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Good steps for bf against mini-wife syndrome! :)

overit2's picture

I saw some good steps yesterday from bf since we decided to work on things harder, (read my previous blog). Overall things went ok for us, kids played good together, was fun, nothing too crazy.

Couple of things happened that I observed-YES he still tries to feed her every 1hr and lots of food (don't know that' just odd, like do you want her to get fat? LOL)

One one ocassion a couple days ago she came over and flopped on him-he quickly told her to move to another chair or go back and play w/the boys.
(Good one bf!)

He made sure to sit with me and she kept her chair -Another good one!

At one point he about went to my room to get her a blanket-until I said not MY blanket-linen closet in hallway, plenty of blankets thank you! (again she asked why cause she loves it) I said because it's the one thing that's mine I don't want to share and it will smell like the dog if you bring it in living room because dog is always sitting with you Smile He did as told! Smile

She loves it when dog is sitting with her and bf approaches her and dog barks at him acting all defensive, it's funny to watch because the dog adores bf but when sitting with sd and he plays like 'going to get cha" dog plays along and freaks at him.
Anyways, she kept saying 'come and touch me daddy' UUUUUGGGG VOMIT please lol- daddy, come touch me (she was wanting the dog to react, but the words she used OMG! CREEPY), he said NO, i'm busy! She kept on, I said SD he's busy with dishes. He repeated himself and said just chill out there please and stop! She stopped. Smile

WORST one of the night- she goes up while he's washing dishes (i'm sitting next to her in living room) and asks him to undo her bra!!! YES you read right!!!! He was SO taken aback! He said absolutely not...i'm your dad, that's girl stuff,you're a young lady now... you are old enough, if you need help you ask (me) know better then that, I'm your father, it's innapropriate, come on now!!! He was firm and put her in her place. He said a few more things I couldn't hear him but he was very swiftly applying boundaries.

I helped her undo it and said SD you're not supposed to ask your dad that, you're a young lady now (her, oh ok sorry) I think it's a combination of "i'm still a young kid dad has to help me do things' with a dose of 'adult woman competition'. ESpecially since he didn't indulge in the 'dog' thing earlier.

SO ALL big bonus points for him-he tried HARD to create and enforce boundaries. At one point having dinner all kids were acting up and he stepped up and got firm and raised his voice enough to stop ALL of them. I was BEAMING with pride Smile


AND on the CRAZY BM side. The bitch is just heartless and a low-life. OF COURSE I already knew she was going to throw sd at him all friggin week since kids are off school. ANd since she had SD this past wknd (HIS wknd) to travel i'm sure she thinks he owes her. However to make things 'look better' she assures sd that she's off yesterday and wants to pick her up early and spend the whole day with her, maybe even that night.

I LAUGHED when I heard that and said to bf, right till Wed am comes and she has some lame excuse-that girl wont see her mom, watch-he agreed-we NAILED IT! She called Wed, said wasn't feeling well....came to pick her up around noon to 'go to the park' for an hr...and told her she was going to her grandpas later if she wanted to go...or she could stay at her house while bm went (showed up with her lesbian partner). WTF!! You promised to spend the day just you two and then you pull this shit AGAIN! So she picked her up for a total of ONE HOUR, YES...and dropped her back off again w/him.
SD pretended to say 'it's ok, she wasn't feeling well'.

Do you know how many times this bitch does that??? Promises her to pick her up when she dumps w/him for weeks at a time and never shows, or has an excuse, or only for an hr?

My ass she didn't feel good, my ass she was visiting her dad later-just thought it's ok to let my kid down AGAIN like I do every time...what a POS!!!!


putthemfirst3's picture

This is awesome to see DHs can learn. I need to attempt to put up some boundaries with mine. I just discovered I have a mini wife in my house, thought she was a spoiled daddies girl..... How do you tell your DH his daughter is a mini wife???