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Am I being petty?

JustAgirl42's picture

I haven't been feeling well all day. I'm sitting here watching tv in the den by myself while FDH is curled up on the sofa in the other room with SD10. It's 10:45 at night.

They've been together all day and I was kind of hoping he would send her up to her room around 10pm and come spend some time with me...I guess not.

I'm upset, but feel like I shouldn't be since I get to spend every evening with him and she's only here 50% of the time.


leslie814's picture

No I don't think so I would feel the same way I mean it's late enough for her to be in bed

JustAgirl42's picture

Thanks for the replies.

I think he lets her stay up so late on weekend nights hoping she'll sleep later the next day.

But, I agree that after a certain time it should be about the adults.

JustAgirl42's picture

He's finally told her not to wake him before 8am, but sometimes he doesn't get to sleep before 1 or 2am (his fault). She rarely sleeps past 7am, even on weekends, so will have to entertain herself for at least an hour. He doesn't feel she should have to do this for longer than that. She's an only child.

Sunflower1's picture

Oh, yes. I remember those days. We just had the switch, SD 11 now will sleep till 9 or later. Much better than being woken up at 6:30.

JustAgirl42's picture

I agree with you completely, it's very frustrating how concerned he is with her being happy every minute that she's here.

Sadly, not much will ever change in the way he parents her. He's afraid that if she's not always happy here, she may not want to come over as much when she's old enough to have a choice.

Both mom and dad coddle her, and it's mainly because they don't want her to love one of them more than the other. It's ridiculous.

JustAgirl42's picture

I guess that's the thing, he functions on a lack of sleep all week and tries to get a little more on the weekends.

snowdrop's picture

I do not tolerate DH and skids cuddling well. Honestly I don't tolerate it very well when he hangs out with SD alone period, not all the skids just one in particular for some reason. I suck it up when I have to, but I DEFINATELY would not tolerate it at 10:45 at night. Cuddling at such a late hour while I'm sitting alone in the next room. No way. not petty at all, a woman's gotta be the queen of her castle.

JustAgirl42's picture

I wanted to stomp in there and say,"O.k., that's enough lovey dovey for tonight!! It's late!"

But I couldn't. She's not my daughter, so it's not my call.

JustAgirl42's picture

He would just think I'm being silly.

Or he would go off about not getting to be with her every night...I don't know, there'd be some excuse... :sick:

JustAgirl42's picture


JustAgirl42's picture

She has all those things in her room, she just can't go too long without being entertained, and FDH doesn't think it's fair to make her.

Just another case of guilty daddy I guess.

Cocoa's picture

50% is a lot when you consider the way your dh is doing it, you only have a husband 50% of the time. will you forever pay the price for his divorce or will you begin showing your dh that he has responsibilities to you IN ADDITION to those he has to his daughter. tell him to re-read his marriage vows. if he wants to only be a daddy when his daughter is there and forget that he is also a husband, he should have stayed single and not tied an unsuspecting woman down to half a man.

katielee's picture

I wish there were "like" buttons on these posts, cause I like this one. Just because their daughter is present doesn't mean they should stop acting like a husband.

snowdrop's picture

they leave now. you may not be married to him yet, but trust me the longer you're in it the harder it is to leave...

simifan's picture

I'd be getting dressed & going clubbing... If he wants you in his comfort zone; he should be doing something to keep you there

snowdrop's picture

haha great advice!!! you want couples time, he would rather kid time. Well then, you can still have your fun with out him. you're not his lady in waiting.

JustAgirl42's picture

Thanks for everyone's support. It makes a difference just to be able to vent and have some validation from others who understand. Wink

JustAgirl42's picture

Oh, I just had to post this because it just happened.

O/T - FDH wanted to talk to SD about soccer so she goes into the living room and says, "FAMILY MEETING, JUST ME AND MY DAD!". Oh brother...

JustAgirl42's picture

Lol!, yes she can be.

It didn't even phase him. These guys don't always catch on to everything.