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Has anyone else experienced bad neighbors?

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As I have written in my last blog I live in a duplex and my new neighbors are driving us up the wall. Yelling, screaming, fighting, partying and being rude and scary. It quieted down for two weeks. Then in the middle of the night you hear banging on the wall in SS's room and their dog squealing and a kid crying bloody murder for his mom to stop. I swear on everything I know what the heck I heard and SS and DH heard it too. I called animal control on them. I know once the animal control comes to investigate their going to know we called and come over to start drama. It's been hell.

I hate this duplex and I can't stand my new neighbors

heartpains's picture

I'm sorry but I have to bitch somewhere. If you don't know what a duplex is its two or more homes connected either side by side or on top of each other like a town home type of situation. We have this new neighbors who just moved in. All you freaking hear is the mom yelling at her kids and the parents yelling at each other. They fight all freaking night and the walls are so thin you can hear every word. They are so rude. I tried saying good morning and the lady rolled her eyes at me. I have two one year old kids of course they are going to cry from time to time.

How to get a 6 year old to listen to you

heartpains's picture

Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase help! SS6 school is shut down because of the snow. DH is on call this week and got called in. I'm stuck here with my twin 1 year olds and SS6. I'm over my head. He won't listen. If I tell him no or put that down he will just look straight at me and say no. If I tell him to go to his room or time out he will just whine he doesn't want to and throw a tantrum. If I pick him up and put him in time out he will throw a tantrum in my arms. He is pretty big for a 6 year old and to have him kicking and pulling on me hurts.

BM crying on my husband

heartpains's picture

BM came by to get SS early because her sister is really sick and on her last days and she wants to take SS to see her before its to late. I sympathize I'm not heartless. To my horror she runs up to my DH and clings to him in tears. First he shurged and shaked then he lifted her off of his chest. She asked him if he wanted to come see her sister. He told her no. She begged him. I know she is greiving but I'm not ok with her clinging to my husband. His phone buzzed in the middle of the night 4 times in a row then a text message popped up. He tells me its BM says she needs someone to talk to.

What should be expected from a 6 year old?

heartpains's picture

Am I expecting to much? I think his parents "cough cough" DH should be expecting more out of him. This is what I expect tell me if I'm wrong

1. To not expect to do or have whatever his 1 year old sisters have.

2. To clean up his own room and other messes he makes himself.

3. To cut his own food with a plastic fork unless its really tough but we don't eat read meat so there shouldn't be any exceptions.

4. Table manners.

5. To be able to bathe by himself without getting watched over in a tub half filled with the door cracked.

Would you step in if you saw a kid getting spanked?

heartpains's picture

There's spanking and then there's beating on a defenseless child. I don't agree with the whole spanking thing but I don't think it makes you a bad parent if you do tap there butts or hand every now and then when you think its needed. I think some people take it to far. I went over to my sister's place to get my hair pinned up. She had some of our friends and a women I've never met over. This woman had 4 little kids with her. I don't know what happened or what they did but I saw her lift up a teeny tiny girl couldn't have been older than two.

Your kid pooped on my couch on purpose don't baby him.

heartpains's picture

My two 1 year olds have diarrhea at the same time. They have been puking and having loose stools it has not been fun for them or me. After one of my little munchkins exploded on the kitchen floor I took her to the bathroom and come back and there is crap on my couch. SS6 is standing there laughing with is pants and underwears on the floor. He is laughing like its just the best joke. I sent him to the bathroom and told him to wipe himself with baby wipes and head to the corner. DH argues me that he might really have diarrhea.

Fighting with the Ex wife and the babying of a 6 year old

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The ex wife came by to pick up my ss6. She literally picks him up and pats his butt and calls him mommy's big boy. Seriously the kid is six and half my size and way to heavy to pick up.She still pushes him around in a stroller through the park I've seen her. But in all of her glory she feels high and might enough to call me a bad mother. How dare I yell at her kid. How dare her kid act like a wild animal at the dinner table almost knocking a sippy cup onto my 1 year old daughter.

Yelling at an 6 year old

heartpains's picture

I feel awful. I'm running out of tissues. I'e never turned to an online forum before but I'm coming to the understanding that no one understands what I am going through. This child my step child is 6 years old. He is treated like he is 8 months old. He gets carried around and spoiled and even still talks baby talk. He calls is father da da and his mother mommyeeeeeeee. And no he is not mentally challenged. My husband still cuts his food for him for goodness sake. We had pizza tonight and my husband was getting ready to cut his pizza.