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over step's picture

Ms Kitty is acting like she feels better. The weakness and balance has not gotten any better but that doesn't stop her. She is really not liking having to take medicine twice a day but she doesn't seem to hold it against us. Especially since it means more treats.

DH told me that he doesn't want anything to happen or be said that will upset Puke so she keeps coming. I told him that I've never seen a child have so much control over her parents. They're terrified to upset her. I asked if her coming was more important than my respect and he pretty much said yes. I told him if he expected me to never say anything about Puke than it would cost him. It would cost him my respect for him as my husband and he would have to know that he broke my heart.

I have stop showing him much of any affection. He has made advances and I said I was tired. All the nice things I did for him will dwindle to practically nothing. I will not SAY anything to Puke but her time here will not be pleasant if she disrespects me. She can go crying to daddy and, if he says anything to me, I will tell him I said nothing to her so he needs to keep it to himself.

I think I really scared him when I suggested splitting our money. He did not want to do this because he was afraid it would be too easy for me to up and leave. I then explained that if I buy something he will not expect me to hide it and if I say we cannot afford something he wants to buy Puke than he accepts it with now pouting or resentment.

He may cherish Puke more now but when she stops coming he'll try to win me back to no avail and I'll be sure to remind him of the choice he made.


WalkOnBy's picture

Oh, FFS! WHY are these idiot parents so afraid of their pretty pretty princesses??? *Nancy Kerrigan font* WWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY??

I couldn't give two shits if my kids were/are pissed at me. When they lived at home, and I was raising them practically by myself, I always told them that if they were mad at me, it was because I was doing my job as a parent! WHY don't these damn Disney Dads get this??

As for Ms. Kitty - WAH HOO!!!!!!!

over step's picture

I posed a question to him...If your daughter came to you when she became an adult telling you that her husband wasn't giving her any respect and putting someone else before her, how would you feel and what would you say? He did NOT want to answer that and he didn't. I'm sure he would be pissed and tell her she doesn't deserve to be treated that way. But of course that's his sweet princess and I'm just his wife.

over step's picture

Her weakness and unbalanced issues don't seem to be getting worse but they're not getting better. Not sure what that means.

kathc's picture

I'm glad your kitty is doing better!

As for your DH, I think splitting finances IS in order because he does need to see that you're halfway out the door the way he's treating you!