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Sat Party

Step mad's picture

well here's another complaint about what's to come this weekend, my Bw just informed me that there is a party coming up this Saturday at 2 , in the afternoon it is a friend of SS15, and we happen to know the parents of the friend.They are nice people but that's not the Problem, the problem is I really don't feel like being around 15 snotty teenagers with attitudes, while eating carrots and drinking bottled water. if we were still drinking beer I would probably have a good time but not with bottle water,bw thinks that I am going to go but I have news for her. I hope she has a good time over there.


MaddieH's picture

why would you need to go to a 15 year old's party? Surely a 15 year old is old enough to go on their own? Especially if the friend's parents will be there!

Step mad's picture

Sorry sue, IM sure it means beloveed wife There was a table of abbreviations at one time, I will be more clear next time.

Step mad's picture

Also Sue u, I went on F.A.Q. For you, there's the table, Dw , is darling wife I will use that.