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Adult SD & her husband expect her father to pay for all vacations

just.tired's picture

Scenario: Adult stepdaughter {in her 40's} + her toddler kids drive 14 hours EVERY YEAR {for 5 years now} to spend 1 summer month @ our house. HER husband conveniently remains at home and has plenty of "quiet time" while his familly's yearly vacation is paid for by his father in law. As soon as SD arrives, it is my 76 year old husband's financial responsibility to entertain her and the kids. Not only is it a financial responsibilty, it is also a physical hardship on my husband to have to take his daughter and her kids to all kinds of amusement parks, beaches...anywhere her little heart desires.She and her husband ABUSE my husband and he is such a SAP for taking it. If I were him, I would tell daughter that it is about time she takes vacations with her husband.
I feel ALL divorced fathers with daughters have the same dilemma. Their daughters feel "entitled" and the fathers are "punching bags"on a "guilt trip." These Dads will do anything to comply with their daughter's wishes..It's a give me, give me relationship whereby Dad is "sucked dry" in order to maintain what he thinks is a happy relationship between himself and his daughter.
In the meantime, since I am an outsider looking down on this entire situation,I stay at home and enjoy "peace and quiet" while my husband vacations with his daughter. This has been going on for years plans for next year are to give my husband a birthday gift which consists of a trip to stepdaughter's home in July 2014 along with an itinerary to all amusement parks, beaches, etc. within minutes of where she lives.{Seriously, she lives within minutes of all kinds of family vacation spots and kids entertainment venues!}

just.tired's picture

Echo and Growupplease, I have to say that your stepkids are few and far between. Both of you are very lucky to have non-demanding, and stable adult stepkids. {Sounds like their dad's are pretty level headed too.} Unfortunately, everyone I have met with stepdaughters has the same problem I have...their Daddy's go overboard to meet their every demand. Kudos to the both of you!

sterlingsilver's picture

I like the cruise idea! Take the money he'd otherwise spend on her and her spawn and buy some handsome nonrefundable tickets to some far away place and DON'T tell her or even DH where, and then just go and enjoy! Your dh deserves you for his vacay partner not her. He needs to retire and enjoy his golden years with the woman he married!