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VENT- DH never wants to do anything---I feel like a single mom

zerostepdrama's picture

When I was with my Ex, BS's dad, we never had money to do anything. Even small things, because even then $10 would set us back. Or we worked opposite schedules, or he was sleeping off a I often did stuff by myself, just me and BS. I kind of hated it. Seeing families together at the park or on bike rides. It was always me and BS. No other adult to talk to.

When Ex and I split up, I always said I will find someone who likes to do stuff on the weekends, someone who wants to do family stuff.

Well I meet DH. Once we started having the kids around each other, I just went ahead and made plans for all of us. Camping, swimming, parks, hiking, etc. I just took control of that. Which I regret now because if I had left it up to DH, I would have seen that he really wasn't that interested in doing family stuff.

After awhile I got tired of planning stuff and preparing for stuff without even a thank you from the skids or even DH. Then it got to be where the skids would decide last minute they weren't coming, etc. So I stopped planning stuff.

Well shortly after we bought our house, so we really didnt do stuff anyways because we were always so busy doing house stuff. Then the situation with the skids went to shit and they werent coming over. So I didnt really notice that we werent doing anything as a family, because we really didnt have time anyways.

So now here we are. This has been going on for at least a year, maybe a little longer. I started to notice that DH doesnt want to do anything "family".

Hey you wanna go for a bike ride? No! You wanna go for a walk? No! You wanna go to the pool? No!

I think part of it has to do that he doesn't want to do anything me, him and my BS because he feels like his kids may be jealous? Or he feels guilty? But 3/4 of his kids are adults and BS lives with us FT.

So even though I didnt want to be around the skids, I would still make offers here and there. Hey what do you think about us and the all the kids going to the drive in? No! is always his answer. Ummm okay.

So then I am thinking, well maybe he doesnt want the skids around me and they dont want to be around me and honestly I dont want to be around them. Maybe the skids have said something to him about not liking me and not wanting to be around me.

But then I'm like, well sometimes he will still have them come over or if its a holiday. So I cant be that bad to be around. He's not protecting his kids from me (like that would even be necessary) because they can be around me when he wants them to be around me.

I'm trying to figure it out. Does he just not want to be around BS? Maybe he doesnt find it enjoyable to be around an 8 year old? But they have a good relationship. BS is well behaved. And I am not just saying that. I have no issue correcting him if needed. He listens. So not sure what the problem is.

And when I ask DH if he wants to do something he acts so annoyed that I even asked him. He always says, I have to work.... It's your day off DH! Well a side job is what he says.... You cant do that before or after we come back?

Last week I asked if he wanted to take BS and his only minor kid (3/4 are adults now) to the Lake (today) and go swimming. I'm making an effort here even though I would rather YSD15 not come, but I am trying. Seeing if I can bait him into going, by offering to take her as well. He starts talking about how he doesnt know what he has going on and he may have a side job and blah blah blah.

Okay so I leave it alone all week. I bring it back up last night. Hey BS and I are going to the lake, are you and YSD going to come?

No I'm not taking YSD. But he says it in a way, not that he isnt taking YSD because of something she has done, but as if he doesnt want her around me.....

Oh okay, are you going to go then? NO!

I said, when can we do family stuff? You have 3 days off in a row. When can we do something together as a family? He says we are doing it everyday. We wake up together, we go to sleep together.

That's not making memories. We are so busy during the week we hardly even see each other. And DH defintely isnt doing any family stuff during the week and spending any real time with BS or even me.

Its not like I am asking to go places every day or spend money. I'm asking to go on bike rides, go to the park, go swimming.

I always end up doing this stuff alone. Just BS and I. I want to make sure that he doesnt "suffer" because DH doesnt want to do anything. But it gets lonely doing it by myself. ANd you can only talk to an 8 year old for so long.... LOL

Just venting here....


furkidsforme's picture

Why don't you straight up ASK him and have a conversation about it, like an adult in a relationship? If you can't ask your husband what's up with a certain behavior, you don't have much of a marriage.

zerostepdrama's picture

Oh I have asked him.

See I am a talker. I like to get straight to the problem. DH is the complete opposite. He will put his head in the sand and act like there is no issue.

I say:

Is it BS? No.
Is it the skids? No.
Is it me? No.

He had a real shitty life growing up. Think of the worse scenario and that was his life. And then he was married to BM too young with 4 kids almost back to back. So they never really did anything as a family. Or she never wanted to do anything. It's like they lived together and just existed, if that makes sense...

I *think* part of the problem is that DH doesn't really know how to act in a family setting. It throws him off. He doesnt know how to act around a person who actually wants to spend time with her kid or with her spouse.

fakemommy's picture

Is it possible he's just a homebody? I know that's not what you want from him, but maybe it is just his personality. Also, is it possible that he is depressed? I know you've talked to him about it, but I wonder if you can take a less direct approach. Get a feel for his frame of mind and then figure out what you guys can do that you will both enjoy. Maybe you could start by having cookouts at home with other people. Or get a smaller pool for your yard or something like that. See if there are family things you guys can start doing at home first.
Also, maybe if you guys find things that are fun to do as a couple, you can start inviting the kids gradually. Maybe go bowling on a date night and then suggest you take the kids the next time. Some men just want to spend time with their wives and it is almost like they start to resent the kids when every activity includes them.

zerostepdrama's picture

We do more things as a couple then we do as a family.

When my BS goes to his dad's, we do stuff together. Movies, eating out, watch a band. I do have to convince him and make a big deal about it. I wouldnt say I have to drag him to do it. But when I bring it up he always right off the bat has some excuse, "Well I dont know what I am doing that day." "We dont have the money". That one is always the big one. We do have the money.

zerostepdrama's picture

I think he is depressed.

He did get a new job recently. Better all around and more to do with his line of work. I have seen a slight change in him and I am hoping that it helps.

He works hard, I will give him that.

He does a paid side job maybe once or twice a week. Then him and his friend cut a couple of people's lawns for extra money. Its not even money we need. He just does it.

Whenever a friend needs help with something- side job- paid or unpaid, help around the house, he is all for doing it. And really it can't be that bad, since he is getting time to hang with the guys while he is doing whatever he is doing.

Someone always needs his help. He is a very skilled labor and car repair.

But I cant help but feel like he is always available for his friends to help them out but never me. And I feel like he is keeping busy to stay away from the house????

furkidsforme's picture

Does he have anxiety about going places? I know I often get like that. I hate surprises and never like to go anywhere unplanned. DH learned long ago that "Surprise!!! I got us concert tickets! Go get dressed!" ends up with me in a panic and tears. I do better to know a week ahead that we have concert tickets, then I will go.

asgoodasitgets's picture

I agree that he might be depressed. I get the same way when I am down. I feel tired and fat so outdoor activities just sound terrible. I also get why he is willing to still do stuff to make money. When I am depressed, the only thing that feels good is "accomplishing" something, so a task that I can do without thinking, especially if I get paid for it, keeps me occupied and feeling worthwhile.