DH's issues with Ex- how should I handle???
DH and I have been having some "issues" when it comes to my Ex.
Ex lives about 45 minutes away. He works weekends. He doesnt have a car.
Since he works weekends he doesnt see BS EOW. He is a server/bartender so he cant take weekends off that often otherwise he will lose money. He sees him on holidays and maybe once every 6 weeks (sometimes longer) during the school year. During summer break, he does go with his dad more often and during the week. I make sure that if he wants to see him, that he gets to see him.
Usually Ex will get a ride and we will meet half way for pick up/drop off. No biggie and it works.
On occasion I have drove all the way and dropped off BS to his dad's house. This is usually when I have plans and Ex is keeping BS and it just makes it easier all around. Ex doesnt have to find a ride and we both dont have to be on someone else's schedule on when meeting up to exchange BS. I can just drop him off when needed and be on my way.
So this past weekend was one of those weekends. DH and I were going to a concer/camping thing and Ex had BS. I offered to drop BS off at Ex's house since I wasnt really sure what time we were leaving and that way we didnt have to be on anyone else's schedule.
Well DH starts saying crap about how its b.s that we drop him off. Ex should come and get him. Or ex should take a taxi and meet us half way if he cant find a ride. So basically he starts our fun weekend off with being an ass about Ex and bitching about it.
My Ex and I are cordial. I try to work with him to see BS. Him living 45 minutes away (he moved away after we split up) and him not having a car (he had a DUI, long story), him losing his M-F job and only being able to find work as a server... those are all his own fault. But I like to think of myself as a nice person and try not to make things any harder on him. While I dont owe him anything, I just try to do the right thing for our son.
Ex owes $9000 in back child support. DH uses this against him in that he is a deadbeat dad, a loser, etc. He doesnt say anything directly to him, but does to me. I am working on the child support issue. However, DH doesn't pay for anything for BS, so its not like the lack of CS is affecting his pockets. I make enough to pay the bills and cover BS's extras.
Yesterday I was talking to Ex on the phone trying to make a plan for when to get BS back. Ex's mom is in town and wanted to keep BS a few extra days so we were trying to figure out a plan. We were on the phone maybe 10 minutes and talking about BS and the schedule the whole time. Ex starts in about "Geez gonna have a conversation for 20 mins, blah blah bitch bitch, blah blah"
I'm frustrated in that I am trying to do the right thing. Ex and I are cordial. I keep it that way for the sake of BS. I do do way more for BS then Ex does. But again, I do it for the sake of BS.
BM is a total bitch. She has raised the skids talking shit about DH all the time. As a BM she is the opposite of me. She is always looking for ways to get more money out of DH, looking for ways to cause trouble, looking for ways to stir the pot. When the skids were younger she made it very difficult for DH to see them.
BM and DH are not cordial at all. Overall DH just doesnt care to talk to her. But mainly BM is so crazy that DH CANT be cordial with her. They have ZERO contact with each other. 3/4 skids are adults. But they do not communicate at all when it comes to YSD15.
I'm trying to understand my DH's feelings here. I dont want to dismiss them. But I almost feel like he is being difficult just to be difficult. Or because his situation is so much different then mine.
I just want to make sure my BS has a relationship with his dad and I dont have to worry about DH being a jerk about it.
I have been feeling uncomfortable in even dealing with my Ex when DH is around. Like if he is calling to ask about BS, I want to go outside and talk on the phone so DH doesnt say stupid stuff.
I think DH is dealing with a lot in that he is the main male role model in BS's life, since his dad really isnt around that often. Yet he is "just" the SD. He wants all or nothing almost. Maybe not that extreme, but you get the idea. BS is very good to DH though and respects him and wants to do things with him. I think BS looks at it like he has 2 dads.... I think that DH is maybe a little jealous of Ex.
Also DH has been having issues with his own kids and their relationship together.
So any thoughts on how to help DH work though this....
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I know that if my Ex lived in
I know that if my Ex lived in this town still he would AT LEAST do EOW. He actually enjoys being with BS and wants to spend time with him. When it comes to this, he really is a good dad. Now he has in the past gone through phase where he didnt see BS for a couple of months but that has passed and it was only that one time. Not sure what was going on during that time.
Now my DH is the opposite. He does play with BS but he isnt a very "hands on" dad. Also as I have stated before DH is always working or doing this or that, so he isnt really around to do that much for BS. So to me its important in that his dad wants to spend time with him, that sometimes I can help him out with that.
80% of the time I do meet up with Ex. The other 20% that I offer to drive BS to Ex is because its more convienent for me that way. I have someplace I need to go, so its easier to be on MY time and not whoever is driving Ex.
LOL- no harm in your
LOL- no harm in your response....
Honestly though I think that DH might think I am doing too much. He did say "I drop off the kids or their mother drops the kids off when they came to visit." Okay that is true but you guys lived 15 minutes away from each other.
This is good advice. It
This is good advice. It sounds like your DH is coming from a place of a little bit of insecurity and maybe just feeling protective. Here you are making all of these efforts- driving, talking, financial arrangements, to make things easier on your ex and your DH is in the opposite position where he has his ex and kids making things more difficult.
Butter him up a little, make him feel special, let him know you appreciate his efforts and simply apologize for the dynamics.
Sometimes when things are stressful my DH will look at me and say "I'm sorry we have to deal with this BS, you are a saint for putting up with it" I'm sure part of him is appreciative but he mainly says it so that I know that he knows it's a pain in the ass and he wishes it were different.
Agree and understand
Agree and understand this....
It's like he bitches that BS doesnt go to his dad's EOW and then he bitches when I bring it up that BS is going to his dad's.
We dont have much family around...so its not like we get a lot of time away from BS, so I just wish that DH wouldnt make it so uncomfortable when BS does go to his Dad. Win win for everyone. We get time alone and BS gets to spend time with his dad.
Okay! I will do this I agree
Okay! I will do this
I agree that it could help 
Hmm, continue doing what does
Hmm, continue doing what does work for you, your son, and your ex benefits from it sure but its not for your ex. I agree with LadyFace bc he really is crossing a line here and he needs to back off. I disagree with making the calls when your DH is gone bc it may diffuse things for a while but it doesn't solve the problem and will likely backfire down the road. I think you are trying to be fair and considerate, keep doing what is best for your son as long as you and your son are happy with the results.
Can tell you right now, I wish my mom would have put my ex step dad in his place when he was interfering with communication and visits. She too regretted that she didn't put her foot down with him back when he was doing the same thing that your DH is currently doing.
OK, sucks but here is the
OK, sucks but here is the thing…the custodial parent is actually CUSTODIAL…while the non-custodial has a "duty" to see his child, he does not under law have an "obligation" to see him. Yes, it sucks for you and DH, believe me I understand that, but that is part of what being a custodial parent is. You have custody, you are obligated to have your child. The other parent is NOT obligated under law to have the child. If he wants to see the child, yes, he should do the driving, etc…as that is why the courts usually state, but really, if he can't, then he's under no obligation to pick him up. Again, I am not saying this is fair or unfair, I am saying that if you want to be a custodial parent, then unfortunately, you are responsible for that child 100% of the time unless the other parent decides to see the child. :O
Well I am custodial because
Well I am custodial because we were never married, so it just defaults that way. But this isnt a custodial issue anyways.....
And its not an issue of being responsible for him 100% of the time or not...
I know NCP who have COs stating about pick ups and drop offs. I dont think its so cut and dry. That because I have custody that my Ex has a duty??? but not an obligation??? to see his son and ensure pick ups/drop offs????
I guess I am a little confused by your post....