 Coors Light beer cans than 3 containers of home-brew.

Acratopotes's picture

Tombo woman Tombo Wink Wink Wink

vile stuff with a huge kick.... we stick to spirits

Indigo's picture

Every village had at least one black pot filled with a foaming, fermenting (saliva adds the yeast?) concoction which was a version of beer. They all tasted slightly different and we never thought about the women spitting into it --- no wonder I had a happy childhood! Blum 3

Nowadays, in Colorado ... there are microbreweries making hundreds of thousands of USA dollars/year. "Home-brewed" or "micro-brewed" statuses have an entirely different connotation.

ESMOD's picture

I'm a light beer fan myself! I don't like the stronger beer despite the fact that I drank the "good stuff" when I first started drinking when I lived in Germany in High School.

I guess OP either is sleep deprived which is making him fall asleep easily.. his beers are way stronger than what I drink.. or he is drinking more.

Seriously, I can drink like 6 light beers and be functional (not driving.. but ambulatory, speaking, functioning.. NOT at work of

jmh302's picture

I know what you are going through. He very likely is drinking more then what you see.
It makes you feel crazy because you know its odd to bitch about 3 beers because seriously its 3 beers but super seriously he is passed out and you know its wrong.

It conflicts in your brain and it sucks. Not to mention he isnt participating in your lives after work fully if he is drunk and then asleep.

The passing out while watching toddler:so what my kids father did was worse...he actually got blackout drunk and LEFT our toddlers (18ish months) at home while i was at work. He was charged with child endangerment.

In therapy for myself i realized that i was not crazy the months leading to the incident , the falling asleep hard early, the odd amount of time it took for him to do any small errand, the random anger and yelling at me AND the toddlers, 0 helping with household. He was a drunk but he went to work everyday and how dare i bitch about him drinking 2 beers after work..all the while not knowing about the bottle under his seat in car. Red flags everywhere!

I am not saying your dh will leave your child but she could have just as easily go into chemicals, knives, got outside. She still could have been hurt. I am glad she was not but now you have to make sure she isnt ever in that situation.

If he is looking or acting off, go with your gut and do not leave her with him. He probably will not be receptive to talks about his drinking until an incident.

Ladystark's picture

Thank you! Feels good to have someone understand.

He works and yes while we were arguing he said that! "I get up EVERYDAY ON TIME,and pay the bills, i do everything im supposed too, but apparently you have an issue."

Its like ya you get up, function for work, then i have to deal with whoever shows up!

Thank you for sharing your story with me!

I needed to read that.

notasm3's picture

Also check the ABV (alcohol by volume) of the IPA. Some of them have an absurdly high alcohol content. Three of those can have more alcohol than a 6 pack of light beer.

Acratopotes's picture

:jawdrop: I'm sorry Starkie..... but hell I need to move to US...

our strongest beer available in this country 4% and light beer 2%

Tuff Noogies's picture

3 or 4%? h3ll, my icehouse has gone up to 6.5%!!! Blum 3 Dirol

yes, acra, move here! i'll take you in!!!

Acratopotes's picture

thanks chica.... packing and trying to get a visum? now.... but you know about your laws and traveling }:)

Acratopotes's picture

then I'm an Alien???

send me a pro parker badge Wink (I can call him what I want) I will arrive with that on my shoulder and state... only for a visit... 2 weeks.... then you can hide me, where will they come and look for me...

you give them BM's address }:)

Ninji's picture

Sounds like maybe something more than 3 beers is going on. My DH works a very physically demanding job, we get up around 5am every day and we enjoy a few drinks every night. He has no problem staying awake and being a productive spouse and parent.

Sounds like something else may be going on. If he isn't hiding extra drinks or drugs, he should see his doctor about a sleep study.

Tuff Noogies's picture

i totally agree. it also sounds like he may be depressed. dh has gone thru cycles where he's already in bed before i even get home from work.

Ninji's picture

My father slept alllll the time when we were kids. I didn't know any better then, but I think he must have been going through depression. We lost our house and he couldn't get a job.

Acratopotes's picture

LadyStark - all jokes aside now..... I'm over the fact that your normal beers are so dang high in alcohol..

but if your DH is doing physical labor, out in the field the whole day, coming home and passing out on the coach with the chickens.... then waking up in the early hours of the morning... it could be that he's over tired when he comes from work, the beer helps him to relax and he falls asleep...

maybe you should suggest to him to come from work, not drink a beer, simply take a nap, to recharge for half an hour to an hour.. then get up, shower, have a meal and a beer, before going to bed at 10 - normal time for people....

my kid works a physical job, and he would come home at 7pm, then he sleeps till 2am, eats dinner that time of the morning, wakes me up cause he's not tired any more... thus his day is stuffed up... we slowly changed it, Deigma came home slept for an hour , had dinner at 11pm, woke up at 4am.... currently we are on...

napping half an hour, shower, have a coffee and dinner at 9pm... by 11pm he's fast asleep and wakes up at 5:30....
to be back at work 7am-7pm...

It could only be a thing for DH of changing his night and day hours to some stupid time

uofarkchick's picture

It sounds like your husband is an alcoholic and that he has periods of sobriety followed by relapses. He is showing some classic signs of alcoholism.

Defensive about drinking? Check.
Counting his drinks? Check.
Mean when he drinks? Check.
Daily drinking? Check.

Alcoholics are not always bums sitting on the side of the street begging for change so they can go buy some Colt 45. There are functional alcoholics that have jobs and pay their bills.

I hope I'm wrong but I think you're right... There is a storm brewing. Please seek some help for yourself. You can't make an alcoholic stop drinking, they have to decide that for themselves.

Ladystark's picture

Yes! He snores, very loudly at times.

Ive always thought that, for him to do a sleep study but he always shrugs it off.

I guess ill get more serious about making him go to request a sleep study.

Ill talk to him about the taking a nap...

Yeah we are going to have to talk at some point today! Ugh.

Ive always had trouble drinking- i get the red flush- and now i have heartburn problems. I have always been around heavy drinkers- my mothers brothers and sisters are crazy drinkers. Its the norm to drink, to have a cookout and drink.

When we would meet new people, the oh come over- what do you like to drink? Would come up- we say we dont- then its that awkward- OH- then that look of now what? Lol. It never bothered me, but i guess it bothered dh more than i knew...

This no limit thing- i cant deal with it- im not an addict, the only thing im bad with is food/ chocolate, and soda!

I feel like he gets jealouse that i dont "need" anything to get through my day.

Ill look into meetings, i just need a little more knowledge on this!

oneoffour's picture

I would approach it from the perspective... Husband, at night when you snore you stop breathing. Now it could be you nothing or it could be something. I cannot imagine having to tell your daughter you died in your sleep because you didn't go to the Dr. Not to mention you act really weird after only 3 beers. Like you are still asleep. So for your daughter's sake, see the Dr and get sleep study done.

If he is only having 3 beers and nothing outside home then I would bet on the sleep apnea version. If it isn't sleep apnea then you can attack the alcohol scenario.

Ladystark's picture

Update- we had a talk, he has not drank during the week since- he has had a few over the weekends...but im happy we talked. No arguing. No fighting..he apologized...

Once this house is done he will have maybe two free weeks before next project and I WILL be making him a doctors appt! He has agreed to get started(i think he is tired of his weird sleep too)

So that is looking up!

Feels good when you work things out!
(I will have to deal with an anxious butthole once we get close to the doc appointment, cause he stresses himself out over thinking it)