door slamming, yelling, screaming, loud music
well with the baby's room things were going ok except that it seems that SDs are going out of their way to be loud,noisy, obnoxious. they usually come home very late, like middle of the night type of late. for example, almost 2am,then go back out than come at 3 am and this has been happening for a few days now.
SDs come home to change or eat or take more money or whatever, they slam all doors possible as loud as possible, they yell, scream for NO apparent reason like "let's gooo" or "HEY SISTER" and things like that.
of course, it wakes my baby up,she starts screaming and then i have to spend yet another hour putting her to sleep because it's hard as it is. she just won't go to sleep,and once she does,it's easy to wake her up.
i thought maybe she has a health issue but the doctor says some babies are just like that. well that's true, my mother says i would never sleep as a baby. so ok, fine.
but as soon as i put her to sleep,they make noises that are just not probable to be made at that time of night. for example,she'll walk in the bathroom,slam the door, then walk right out and slam it again. a few seconds between the slams so obviously she wasn't doing anything in there. they'll play music very loudly, and then the calm music i play for baby just can't drown it out. it's full on screaming music,loud and it makes the house shake. the baby then won't stop crying,and they don't stop until they get that reaction.
my husband talked to them,SUGGESTING that they keep it quiet,but they simply say "isn't this how it has always been?" ,and indeed they were always loud - but this is being done on purpose. but he thinks they have it right.
i told him he can't let it happen because it's disturbing to the baby and me,and he says that we can both just come downstairs,that we can make part of our room the baby's space or even a part of living room. i ask him is he serious,he says "isn't it just better ? i mean you got the room now but isn't this so terribly inconvenient?". i think this is what SDs are trying to achieve..and it's all just pissing me off.
maybe i'm just wrong about this but i just..idk :?
- lucija's blog
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I really want to smack your
I really want to smack your husband upside the head. Does he realize this is HIS baby too? Jeez.
Your real problem is that
Your real problem is that your husband has no spine and no balls.
How about seeing how much noise you can make when they want to sleep in.
I did this with my ex-bf's
I did this with my ex-bf's teenage daughter and her friend. They were screaming at the top of their lungs until at least 2 am.
Well, of course ball-less ex-bf did nothing. I got up early the next morning. Daughter and friend were passed out and I went in and blasted the stereo, rattled every pot and pan, slammed every kitchen cabinet. For quite a while.
oldone I just love everything
oldone I just love everything you say... just saying
Sometimes your responses just
Sometimes your responses just don't make any sense at all. Teens make noise when they are disrespectful assholes.
What really needs to happen, is these girls need to be notified of WHO'S BOSS in that house. At this point THEY ARE.
totally agree!!!
totally agree!!!
Stand up for yourself and
Stand up for yourself and your baby!!!! Go to a shelter if you have to get child support this is a lousy situation.
The bitches dont even sleep
The bitches dont even sleep at night. SD15 doesnt even come home until 3am, SD18 not even then..and they just sleep while we work and party while we seep. Useless brats. At least its better during the school year
Oh its not ok that hes not
Oh its not ok that hes not parenting at all.. But eh
Yep.. Ill try to do that as soon as i catch them sleeping
Why is a 15 year old allowed
Why is a 15 year old allowed out past 11??
because my husband thinks
because my husband thinks it's okay.
Why isn't your DH putting the
Why isn't your DH putting the baby back to sleep? Every time they wake the baby up I would take the baby and plop him into your DH's arms and go into the bathroom so he can't follow you.
Because to him putting a baby
Because to him putting a baby to sleep is putting it in a crib,staring at it,then just walking away. He was like this when SDs were babies as well. And i am not a fan of letting the baby cry itself to sleep all on its own
We can never get on he same
We can never get on he same page when it comes to parenting because he legs his kids be out all night do whatever they want to as long as hey succeed in school and his parenting is not even parenting so thats just...ugh i cant agree with his methods. Or lack of them.
He thinks feelings shouldnt get in the way of logical thinking and if he actually parented
"refuse to live there" Im not
"refuse to live there"
Im not going back to this topic. I already made it pretty clear that i can not and will not be moving oht for my and my babys good.
foxie, if you cant tell your
foxie, if you cant tell your "truth" in a normal tone, dont tell it at all. what you said is just rude and rather hurtful, yet I see no truth in it.
You called me a child abuser.
You called me a child abuser. which is terrible. and i really dont know how could you say that. out of all the things i've been told, this is one of the worst. and coming from a person that doesn't even know me.
cold splash if reality is cool.
saying something like that, NOT at all.
they are abusive.
but i can't stop them.
ok, their father probably IS a pussy.
but not like i can stop the step daughters.
i snark off my step daughters when they start shit,and they just ramp it up.
i snarko ff my husband, he says i'm being bitchy and that he's a great husband.
the problem is not me not snarking off, the problem is them not giving a fuck if i snark off or not.
And i have the same mouth for anyone who calls me something terrible - sorry, it may be your best intention, but its hurtful, and it'd make anyone very upset.
thank you so much!
thank you so much!
That someone was me. Have you
That someone was me. Have you been following her story? I beat her up for DAYS to get her to stand up for herself. And she did. That baby has a room now. My comment was my way of supporting her and pointing out, again, that her husband needs a smack upside the head. Right now, she's asking for help with establishing boundaries and standing up for herself. She doesn't need to be hit upside the head for other people's shitty behavior.
thank you so much!
thank you so much!
Ok, seriously be the mother
Ok, seriously be the mother warrior?!
I'm not financially secure, i cant move out. which means i have to stay in this house. so i cant threaten my husband that im leaving with the baby because theres NO place to leave.
which means i'd have to fight the SDs and seriously how would that work out.
Thank you so,so much!
Thank you so,so much!
Well, you're just about right
Well, you're just about right back where you started. I don't know why this surprises you. Your DH is an a$$ and you knew he had no intentions of supporting this upstairs with baby idea. Oh sure, he told you you could move the baby if the Skids and you could work it out.
You do remember how quickly and almost gleefully SD15 readily agreed. You state all the time how smart/clever these girls are. Ok. Now they agreed. You moved baby up. Dh not overly excited because he didn't think baby needed to be up there at all. Now girls deliberately going out of their way stomping, screaming, slamming. It's disturbing baby. It's p*ssing you off, and once again, DH really doesn't see what your problem is. Correction, he sees it, he understands it, he just doesn't agree with you and thinks baby should just return where DH wanted baby in first place.
Sure, DH 'suggested' girls pipe down. When girls blew him off, it's yeah, let's just take baby back downstairs. Because your Dh does not support you in baby having her own room and the girls are well aware of this along with their father's weakness in standing up to the brats, your 2 choices is either go back downstairs or stay upstairs angry with a wide awake baby and three girls who are thrilled to death their plan is annoying and working. They also don't care if baby gets a wink of sleep. Baby doesn't exist to them.
Now what?
I dont know.
I dont know.
OP did your husband want
OP did your husband want another child?
He seems to be disconneted from the baby. Almost like a man who talked/tricked into having a kid.
He did. Actually he was more
He did. Actually he was more for it than i was.
He thinks baby can sleep in
He thinks baby can sleep in our bedroom or living room. Hesays a baby doesnt need a room. Hewas like this with sds too but bm agreed that Sds get rooms when older
it didn't work for bm.. she
it didn't work for bm.. she agreed to his idea, not the other way around.
Men have no problem MAKING
Men have no problem MAKING babies.
Taking care of them is the part that they often fail to do.
Not central..but yes,
Not central..but yes, european.
I dont cook dinner,i only cook lunch. And i do it the day before so its ready when were home for work.
Since the baby does require a lot of time,being restless,ive already cut my housework to the minimum because i also have a jobwand i can barely do al that has to be done.
He just doesnt seem like anything ever upsets him..idk anymore
Where does baby go during the
Where does baby go during the day while you work? Daycare? I'm just curious because you say baby is so hard to get to sleep. Is baby maybe so tired from not sleeping well at night that she's sleeping all day while you are working. It's possible she has her schedule turned around.
But then, even if so and you managed to turn it back around, as long as skids are slamming, stomping, screaming baby's light sleeping would still be a problem. Is Dh downstairs snoring away while all this racket is taking place upstairs? If so, I'd be real tempted to bang some pots right over his snoring head.
we have a lady that takes
we have a lady that takes care of her sometimes,and sometimes it's a friend or family that doesn't work.
not really, he's awake till very late,and when he does sleep,nothing really bothers him. even when they make noise downstairs, he tells them "shut up", just rolls over and falls back asleep.
I agree with everyone that I
I agree with everyone that I would be making sure to do everything in my power to make lots of noise when they are sleeping. When you wake up to go to work make sure to blast some Barney or other baby stuff their way.
i'm already gone when they
i'm already gone when they fall asleep,but i'll just wake them up if they're sleeping when i come home.
I would refuse to give this
I would refuse to give this up. I'd let them know billing me around wouldn't work! Hang UN there long enough and they will tire of doing this with Jo reaction.
I would also make as much noise as I could while they are alseep and pretend I'm not doing it. LOL I would also stand up to them and tell them to shut their huge ass mouths! But I'm a bitch like that.
If DJ or his twiddle nannies didn't like it tough!
well, i will do the noise
well, i will do the noise thing.
though telling them to shut their mouths just wouldn't work. in fact,it'd give me more problems.
i do feel helpless. thank
i do feel helpless.
thank you!
being an absolute mama bear
being an absolute mama bear and challenging my step daughters in this situation would equal to being stupid.
if their father doesn't support me in this, i am on my own with them, and seriously i have a baby in this house, with two girls that im pissing off.. wow, what good can come out of that? that's nto protection, that creates more shit.
why would i risk anything happening to me or my child by challenging those bitches. i dont have a place to go so im staying here. do i want to make it worse? no..
don't read my blogs. or at
don't read my blogs. or at least don't respond to them.
But they dont care what i do
But they dont care what i do or say! they wouldnt listen to me. its just so hard without the support of my husband. of anyone really. i cant punish them, i cant do anything..they just dont care.
and he doesnt care about ANYTHING. i just feel so alone and weak, like i cant do anything. and theres a good reason for that.
i'm really going to try, it's just that right now i feel so helpless and horrible.
But how do i even take things
But how do i even take things from them?
You know what.. Im pretty much out of options. Might as well try this. Its nit getting better this way...well maybe your idea may work
Thank you
Thank you
I have to say that you are
I have to say that you are the only one that your baby can rely on b/c your Dh doesn't seem to care. So you are going to have to step up and defend your baby and her space. You have to demand that she deserves the same treatment as the other girls. If you let it go your DJ will just let your poor baby have nothing. I'm not talking about material things I'm talking about a place in the family. A sense of belonging and that she is just as loved. Now is the time to step it up and let them all know you will refuse to let your baby be treated like nothing.
It will get worse for a while but UT should calm down after while but the key is to keep up those boundaries and not back down til they get it. Then don't let your gaurd down.
Well he thinks she is having
Well he thinks she is having the same treatmant because the SDs didn't have their own rooms until they grew up a bit. but idk. i think a babyy DOES need a room
Well, I don't think you can
Well, I don't think you can do much except just retaliate. Obviously your husband has different ideas of "parenting".
very different -__-
very different -__-
And THIS kids, is why you
And THIS kids, is why you live with someone for a loooooong time before getting married and having kids with them.
Tell him that you are a
Tell him that you are a parent to this kid as much as he is and you aren't NM that will go along with whatever he wants. Honestly for me thus is a battle I would win. I'd just tell him to shut up my baby has a room and the girls need to be quite end of decussion. But that's how I roll. I'd be so up his ass til I got what I wantedn but that's just me. If I feel strongly enough about something it will happen
Now that doesn't mean in not reasonable b/c I will compromise on a lot of things but a kid having a room over none you bet I'm all over that one.
yeah i can tell him to shut
yeah i can tell him to shut up and they need to be quiet and end of discussion, but will that change anything? because in my case,the answer is most probably no. and if no, then it's like it hasn't been said.
now the baby has a room, it's just that this situation isn't good at all.
This is exactly what I
This is exactly what I thought would happen. Your step daughters gave in way too easily on giving up a room. They did what was asked of them, but now they are going to drive you and baby back down stairs, and this was their plan all along! And you should have seen that coming. If you are home during the day, you need to let baby cry whenever they are sleeping, and I mean let her cry loud, maybe even walk with her in the hallway right outside their doors while they are sleeping, whenever they sleep. They have to sleep sometime! Next time they are asleep, don't care what time it is, you be noisy in the baby's room, play music, talk to baby, you make noise. I know it is easy to say don't let them run you back downstairs, but your step daughters and your husband are all trying to do this to you. And when you move back downstairs with baby, he will get his way and step daughters will get their way. Honestly, with your husband's attitude toward your marriage and your baby, I don't think you will last upstairs with baby more than a week. He's not behind you on this, never has been.
well, i did say that SD15
well, i did say that SD15 giving up her room was fishy. i saw that. i just didn't know it'd be as... well, relentless, remorseless, as it is.
i'm not home during the day. i get up very early, go to work. and they sleep while we're at work, sometimes they'll be sleeping when we come back but usually they're up by then. it's 8 or 9 hours, so.. they wake up before we come home usually. and my husband usually wakes them up if they're still sleeping when we arrive.
i'm thinking i shouldn't go back downstairs,but this is really hard to handle. these girls just don't back down. :sick:
i know he has never been. he told me he disagrees with my decision.
i knew he's permissive. but
i knew he's permissive. but it all seemed so perfect then. perfect kids, perfect relationship with kids..
i didn't know that it was like this at the time. it all starts when something doesn't go their way. when all does,they're back to being golden.
oh, it didnt look like that.
oh, it didnt look like that. she would sit with us, play games, talk about her school day, then go up to her sisters.. it all seemed so..flawless
Lucija - I'm going to swim
Lucija - I'm going to swim against the tide here and say maybe you should just move your baby into the living room.
That's what your DH wants, and it's obvious you just don't have the backbone to fight for anything else, so why not just admit defeat and move the baby into the living room? He'll get the sleep he needs, and so will you.
erm, i don't need a backbone,
erm, i don't need a backbone, i need financial security which i don't have so that kind of shoots down the options for a backbone in this situation.
i guess i could do that.
You don't need financial
You don't need financial security to have a backbone. Some of the poorest people I know are also the same ones that refuse to take any crap from anyone.
Having a backbone means not letting some teenage girls intimidate you.
Having a backbone means demanding your man make room for your baby.
Money has nothing to do with it.
You finally got up the nerve to ask the SDs to give up one of their rooms for the baby, did that take any financial security??
erm, seriously. i need money
erm, seriously.
i need money to be able to move out, live on my own, with out my husband.
or simply, live away from the step daughters.
if i start a war with them, then im doomed because their father doesn't care and i have to live in this house.
pissing off two remorseless bitches that won't get consequences really isn't a smart idea. even with a backbone,why would you put yourself and your kid in an even worse situation.
it wasn't like this. it
it wasn't like this. it started when i expressed the wish for some changes in the house. which was mid-pregnancy. basically when anyone dares to question their ways, they get like this.
Why can't you keep her room
Why can't you keep her room upstairs with all her stuff in it, but have her sleep downstairs in your room?
That's way its a partial victory because she does have a space for all her things and she can play up there during the day....but you can keep her close at night and get some sleep. Eventually these girls will move out and you can work on appropriate behaviors with the little one.
i think it's a very good
i think it's a very good idea. i'll keep it in mind, if i can't fix it, that's what i'm doing.
downstairs there's a big
downstairs there's a big hall. And the bathroom is huge, as big as a room is. It's a normal shape, it's just that the rooms downstairs are MUCH bigger than the ones upstairs. our bedroom is like two of their rooms.
If your bedroom is twice the
If your bedroom is twice the size of the upstairs bedrooms, why not just make space for the baby in your bedroom?
I've known couples who have put their baby's crib in their bedroom, it actually makes it easier for getting up in the middle of the night to tend to the baby.
I just went back and read the
I just went back and read the OP's blog and in her first blog she says:
"husband and i have a baby, and it's in our room now. there's this little "closet" thing in our room that we use for baby but it's getting crowded and there's unused space on the upper floor. yet dh thinks that baby doesn't need its own room until it grows a bit. but it's all crowded. Our room is not even that big and it's filled with our stuff. and now the baby's bassinet and nothing else can fit in there, so we store baby's things in that closet thingy.. but it's really small, only one person can fit in there at a time.
dh doesn't even think of taking one of SD's rooms (6 rooms, 3 girls) for baby."
So maybe the master bedroom isn't that big, or maybe they have too much stuff in there. They could downsize and get rid of some of the stuff in the master bedroom.
Maybe it eats OP up that three girls have ALL of upstairs for themselves and her own baby doesn't even get his own room. And I agree, it's not fair that these three girls each get two bedrooms for themselves and her own baby doesn't even get one room.
However, you're in this mess now. You've been given many, many suggestions on how to deal with this. The only option left is to do what your DH wants.
our bedroom is huge, but it's
our bedroom is huge, but it's also used as a "work room". there's a computer,shelves with books, all our clothes is in there, personal stuff. it's really full.
because DH is one that uses
because DH is one that uses it, and he wants it there.
It's not that I want to say no, it's just that it is his decision and he wants it there.
Don't know how much of a
Don't know how much of a handyman you are but if any of my kids started slamming, doors, I would take my trusty hammer and flat edge screw driver, pop the hinges and remove the door. Voila problem solved.
Loud music? Trace the outlet to the main circuit breaker panel, switch the breaker to off. In case these girls have half a brain and know which breakers to switch, I'd put a padlock on the breaker box. Voila problem solved.
Did it hurt? Are you ok? Do
Did it hurt? Are you ok? Do you need life alert?
Don't move, I will be RIGHT THERE.
***grabbing purse, flying out the door***
The dark side is stronger....
The dark side is stronger....
except that their father
except that their father doesn't agree with that, and he'd put it back.
and i would have pissed them off by that.
with no support from my husband, how is that a good idea?
^This^ Funny thing about
Funny thing about hammers and screwdrivers is that they often end up missing. }:)
Wasn't claiming that it was a
Wasn't claiming that it was a good idea, only that is what I would do.
Well - apart from the fact that I do not negotiate with terrorists and children - so there is a LOT more I would have done if I were in your situation and I wouldn't give a flying [censored] who I piss off. Mind you, the dynamics in my family are not the same as yours. I don't deal with abusive teenage daughters and a spouse who - if I may be blunt - doesn't seem to have a nurturing bone in his body.
I do hope you two can sit down and discuss things, but when discussions fail, or when your husband fails to act upon the things you have both agreed upon, it may be time for you to take some extreme measures for your well being and the well being of your baby.
Thank you what would be
Thank you
what would be those extreme measures?
Extreme = Leave your hubby a
Extreme = Leave your hubby a "dear John" letter, take the baby and move out. Refuse to come back unless your husband puts his two girls in their rightful place, or he enrolls them in military school.
he can't enroll them in a
he can't enroll them in a military school, they'd need a lot of training, physical activity, healthy living to be accepted, and they have none of that.
but if i could, i would have moved out by now. thats the problem. i have no place to go,thats why im staying and trying to make it work.
if i had the option to move out, i wouldnt even be taking extreme measures, id just leave.
I have to say again that you
I have to say again that you need to stand for your baby! I don;t understand what is stopping you? If you stand up and let your dh know whether he likes it or not you will not tolerate this behavior! Something has to change and this baby only has you!!! What part of that dont you get? You need to put it to your dh that you are protecting your baby and he needs to too! I do have a feeling that if you start standing up to them your dh will back down after a while and things will settle.
This is so stupid that it has gone on so long and you keep coming up with excuses as to why you can't! My god there are 6 damn rooms up there and no one need to damn rooms I'm getting way too pissed typing this. Those girls need to be put in their place and no one is going to do it which is sad b/c they are growing up to be bitches and everyone is just watching. If they can't be nice for their sister who will they be nice too?
Come on get off the poor pity me crap and tell them all what will happen in your house!!! It doesnt require money it require you to open your damn mouth! If those girl try anything call the police ! shit stop acting to scared and crazy over some little girls! Either your dh can get on board or he will tell your to leave either way your baby will be protected. Right now your are the only one who can protect her and you are failing!
what's stopping is that my
what's stopping is that my husband doesn't agree with me on this matter,and i can't fight the battle with SDs on my own.
i don't really have a way to stop the SDs if their father won't.
DH doesn't stand up for either me or them, he expresses his opinion but in the end just doesn't give a fuck.
their father won't put them in their place, and I can't. They don't care about me.
police?! i already talked about the police.
i don't have a place to leave to. what part of that don't you understand?
Yes, that about sums it up.
Yes, that about sums it up.
take my baby and leave to
take my baby and leave to where? under a bridge? because if not there, then i cant leave because i dont have a place to go to.
that's the point of all this story. if i had a place to go to, i wouldn't be here. but i don't. i can't leave because i have no where to go.
what does whomp even
what does whomp even mean?
seriously i dont get you
Go stay with family until you
Go stay with family until you can afford a place if your own.
You said in another blog that your family thinks you're lucky to live in such a big house. I wonder if that line of thinking is making you stay in that hell hole.
They think im lucky because
They think im lucky because my mother, grandmother and broher ans his wife all live together in an one bedroom place
****spraying the group down
****spraying the group down with a water bottle*******
It's getting HOT in here, ladies!!!!!
Now generally I would agree that she is allowing herself to be doormat, HOWEVER.....she lives in a country where she has NO means or opportunity to get assistance. Imagine if she lives in Chechnya, for example? Granted, I see a lot of this through the eyes of our media, but I highly doubt she has the resources that those of us that live in the US, UK, Australia, and other like countries that are well-funded, developed, and have stable governments. OK, maybe it's not a war-torn country like that, but it's hard to have perspective sometimes when speaking to people from all over the world.
The only resources she has are those from within herself. The only other person that can help in this situation is her DH. I think we should all focus on giving advice based around that knowledge AND the knowledge that she is pretty isolated due to the country and culture she lives in. You can't make the same suggestions and the same solutions for the same problems with different people. Hell, different culture, different country, completely different lifestyle, that many of us lead.
And Lucija....IMO, you really need to get creative, start thinking outside of the box, and start taking some advice here, YES, even if it's a little shady and manipulative. Using sex, for example. Yes, I absolutely LOVE having sex with my SO, but if push came to shove, ESPECIALLY for the sake of my baby, I'd pull out all the stops and withhold sex and tease him til his balls burst, if need be.
So come on now...everyone is rooting for you, they wouldn't get so freakin mad at you if they weren't, and DO something about this!!!!
If he still has them posted, Drac0's blogs on the Art of War would be apropos, you should read them.
Thank you. its true, i dont
Thank you.
its true, i dont have the chance to get any assistance.
i dont have anything CLOSE to what people in us and uk have. NOT EVEN CLOSE.
The only one that can do something about this, my husband, WILL NOT. he doesnt care.
so im left with myself.
and since i'm not financially stable , secure.. i'm stuck in this house. with all of THEM.
And that means i'm rather helpless unless i find a way to deal with it.
we're not having sex anymore because i don't even have the time for it. i wasn't thinking of using it as a tool, and it's not what i'm doing now, but we're just not having it these days, i don't get the time,and when i do get some free time i just go to sleep or watch TV.
it's not an EU country. i
it's not an EU country.
i would take control if i could, but how do i take control on my own? my husband isn't supporting me. he thinks they shouldn't be punished. HOW do i take control here?
i am scared. for me, for my kid, and i really, really feel helpless. it's not an act to whine, it's truly how i see it.
we're not having sex. i don't
we're not having sex.
i don't really understand what are you suggesting,could you tell me more?
Wait, why don't you have sex
Wait, why don't you have sex with your husband?
She is saying, use it as leverage. You don't get what you need out of the marriage, then don't give him what HE "needs" either.
I personally don't utilize this method... but in your case, I might make an exception.
In fact, I would take a combination of ALL of the advice given to you today.
Lets recap:
1. MAKE NOISE when the precious SD's are trying to sleep
2. Take their doors off
3. Stop cooking for DH, you are too tired from not getting any sleep
4. Put the computer/ office stuff that is in your room, in one of the upstairs rooms, thus making room for baby in there at night.
5. Also, keep one of the additional rooms for baby's other stuff... toys, clothes etc. Baby needs it's own space too...won't be a baby forever.
6. You don't get what YOU need, neither does hubby. Hell, even wear your sexiest pajama's... roll over and go to sleep.
because i am busy. work,
because i am busy. work, baby, housework. i can't.
1. i will do this when they're sleeping while i'm at home.
2. i can't. first of all, i have no idea how to do it. and husband would put them back, he thinks it's sick to make kids have no doors.
3. well i only cook lunch and not always, so really i'm doing minimal in that department.
4. it's really his stuff, i barely use it, so i can't just move it around.
6. that's what i do.
i really got married out of
i really got married out of love. it just started changing when i saw how it really is,and how little he cares about anything.
the problem is, NOTHING makes
the problem is, NOTHING makes him tick. whatever he doesn't like, he walks away from it and act as if it doesn't exist.
he responds to nothing. ever. nothing bothers him. he's just like "yeah, wahtever. meh. awesome. good luck. go away." *rolls over and falls asleep*
I used to, now ijust never
I used to, now ijust never feel like it
well the country as it is is
well the country as it is is not so terrible, i mean the police doesn't do its job, the social security is..well, it isn't. and paycheck are small, everything is expensive.. but it works for people who have some money, homes. my situation is like this because i don't have any financial security.
if crewing means pretending, no thats not what i'm doing. english is my second language, but i've been using it for more than 10 years now. i don't think it's strange that my english is good. and i AM in europe.
sorry if you dont believe me, nothing i can do. but i'm not lying.
i'm sorry, but i don't feel
i'm sorry, but i don't feel comfortable about this AT ALL.
i dont feel comfortable with
i dont feel comfortable with having a stranger pull strings for me. i have no idea who you are, i dont want you to call anyone and give me assistance because I have NO idea who you actually are.
would you feel comfortable with that? i dont think so. even if you would, i dont.
remember that i know about you as much as you know about me - which is, ultimately, NOTHING. which means i dont want you to call anyone to give me anything because i have no idea who are you calling and what would your true motives be.
as for the country - i really dont see how it helps.
if you think im lying, dont
if you think im lying, dont reply.
that's Slovenian. which i
that's Slovenian. which i don't speak.
Never said i was from
Never said i was from slovenia. Of course i dont. No reason for me to speak slovenian.
LucIja. No, I haven't.
LucIja. No, I haven't.
Seemed more like a
Seemed more like a provocation after the slovenian thing up there.
I didnt notice anyone calling me lucy
Im very sorry. But the
Im very sorry. But the slovenian thing just confused me and i figured youre maybe joining in. Im very sorry. Its just that most of the new comments are upsetting and i lost track
So... if I wasn't pregnant,
So... if I wasn't pregnant, this would definitely call for some heavy, heavy alcohol. I should be soaking gummy bears in vodka and fruit juice in preparation for after this week (if the baby comes on time.)
Lucija has a victim's mentality and a victim's belief system. It is likely that unless we give her an option that satisfies all of her beliefs and requirements--aka won't piss off her skids, her husband won't object, the baby gets its sleep, and she doesn't have to do any confrontation of any sort.
I'm sorry but can you see how unreasonable requesting all of that is? Sometimes there IS no middle way. You can't get respect without demanding respect, you can't win a war without fighting somehow. Even Ghandi fought in his own way and pissed his oppressors off royally, despite it being a peaceful method.
I am inclined to agree that you, in some ways, are allowing your child to be abused by not protecting the baby. Do you want your child to grow up thinking it's okay to be pushed around and to always have someone else's permission before it can do anything? Is that the life, is your life the kind you want for your baby?
Because children learn by example from their parents, and if you don't fight back, well, your child may just as well be handed a sign that says "Walk on me too, I'm too scared to fight for fear of repercussions."
I wish you the best, but hope you see how damaging this is.
We try our best to (at least here in the US and also the UK, and other countries too) raise our daughters to be independent, self sufficient, strong, smart, and most of all, to never allow themselves to be placed in a position where the things that are occurring to them happens without their consent, to never let themselves be abused, to voice their discontents and their joy, to never be afraid of someone else's consequence if they know the road they are taking is best for them. That is what you SHOULD want for your child, and if you don't, then that's pretty sad.
You know, Lucija, you've been
You know, Lucija, you've been at this baby needs room/skids make noise thing for ten days now. During the ten days, it's begun to appear you rather like to play the victim. Nothings going to work, nobody understands, financially dependent yet work fulltime, too busy busy busy yet have plenty of time to post and respond, house is huge yet house is too cramped...and on it goes.
You wanted a room, you got a room. Now you dislike the room because DH won't support you against the skids. Days ago DH offered to move some of his 'stuff' out of the master bedroom. Yet we're back to 'DH has too much stuff in bedroom and that's where he likes it'. You seem to be neglecting to remember as you make your many excuses, that DH has shown willingness to work with you on the 'baby needs space' bit.
Baby is ten months old. Just how much space can one baby take up? How much 'stuff' can one baby need except a crib, some clothes, handful of baby supplies and some toys? You keep telling us about this HUGE hallway, so I have to believe there is plenty of space for baby to play and crawl/run around and stair steps aren't baby friendly to begin with...yet you want baby upstairs. Where you live is a big 'secret' so no one here can get an idea of the normal culture beliefs and traditions, but I'm going to assume you and DH originally came from same area of each other. Yes? With that in mind, I'm finding it hard to believe how you managed to marry a man who has such different ideas about children than you do in a European country (but non EU). He lets them run until the wee hours, you think children should be home by x. What are all the other children their ages doing in your area? Surely running to the middle of the night must be fairly normal or your two oldest skids wouldn't be out and about. Two teen girls don't roam the streets and entertain themselves (doing what?) while all other teens in their area are normally home sleeping.
Continuing that thought line, DH is use to having his children in his bedroom for an overly long time frame. It is the norm and agreeable lifestyle to him. He's also use to being king of his home with little to no consideration to your feelings on it. Yet you are totally anti the 'idea' of everything he thinks and does. Most men regardless of where they live don't come up with ridiculous 'traditions' unless most other men in their circle of society for the most part believe the same ways (whether it be economical necessities in their walk of life or true culture ways). People tend to be and to believe in the ways and traditions they were raised. You say everything was all sunshine and roses in your life together until 1/2 through your pregnancy and you wanted changes. Why is what was perfectly acceptable and harmony bringing pre-pregnancy so unacceptable and unbearable to your mind now?
yep, you are too harsh.
yep, you are too harsh.
Wait a minute - before when
Wait a minute - before when someone suggested withholding sex you said you would not do that, you wanted to have sex no matter what.
NOW you say you're too busy with work and housework to have sex with your DH. :?
Can you see why people are thinking you're making things up?
If you used half the energy you use on here to find excuses why our suggestions won't work, and put that energy towards figuring out your situation, you'd have it solved by now.
i said if i wanted to have
i said if i wanted to have sex, id have it no matter what. if i didnt want to, i wouldnt have it, no matter what.
i said i dont use sex as a tool because hes not the one im doing it for.
now i dont feel like having it so i dont have it.