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Field trip

Andyandme's picture

Don't know why I'm so bothered to find out SO is going on a field trip with his daughter.
I really think he's a great dad, but why do I get these feelings?! I went to see a therapist
With SO and she asked if I was jealous?. I didn't think I was, I just thought they are both
annoying with all their googoo gagaga talk. But I do admit when it's our time to have her
I feel this feeling inside where I'm very unhappy my world turns upside down. Anything he
does for her iterates me like crazy. I love kids, I don't know why I still haven't learned to love
her, will I ever?? I'm so confused and I don't have my friends to vent to anymore, I think they're
just tired of listening to me complain. Besides I'm always hot N cold with him, not with his 7 year
Old daughter that feeling never changes:/ sorry if this makes no sense I'm just typing away I wish
they had a hotline so we can just talk, I do better with talking then typing. So much to say...


Andyandme's picture

My mind is just going.... I can't examine this feeling. I just know this isn't happiness.
I don't know why I can't just except her. He's really a good man, I admit I have issues,
my friends think and they are going by what they know, they think I would be better with
out him. They see what I go through as far as my issues I have with them both. I just think
These feeling will one day go away, but it's really starting to look like they are not. Their
are days that I don't care I don't let it get to me, but most of the time I can't stand it. Her voice
her everything, I think it also has to do with her looking identical like her mom and she does
everything her mom does she is now becoming a vegetarian like her mom. It's just irritating.
Her mom is a beatiiful girl. I do want to mention my self esteem has gone down and I feel
really insecure something I wasn't feeling the first 3 years I've been with SO. We have now
Been together for 5 years. No engagement no ring no nothing...

Andyandme's picture

His daughter is 7 years old. His daughter is nice. And her mother well we don't speak anymore.. So my question is? If marrying someone with kids don't work or just doesn't blend then your suppose to be single the rest of your life. I don't think like this but I also know every relationship has it's problems, I just don't understand how I hear people say it doesn't work out or it never will. Now a days you don't find men who don't already have kids. Do you look for men who don't spoil their daughters?? I mean if I was to leave whouldnt I just have the same issues with the next guy? Sorry just so confused, woke up with my head spinning, just to think I'm a jealous person, I don't want to have this feeling or raise my daughter to feel this same way.

Andyandme's picture

Oh yes this guy has told me before he doesn't need anyone to help with his daughter. He loves to do it all and never asks for help. He does it all 100% he also does the cooking.

Andyandme's picture

He definitely is a Disney dad, he will never stop.
He will always try and keep the peace with his ex.
I come second in his life. And not priority although he does cater to me.
I don't know if he protects our relationship to be honest. sometimes he does Irving's just to get under my skin, at least that's how I feel.
I think he gets it, he just doesn't care this is his daughter and she will be his number one girl no matter what, which I get. I just don't understand how he has to be everywhere or do everything for her, I wish he would step back and let her get her own water. There's just so much, I wish I could explain it all in a short paragraph just don't think it will be short.
He has so many good qualities about him and the only thing that ruins that is his daughter. He's almost like the perfect guy, but can I learn to accept his relationship with his daughter. I know that's for me to decide problem is I don't know. I haven't excepted her and it going on 5 years. Decisions.... I tried to leave him but he has convinced me to stay. He also has recommend that I see someone to get help for my issues which he says it's dad issues. Everyone says he's a great dad teachers complement him and friends as well so he thinks he's a great dad which I'm happy for him. What do I know I'm not a dad and didn't grow up with one maybe he's doing what all dads should be doing. Anyhow he doesn't know I'm seeing a therapist now he new of three of my visits just doesn't know I continue to see her. She has helped a little helps me learn to think of what makes me happy and try not to get into my head to much. Which I do admit once I'm in I can't stop it's like a brain storm. I guess the only reason why I stay is I have hope.

katielee's picture

Is she a Mini-Wife? The goo-goo-gaa-gaa talk makes me wonder. If she's a mini-wife, it's natural for you as his significant other to feel competitive toward her because she's occupying the spot you're supposed to have in his life and heart. My SD12 is a mini-wife and I have no problem whatsoever in admitting I dislike her intensely.

Andyandme's picture

Yes she definitely is, I made the mistake to tell SO to look up mini wife about 7-8 months ago maybe around the last time I posted on here.
Well he definitely looked it up which brought him to this site and boy did he explode, he started calling me names and accusing me of
Hating his daughter and thinking I'm a a very sick person. He stated to ask if I have hurt his daughter and what have I don't to her behind his back. It was bad, really bad. I of course would never harm or do anything to be evil. But I guess whatever he read on here was not good. He didn't read my posts he just read whatever the site shows and whoever posts showed up. Big mistake ever. But she is definitely the queen and I'm the princess.

Mercury's picture

I know why I would be bothered by my husband going on a field trip with his kids: because it's THEIR field trip. Do any of these parents even remember what it was like to be a kid?!? I would have DIED if my parents would have tagged along as one of the adult chaperones. I would never have wanted to be THAT kid. The child/parent culture has changed so much from when I was a kid. Helicopter parenting is the norm now. It would bother if my DH was one of those kinds of parents. BM is one of those kinds of parents and her daughter acts like a her, not to DH. I think you are justified in being bothered by "goo-goo-gaa-gaa" talk.

Andyandme's picture

Oh no she is happy he is going. My problem is why wouldn't he let her mother go with her
Instead of him going. Her mother wanted to go but apparently they asked him to go and that's
Only because he's forever dropping in and checking on his daughter and bringing the staff/teacher
Lunches. I guess if she was my kid I would be happy he's on this field trip with her, but she isn't and
I don't like it. I wish I can except it. Maybe he's doing what all fathers should be doing. I grew up without
A dad figure and my two kids don't see their dad and maybe this is the reason I feel this way as well.
Thanks for responding.

hereiam's picture

I guess if she was my kid I would be happy he's on this field trip with her, but she isn't and I don't like it.

It sounds to me like you are jealous. This field trip has nothing to do with you, yet it pisses you off that he is going. Anything he does for her irritates you and the girl irritates you.

It also sounds like you have an issue with your relationship. You have no ring after 5 years, maybe you are unsure about your future with this man. His daughter has a firm place in his life but you don't feel like you do. Maybe you resent that so you resent her?

Andyandme's picture

Yes you are absolutely right. That's what I'm trying to get help for. I use to think it was silly hearing him say I was jealous. But i finally came to my senses where he was right, of course I won't admit and tell him this is true. But I can definitely say this is jealously. I'm seeing a therapist on Friday, and I'm trying to see if she can help me change these feelings. Don't know if she can, since I'm set in my ways and have also tried on my own to except. Just don't think I can.