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Alright ladies... which one of you is this???

BSgoinon's picture

As I was reading an entire list of names from here popped into my mind. LOL.


Tuff Noogies's picture

ew. i understand she's feeling neglected, but affairs are just flat-out wrong in my book, i dont give a $#!t HOW it makes you feel.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

No sh!t. Fix the problem or leave. THEN start another relationship. Even if it's only a fuddy.

ChiefGrownup's picture

O/T The last letter in the column was certainly bizarre. What the heck?

Back to the original topic, sounds like she is too chicken to flat out tell him this isn't working. She's hoping, consciously or not, that she'll get caught in this affair so she can scream at stepDH that it's all his fault, she is sexy and attractive, she deserves more, there's something wrong with him!

Well, that could be satisfying but go ahead and tell that to him now, lady. Then walk out the door and don't look back.

She probably had a big wedding, or a church position, or ten thousand reasons she can't bring herself to flat out leave the marriage without some kind of external force. Or she's just a chicken. The guy sounds a total dud but she's got issues, too.