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I hate this duplex and I can't stand my new neighbors

heartpains's picture

I'm sorry but I have to bitch somewhere. If you don't know what a duplex is its two or more homes connected either side by side or on top of each other like a town home type of situation. We have this new neighbors who just moved in. All you freaking hear is the mom yelling at her kids and the parents yelling at each other. They fight all freaking night and the walls are so thin you can hear every word. They are so rude. I tried saying good morning and the lady rolled her eyes at me. I have two one year old kids of course they are going to cry from time to time. They will come banging on our door like the cops and nooooooo oh no they don't say " can you please quite your children" they say " Can you please shut your damn kids up". We went over and explained they just turned one they are going to cry sometimes and SS is only 6 so he will get into trouble if they could be understanding that would be nice and we will try to keep them quite as much as possible. This man said " Good" and slammed the door in our faces.

Their kids are always screaming and crying and kicking walls. They always have their TV's loud or music turned up so loud you can hear it if you stand outside and it vibrates our house. They have people over at all hours when their not cursing each other out they are up drinking and partying with their friends so loud we can't sleep. DH went to knock on their door to ask them to quiet down they told him to mind his own damn business. They violate code they never mow their side of the yard or pick up after their dog. They let the dog poop on our side and leave it. Their dog is so freaking loud and big it barks like 24/7 it scares the girls.

Not only that. Our stove broke. I opened it to get a pizza pie out and not even with force and the darn oven door fell off. The landlord has been telling us for over a month he will send someone to fix it and it is still broken. The guest toilet is leaking its been leaking for two weeks. Hasn't sent anyone over. He won't listen to our complaints about the neighbors. He told us if we pay to have these things fixed our self and something else goes wrong he keeps our down payment. Then send someone OVER! In three months our lease is up and we are so out of here you will hear the tires squeal.

These neighbors are scary. The other night DH and I where talking about them in our bedroom and we heard a band on the wall and she said " who you talking about bitch?". Scared the crap out of me. We are scared to have sex its like they put their ears to the wall or a glass or something to be nosey. That's why I'm talking about them here I don't want that crazy women hearing me. We are about ready to break our lease. We have the girls sleeping in our room and SS when he is over with a bat next to the bed. That's how crazy it is. We have gotten in touch with the authorities who told us if they make any threats or we feel we are in any immediate psychical harm to call immediately.


Starla's picture

It might be worth breaking the lease to get away from that situation. Please be careful around those people, sounds like they like their fighting and all the drama. You may laugh but one thing you can do for the immediate time being (at least until you can get out), have you and your hubby write messages on a dry erase board when your in your room if your going to discuss the neighbors.

It would be hard to not have it out with them however they are not worth getting into trouble with the law if it were to escalate. Good luck to your and your family, I hope you can get out of there sooner then later.

Totalybogus's picture

Call Code Enforcement.... lol. Your stuff has to be fixed within a certain amount of time. AND... they always find more violations...