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I couldn't even make this stuff up....

Hangin_in's picture

Hi All. I've been following for quite some time and have considered this site a refuge for when I'm looking for guidance/inspiration in my own step situation. Almost four years ago I became involved with a man with a very young daughter. He was legally separated (she had an affair with her co-worker) but not yet divorced, and living with a friend. Because I've never had a relationship with anyone with a child or anyone who has been married, I asked to see the separation papers to verify the story. After almost a year of dating, my SO moved into my condo. I was in his daughter's life (2yrs old at this point) but she was not living in my home on his visitation nights. He would often take her to his mothers house or his brothers house during over nights to avoid any confusion as to my role. After about six months of living together, she started to spend more time in my home once we were sure we thought our relationship was on the right path. Not long after this step forward, his extremely "challenging" BM found out he was not only living with me, but that his daughter was spending time in my home. She showed up at my house in a fit of rage in the middle of the night to confront me on the fact that he was not yet legally divorced (which I was fully aware of, it's not instant unfortunately) and that she had been under the assumption this time apart was a break (we're talking well over a year) and that he was supposed to miss her and come home. WTH. I asked why she would assume that since he was LIVING with me for over six months and we had been dating for much longer than that. She was fully aware I was around all this time, so what triggered her to show up out of the blue is beyond me. She had been driving by my house and leaving her business card on my windshield like some sort of Lifetime movie script. Calling constantly when she knew we were together and he would answer on speaker phone because he wanted me to hear the crazy stuff she was saying. Well, after this attempted confrontation in my foyer, I told her to get lost before I called the cops. She did in fact leave, but this was the beginning of the war. When she left, she decided to take it upon herself to say my SO had been abusive during their entire relationship. She called the police, his employers in an attempt to get him fired and she called CPS and reported he was dangerous. She lashed out at his family and mine, calling my parents during my Gran's funeral to ask them how they could be proud of such a homewrecker. She decided to fabricate some crazy story that I was off on leave because of alcohol and drug abuse. I was on leave for four weeks because I got hit by a car. She contacted CPS and reported that I was a long time drug user and dangerous to her child (not realizing I worked there for 6 years. Guess she didn't do enough research). This went on for ages. She told my SO that she would stop all of this if he signed an agreement saying he would not bring his daughter within 50 yards of me. Ridiculous. The courts stepped in (barely) and the divorce was granted and the visitation schedule regulated. CPS politely reminded her that there are people out there that actually need their services, they can't waste time on false claims. The police pretty much told her the same thing. So then she just decided to stalk me. Drove by my condo constantly, I would see her in my rearview mirror on my way home from work. She would text me rotten things and had her mother stalking me as well. They both started writing trash on my facebook and leaving me drunk voicemails. We had the lawyer send them a letter saying its all been recorded and there were grounds for criminal harassment charges if they did not stop. Great, get the point and go away already right? Nope. They then decided to tell this 2yr old little girl that I am dangerous. I'm a scary stranger and she shouldn't look or talk to me. My family was dangerous as well. Anytime we had her she would cry and scream for her mom, wouldn't look at me. Wouldn't talk to me or any of my family. She had been around for months before this drama and was absolutely fine. She was always very sweet and loving until all this happened. I was persistent, and read every book/article I could find, spoke to child counselors and other step parents. Over time, things started to improve. Just kidding! Years have passed, SD is now 5 and while things might be better with her, they are not great. She is a wonderful little girl but some things are just a bit off. We cant go more than a week without some sort of drama with BM. Not just fighting over pick ups and drop offs, but crazy lies that take us weeks to get SD5 to stop believing. SO went to pick her up from school and she ran away screaming and crying because "somebody" (she says she can't remember who) told her we were kidnapping her and putting her on an airplane to somewhere far away and that she would never see her mom again. She is too young to make this stuff up. I've had to take the phone off the hook when we have SD because BM will call repeatedly because she cant sleep without hearing SD5's voice. That's crazy. I let SD5 answer once on speakerphone and BM kept saying she needed SD and that she's sorry SO didn't love them enough to stay together as a family. I politely told SD it was bed time and hung up. Phone calls are no longer allowed unless SO is there to hear them. BM is living with a man and his two kids so her behavior is somewhat regulated when he is home, but on the weeks that he is on afternoon shift, she is impossible to deal with. She has refused to follow the schedule on multiple occasions (holidays especially) and has just ignored SO's calls completely and gone out of town on his scheduled weekends. If she finds out SO has to work on his scheduled time, she refuses to give SD5 to me because I am not family. BM, her BF and his kids are her new family, SO and I are not. Who says that to a kid? Luckily her BF has his head on straight and he has intervened on more than one occasion. Still, this has gotten so out of hand that now, three years later, it is going back before a judge. One of the most insane things about this whole situation, is that even though she has done all this to SO and SD5, some of his family STILL includes her in family functions. Again, WTH. Please, all you experienced steps out there...tell me how you get through it. Do the kids grow up recognizing how much you tried to protect them? Does BM EVER fade into the background? SO and I want to get married and move forward with our own life. He is an amazing partner and a wonderful father. I was trying to wait until all this drama settles with BM but it doesn't seem like that will ever happen. Do we just move forward anyways? I feel conflicted between doing what's right for me and doing what's right for SD5. And what about the in-laws? Does there have to be a discussion regarding BM? I thought after all the terrible things she's done and is still doing, they would have cut her out of the picture but no, seems I have unreal expectations. Thanks for letting me vent, I'm just getting warmed up...


herewegoagain's picture

Good luck. I divorced once with no kids. Didn't date ANYONE until 2 yrs after divorce. Separated and divorce are two different things. She might suck, he may hate her, but I cannot defend anyone who gets involved with someone still married…UNLESS the ex-wife or husband is already involved with someone else. You are in for a nightmare because of how this started. Good luck or move on.

Midwest Stepmom's picture

I got with my husband when he was going through his divorce. Bm cheated on dh and took forever to sign the papers. So should my husband not have moved on with his life because he was still legally married to a cheating wife who was already engaged and pregnant with another man?

Midwest Stepmom's picture

I got with my husband when he was going through his divorce. Bm cheated on dh and took forever to sign the papers. So should my husband not have moved on with his life because he was still legally married to a cheating wife who was already engaged and pregnant with another man?

Midwest Stepmom's picture

I would write more, but my short story is: your screwed. I have a high conflict BM as well and she was/is bat shit cra cra. They never stop and never give up.

I would suggest when you go to court, bring up all instances. From not allowing visitation and the stalking. Bring proof, maybe a judge will slap her pride for a mila-second. Just be prepared that going to court will make it 100 times worse.

hbomb's picture

I know you love him, but I personally would not sign up for that mess. Run away as fast as you can.... For your sanity.

Disneyfan's picture

It's possible this guy was lying to both you and BM. While dating and living with you, he may have been telling her that he wanted to fix their marriage.

I have a hard time believing the woman would just freak out like that for no reason at all.

There's a poster her who found out that her husband was cheating on her with BM. When they broke up, he wenr right back to BM.

Hangin_in's picture

BM had cheated on SO with her co-worker, served him with papers and asked him to leave the house. She was dating somebody and when they broke up, this all started. I know it was a dramatic beginning and I would have ran for the hills if I thought SO was lying. I think she would be like this no matter how much time had passed before he started seeing someone. Every once in a while you come across someone who is that certain kind of crazy and this is it. I just wish I knew how to hold my ground and stop her from invading my home life on an almost daily basis with her demands and threats. It's hard to explain and she's back and forth. She'll be rotten for a couple weeks and then all of a sudden she'll try to play nice for a day or two. Then it goes back to drama with no rhyme or reason. It's unpredictable and I just can't keep up with it anymore. She feels no hesitation when scheduling something for SD on our time but if we ask for even a couple hours not outlined in the agreement, all hell breaks loose. I can't believe the constant bullying and SO just takes it because it's easier than fighting with her.

Maxwell09's picture

My SS2's BM is nearly the exact same. She cheated on DH with her coworker, she left and kept trying to say it was a "break" or that they would "get back together eventually" until I came along. She flipped her shit and tried to keep DH from being around SS (then 9months) when he was with me. After I moved in it was even more conflict. Its like every week theres something new for her try to argue about. If its not one thing its another. We thought after she got pregnant by some other guy that she would cool her heels for a little bit. NOPE! She's only gotten more difficult. Atleast now we've caught on to her pattern, she behaves or fakes nice for the couple of days before she asks for a ridiculous favor or cause a fight with DH over something stupid.

From these last two and 1/2 years, I can say that it has not gotten easier. BM has not improved or caused any less problems. I can also predict that it will not get any easier. I love my DH and SS2 because even though I am not his mother, I treat him like my own and will keep doing it until he shows signs that he's uncomfortable with it. Eventually your SD (and my SS) will either accept you for being your DH's girlfriend/wife or not. (S)he'll either love you or hate you.