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Vacations....and FDH upset.

notastepyet's picture

So this year I planned our vacation, we went to an aquarium, which all the kids like animals.....then an hour and a half long pirate ship cruise. I thought the kids would enjoy it more than they did....

When we got home I asked all the kids what they would like to do next year and the SS's replied amusement parks...water parks....that type of thing....all stuff they do with BM.

My girls want to go to the "real" beach. (We often go to state parks here to the "beach"-a lake with sand. Lol)

FDH is upset because he wants to do things the boys enjoy and make memories with them doing things that BM does not do. Apparently she doesn't like doing outdoor, picnicking, camping ect.

So our plan is to go to the beach next year. That what FDH decided, however he is worried that the boys will not enjoy it or will get bored.

FDH and I like to do all the same things, where he and his ex were polar opposites. She enjoys sitting at home reading or taking the kids to amusement parks so she doesn't really have to entertain them, or teach them anything.....we like to go fishing and camp and get dirty....and really enjoy learning about history by going to museums and such.

I don't think this years vacation was a disaster, all the kids seemed to enjoy going away and tolerated the car ride very well. Our plan is pretty much just to do what we want to do and hope for the best. I know that FDH is worried that the boys won't enjoy it though.

I guess my question in all of this is how do we keep the boys excited about doing things with us, or how to I help my FDH cope with the fact that they are not excited about doing these things with dad?


B22S22's picture

We have that -- my SK's (boys) are 2 years older than my DD, and my DS is 2 years younger than my DD. Now they're all in high school, but years ago when they were younger it did cause issues.

We would always choose someplace where we had a little of both. One year we did go to the beach/ocean, but took a day to drive to a relatively close large amusement park. Then when my DD wanted to go to a particular museum (SK's were like "no way") I took her and DH took the boys to do something different.

Now, thank god, they're grown (at least his -- they're out of high school) so now it's just down to my 2. I'm OK taking them on vacation (just the 3 of us) as DH is not really a beach person. If he wants to do something with his boys, he's more than welcome to.

The caveat to this is DH and I go on vacay just the TWO of us every year for a week -- whether it's a cruise, Vegas, an all-inclusive... so I don't feel like we never get time to go places together.

JingerVZ's picture

Maybe the kids need a lesson in gratitude.

You and FDH take them on holiday - not all kids get to go- and they dont like the place? Sure is motivation to take them...

Take them where you want. How do they know they don't like something that is different? And all kids generally love the beach.

Stop stressing about if they like it or not. If they don't, don't take them.
Vacations should be fun and relaxing, not about placating miserable ungrateful children.

Rags's picture

My Skid is not a road trip or activity kind of person but our family camping trips, road trips to Nat'l Parks, boating trips to the lakes, etc... are all the things he remembers and talks about now that he is nearly 22, out on his own and self supporting.

Do what you want to do. Go camping, hit the beach, go to the museums, etc... and drag the kids along. My kid was 12ish we went to NYC and did the Natural History Museum, MOMA, Broadway, restaurants, etc... he remembers it all very fondly. Particularly when I would make the animals talk to him and ask stupid/funny questions regarding a painting, sculpture, display, etc.. We also did road trips to DC to tour the monuments, Smithsonian, etc... We did Gettysburg, the Blue Ridge Parkway (Mom, we saw a bear! It was so cool.). He always bitched about being bored and us making him observe and participate rather than texting and playing hand held video games during the longer driving sections. We dealt with that by planning our routes. Generally we avoided interstates and took the scenic state highways plotting stops at over looks, state parks, national monuments, etc...... Peeling off of Hwy 51 to go dune bashing across Sand Mountain tends to get a kid's interest when they are bored on a road trip. He even liked Wall Drug which is the cheesiest tourist trap on the planet but worth a stop and buy the Skids a cheezy T-shirt to commemorate that leg of a trip. Of course climbing and looking for fossils in the Bad Lands was more interesting. He talks about that a lot.

We used to do Big Bend as a yearly camping trip over Thanksgiving; we also did the Grand Canyon (S. Rim first then N. Rim a number of years later). Crater Lake, Mt. Hood, Virginia City, Lake Tahoe, Monument Valley, Yellowstone, Sunset Crater, Slide Rock, Enchanted Rock, Silver Creek Falls, the slick rock 4x4 and climbing trails in Sedona, Moab, Kanab, Bryce Canyon, Lake Powell (great cliff jumping), etc.................................

We dragged him seemingly kicking and screaming but loaded up to head home with him exhausted and smiling. He does not remember a single video game marathon with his Sperm Idiot. He does remember trips to local lakes and the mountain time share with the Sperm Grandparents. What a kid wants to do and what they will remember doing are rarely the same thing.

We are still doing these things. When he has leave the Skid will often ask us if we are doing a road trip to somewhere cool because he wants to come along. HE knows the rule. No cell phones, lap tops, or GSs. He reads the map, tells us what is coming up and he gives a running discourse on what we are passing or stopping at next. If his mom and I are not available he can usually peg along with my mom and dad.

So, don't worry about if the Skids will like the next vacation. Just drag them along. They may never admit it but the memories they talk about will be your verification that they enjoyed the trip.

B22S22's picture

Oh yes, those early family vacations. In a 1972 Town and Country station wagon with woodgrain sides.

We went to Wall Drug (got some moccasins there!) Saw the Corn Palace in South Dakota, a rodeo in Cheyenne, took the train into the mountains in Greely, and lived on a Navajo reservation for a month in New Mexico(where my father was born)... also rode horses down into the Grand Canyon, toured Mesa Verde (which you can't do anymore), Mt Rushmore... the list goes on. All over the course of 6 weeks, every summer.

I was 30 when I saw the ocean for the first time though.

But looking back, I'd never trade those experiences for anything.

Rags's picture


Jsmom's picture

Do what you want. They do not have to go with. Very easy. BM did the same thing every summer. Went to FL. Now SS15 refuses to go anywhere near the state. She burned him out. So instead, we make sure to do the opposite, but it drives me crazy that he is so anti-that state. I wanted to go, so DH and I went without the kids.

You can't let the kids dictate what you want to do.

oneoffour's picture

Kids will want what is familiar. And this obsession with memories... since when did it become a competition with BM as to who had the best vacation?

Maybe his boys might like geo-caching more (google it). Just do your thing at the same tim as being mindful that you should be fair to everyone. If your kids like the beach don;'t spend 10 days only at the beach. If your skids like museums you won't spend 10 days visiting every podunk museum you can find. Although the Sponge Museum at Tarpon Springs in FL certainly qualifies!

And as the kids get older they won't be jumping up and down throwing their arms around Daddy and smothering him in kisses for everything he does for them. Nor will they do this to their mother, believe it or not. There may also be some manipulation there... Mom took us here and it was really cool. So do you plan a trip to the Wisconsin Dells to up the ante with Mom?

amber3902's picture

I agree with Jinger and Scrubed. You know what our family vacation was every year? Driving 14 hours from Nebraska to North Dakota to visit my dad's folks.

My parents NEVER asked us kids where we wanted to go, or concerned themselves with whether or not we had fun. Sure, we stopped in the Bad Lands, saw Mount Rushmore, one time we stopped at Flintstone Land. But whether we had fun was not their first priority.

The kids need to learn to thankful you're taking them anywhere. Many times when you tell kids they're going somewhere they're not too excited, but once they get there they have a blast.

Take them with you wherever you want, they'll have a good time, even if they don't admit it.

herewegoagain's picture

You tell your DH to be a man and tell his kids "tough shit, a vacation is not a right in your life…it is something nice to have…you can either enjoy what I give out of the goodness of my heart, or you can stay home…which do you prefer?"

twopines's picture


Maybe if they just stay behind one or two years, they'll freaking enjoy the next time they're allowed to go anywhere.

notastepyet's picture

I do not run a child centered home, however I wanted to know what the children...all of them would be interested in doing. FDH and I want to go to the beach and that is what we will do. I don't much care about the competition end of it but I know that FDH does see it that way. BM takes the kids to FL two or three times a year because her sisters live there. Her step dad pays for everything and FDH feels like he has to compete with the step grandpa because he's got more money to be able to buy things.....I try to make sure our home isn't about things but about them memories we can make as a family. He has a hard time seeing the big picture....that although they may not be excited about the thins we do now when they are young when they look back they will remember that we always did fun things.....not the same thing over and over.

Not to mention I have no interest in going to amusement parks with kids ranging from 12-5. It's too hard. My oldest wants to get on the big rides and his kids are too scared. With only two adults we can't split ourselves a bough to make sure everyone can do what they want and it's usually my oldest who gets the short end of the stick. We did that one year, a waterpark and an amusement park and I swore never to do it again. BM goes on vacay with her step dad and mom....with 3 kids so of course it all works out. I wish I had that sort of help when I was a single mom.

At any rate.....we will do what we want and I will continue to inform the kids of what everything costs as well because I feel they have no appreciation for the value of money. They think it's free to hop on a plane and go to Disney world because they never hear no at home. And they have never heard I can't afford to do that right now.
My kids on the other hand don't live in a fantasy world where money grows on trees. And they do appreciate things.....