I really need some advice
Big fight last night about stepson who has been a drug addict for at least 16 years - we have been together 13 years. I have tried to be supportive and all as i know i posted about this.
I thought I made my feelings clear about not wanting his son at our home - due to he steals and I am to the point that i know he isn't clean and why should i pretend - everyone else is pretending. for 1 you don't quit cause daddy tells you too and 2nd if it is this easy how come he has never quit before even though he told everyone he has. I don't want to enable this kid anymore like his dad and grandparents are doing.
at any rate - its sunday and of course my husband says i want to invite son do you mind i spike my mind - he then said to me you just want me to forget him - i was there when he was born i changed his diapers - i said no i am not asking that at all - why can't you go over there and watch football - he has his own house. I said because I don't want him here because i don't want to watch him - i am making you choose. the reason he doesn't want to go there is there is no big screen and no pop or food - of course there is tv and pop and food at our house.
He stole from me - he stole from my kids, and his father and mother and grandparents - and they all wipe the slate clean - i can't...
classic enablers... why should i be held accountable for his drug problems...
i was pretty clear about my feelings on his son, so why ask me every Sunday - when i have said it for at least 3 months now. i have always been the one to wipe the slate clean because of my husband - i refuse to do that anymore.
- happy's blog
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Good for you, girl. It's too
Good for you, girl. It's too bad that this boy's family are hell bent on literally loving him to death. Addiction really is a family illness and it sounds like you are refusing to let it effect you anymore.
Addiction is so hard, I
Addiction is so hard, I really feel for you and your family. I don't blame you for being done with your stepson right now - it isn't wrong to not want someone who steals in your home. It is also understandable that your husband has trouble "letting go."
It might help your husband to go to an NA meeting or at least do some reading on addiction. Has he before? It might help him to understand that by enabling his son (whether that be turning a blind eye to his addiction, inviting him into your home, whatever the case may be) he is actually doing more harm. He is giving the addict options. In order for him to truly want to get clean, he has to see rehab/changing his life as the ONLY option left. That, or lose everyone and everything.
I wish you the best.
((((HUGS)))) You have the
You have the courage and strength to stick UP for yourself and standards of behavior inside your home. I DO understand how you feel in part.
It is a pity that your husband along with other family members whitewash criminal behavior of DH son. They are not doing him any favors.
Can I share? Several years ago a Mom and Dad in our Catholic Church had a son who also was an addict...stealing lying..you know the deal as it is common with behaviors for addicts. WELL,
This Mom and Dad put their foot down and refused to allow their son inside their home much less in their lives. Complete block. The kid ended up in jail and Mom and Dad would not bail him out of jail.
A few parishioners were livid with these parents and could NOT believe they would do this to their precious snowflake. Our Priest got wind of this and I kid you not He brought it up during Mass.
Our Priest stood firmly beside this Mom and Dad and agreed with what they decided to do and gently scolded anyone who expected Mom and Dad to 1. bail their addict out of jail and 2. who expected mom and dad to allow that shit in their home.
STAND FIRM adn do not cave to the enablers. You did the right thing. You also gave grace by suggesting your husband continue his relationship anytime he see's fit at the addicts home.
YOur DH's entire family is NOT helping addict kid. But I would bet there are others inside that family who have been tipped toes around too. THIS is not the first time.
LOOK AT THE FAMILY HISTORY...it's a window to current behaviors and usually it is long standing.
Hang in there!!! Stay strong.
I think you are absolutely
I think you are absolutely entitled to protect yourself from this addict SS. If you ever have proof that he is clean and sober, perhaps then you can rethink your stand on this issue.
Just last night my neighbor called me crying hysterically. Her SD40ish is also a addict and banned from the home. Her DH is getting up there in years and has been in poor health. The SD wanted to come see him and he said no. He doesn't allow her in his house because she will steal and they don't want to watch her like a hawk.
Last night my neighbor was in the garage and the SD showed up . She was told she shouldn't be there and to leave. Well she shoved her SM out of the way, knocking her into the hot water heater , and burst into the house.
Once inside she was told to leave by her father and a screaming match ensued. It turned into a huge cluster f*** and the police and paramedics were called by another neighbor who saw the confrontation in the garage. Now the police are pressing charges and everything will be a huge stressful mess that no one needs.
That's the thing about addicts. They bring their dysfunction with them wherever they go and no sane person wants to be around that willingly.
That's the thing about
That's the thing about addicts. They bring their dysfunction with them wherever they go and no sane person wants to be around that willingly.
Yep, and one should not expect one's spouse to put up with it in their own home. He can see his son elsewhere.
thank you guys... i am living
thank you guys... i am living in hell and have been.. my choice because no matter what i go through with this i stay. you asked if my husband has read anything - yes he was in NA smoking weed, ss also smokes weed but also does opiates or heroin or whatever he can. i think this a double edge sword cause i am not sure you can quit one without quitting it all. i never ever told him he can't have a relationship with his son - but that is clearly what he heard.. i said do it at his house. i am sorry - i care but i can't be the only one wanting him held responsible.. all addicts lie to get you off there back, steal to get there drugs and say i am sorry to get back in.. i cannot take it anymore. if he were to get clean - good come into our home - but if your not going to be clean stay away. i think its a deep issue and i think he needs in house deep therapy. his excuse is no insurance.. i am sorry if you have cancer and no insurance are you just gonna not go for treatment - hell no you get treatment to LIVE...
DH still upset with me
DH still upset with me however while I took my son to appointment - he went to SS house and confronted him he tried to lie but DH didn't let up and he admitted he is still using! I am still the ass it seems in my husbands eyes..
on other note - my son is 17 went and got sports physical - and he is jaundice so doing blood test I am worried! And my son had a basketball game and one of his friends was found at school no pulse he passed away
His son lies to him and is
His son lies to him and is still using but you are the ass? Okay.
Why does your husband not put the blame and his anger where it belongs? Perhaps your husband should attend nar-anon and learn about what he is really dealing with, instead of blaming you.
That is terrible about your son's friend. Do they know why he died?
ahppy - proud of you standing
ahppy - proud of you standing your ground, SS is not welcome back, DH can go to his place... stay with that.
Dh can be angry about it, simply laugh and tell him i don't care... when your son is clean and self supporting we can talk about this again but not before that...
hOpe your son are doing well today... he's a strong young boy he will get through this
Hi ladies- my sons friend
Hi ladies- my sons friend well they are doing autopsy - not sure! By sounds of it he was gone when he collapsed at the school!
Happy is sticking to her funs on SS issue! To many years of his crap
Thanks for support!
Thanks for support!