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Will this hurt DH?

GameOn's picture

Why are most of our BM's complete nightmares?

DH has been trying to get BM to stick to email contact only. Sometimes she will and others she won't and even when she does she's usually trying to trash DH or start a fight with him via email. There's always some sort of accusation that the kids said this or that to her. And if DH doesn't get to the email soon enough or doesn't want to answer it here comes the texts. I mean heaven forbit DH be to busy to check his email or just doesn't want to respond to. Nope. It's fight time.

DH typically ignores it but I've gotten the point where I'm done with it. All of her crazy behavior over the last four years has pushed me to the point where I just wish she would drop dead. Sometimes what she says gets to DH and he gets all p!ssy and it ruins our evening or day depending on what time satan decided it was time for attack.

DH sent her an email Monday which stated that he's asked her repeatedly to stop badmouthing him in front of the children and due to the fact that she won't that he'll address it with kids and let them know that what their mother has stated is not true and will no longer be addressing it with her.

The email also stated that he has also repeatedly asked her to stick to email contact only which she has also refused to do. From here on out she is to email all child related issues, requests, or questions to him. Texting is for a scheduling emergency that cannot be addressed through email due to time issues, and phone calls are for emergencies only e.g. hostpital or car accident. If she can't follow these simple requests that he will be getting a land line and will provide her with that number so that she can call and leave voice messages and he will block her from the use of his cell phone. He said that he is tired of her always trying to pick fights, her aggressive and angry outbursts, and that he will no longer allow her to try and ruin his time. He also told her that she needs to focus on herself and her family and leave him alone unless it's child related and requires his knowledge or attention and that he felt that this was in the best interest of the kids.

I think that it was pretty straight foward and to the point. Not hostile just this is how it's going to be. You don't like it, well tough. He knows that he has to deal with her because of the kids but he refuses to deal with her being hostile and dealing with her atatcks via text or phone call.

Can DH look bad infront of a judge with an email like this? We have four years of her documented craziness. Everything from sitting outside our house at 3 am, stalking DH for a year, coming into our home without our knowledge an approval, showing up at our house without of knowledge or approval, to addmitting up to badmouthing DH to the kids, messing with visitation, and constant documented attacks via email and text. And there's much much more.


GameOn's picture

Oh, and he also stated that he will no longer be replying to her petty complaints which actually equals her trying to pick fights. She calls them her concerns. Right. If she was so concerned about her children she wouldn't be badmouthing their father to them or making SD feel guilty about coming over to DH'a house for the week, or making up lies about DH and telling them.

QueenBeau's picture

Sooo I'm new here and signed up JUST TO respond to this. I've been reading for months. We blocked BM's texts to both phones. She gets to crazy via text. Now she can only call or email, & usually calls because DH ignores her emails. She isn't crazy enough to go crazy on the phone when someone can respond instantly or just hang up, so things are good. You can block texts without blocking calls for emergencies. I wouldn't suggest getting a home phone, could you imagine hearing that ring all dag on day when she's angry?

Anyways, blocking texts for us has made life much easier. You should give it a go!

QueenBeau's picture

Yes you can, we have sprint & it is completely free. Just called & told them I wanted it done. Took 2 seconds & saved us a lot of drama. She never even mentioned being blocked, I'm sure she was embarrassed, but she knows why. Crazy lady.

GameOn's picture

Oh and the reason why we want her to stay at email contact only and not call is because we want to make sure that all of her BS is documented. She's just as crazy on the phone but can deny ever saying anything because it's not documented and then, should it ever happen, if they go to court it ends up being a he said she said thing.

QueenBeau's picture

I completely understand. I would suggest letting her know the phone calls will be recorded for legal reasons. Putting it on speaker phone & recording everything. Just the treat of it being documented may keep her from calling.

GameOn's picture

That would give her complete phone access to DH and she would be calling all of the time. The great thing about a land line is as long as you have the voicemail service you technically don't need the phone. All DH would use it for is to check and see if a message was left for an "actual emergency" and not one of BM's imagined ones. If there's an actual emergency he can call her from his cell and if there isn't one he can ignore it without ever having to listen to the ringing of a phone.

misSTEP's picture

I really don't think this could hurt him, in fact, it would look like he is making an effort to decrease the drama. Whereas, the documentation YOU have would show her as a harassing, controlling, Golden Uterus.

My DH had a No Contact order written into his CO because of BM's harassment. She argued that she still needed to have his phone number in case there was an emergency. We got a Magic Jack which attached to the computer and you could mute it. You could set it up to get email notifications and the voice mails could also be sent to your email.

This fulfilled the part of the CO that stated she was to be supplied with a way to access DH but yet we didn't have to put up with the crap if she decided to break the CO...not to mention, more documentation!

GameOn's picture

I'll have to look into the magic jack. Sounds like it could be useful in our situation.

misSTEP's picture

Also check Google Voice, which has since been introduced. I think it might be cheaper or even free.