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aaand they had a party

lucija's picture

SDs DID have a party after all.
in the evening, a few hours before the party started, i took some things and went with my baby to a friend's house. it was an inconvenience for her but i simply wasn't willing to sit through all that sh*t without the possibility to leave. at a certain point during the night, my friend and i went to the house. it was loud,crazy, it was simply terrible to look at and realize the people there are 13 - 20 years old. their behaviour was terrifying.
i called the police and talked to them about the party.nothing happened.

i didn't sleep much that night. in the morning i went home,the house was a mess. SDs fixed it later during the day.

i think someone was in the baby's room but i can't prove it and nothing was broken, but... Sad

i'm trying to save money,but it's going too slow and it's too hard.


Anne Boleyn's picture

Just keep saving your money, slowly but surely. It may take a long time but one day, you will have some options. Hang in there!

DaizyDuke's picture

Was your DH home during this party? Was there drinking involved?

Aren't these kids back in school yet?

lucija's picture

some of the time.
most probably.

they are now, weren't when the party was happening.
Though, they have parties during school months, on weekends.