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I hate what is happening in my home

tazz63's picture

:jawdrop: Well tonight hubby and I had put the kids down for the night. I came up to get there school clothes ready about 10 min into things hubby comes up to retire for the night. One of the kids go into the bathroom they are in there for a while so I get up to see if the are ok. Well it is his son with his mouth on my mouthwash. I was so mad because he is allways into something or doing something.I so wanted to hit him in his mouth.But I did not. Lord help me.


DaizyDuke's picture

how old is this kid? I just saw an Intervention the other night where the woman was drinking mouthwash, because it has something like 3x more alcohol in it vs. Vodka.

ChiefGrownup's picture

That was my first thought, too. Boys really so concerned about oral hygiene they swig the mouthwash? Really?

Or is he interested in it for another reason? Hmmmmmmm.....

tazz63's picture

He is 11 and I look on the back of the bottle and it States children under12 do not use. I am so sick of this kid I don't. Know what to do.

tazz63's picture

Well the kids are out of school I told my stepson to go his room his faher told him that he don't have to. Hubby said go talk to him I have talked till I'm bile in the face. When I was a child if I did wrong I got my ass beat.Jam at this point with this kid

ChiefGrownup's picture

Wait, what? Your dh countermanded your order? Then ordered you about? Whaaaaaaaaaat?

p.s. 11 is not too young to be interested in ways to experience alcohol. Prime time, actually. Probably heard about the mouthwash thing from boys at school. I find it more difficult to believe he was naturally diligent about minty fresh breath. But not cooties.