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dad'swife's picture

This past weekend was SS21's baby shower. I have not seen his gf since last summer and my DH and I never received an invitation to this baby shower but were just expected to come.

Currently, SS21 lives with us because the gf threw him out last summer but he is planning to move back in with her by the end of this week (yay!).

I have been with his dad for 7 years, married for 2, but I don't consider myself a stepmom to him necessarily because he was older when we met, and I am younger than my husband.

HOWEVER, the night of the party, gf was complaining that we didn't bring anything besides the gifts to the shower (as in, we didn't cook anything, or bring drinks or anything like that). Also, gf and her mom made special pins for the REAL grandparents (DH, BM, and gf's mom and dad) and I didn't get one.

So let me get this straight:
I am not a grandparent, yet I am expected to contribute to the party and expected to love this baby as if it were my own blood.

Am I wrong in feeling disrespected?

SS21 has been a thorn in my side and there are so many other things besides this that bug me. He is immature, lazy and has no idea what is in store for him. So please, let me know, am I wrong to feel disrespected? I told DH that I will not be going to the hospital once the baby is born and he understands (or he at least says he does).


hereiam's picture

You are not wrong at all. And once the baby is born, they will expect you to babysit, and buy crap for it, and put it in your will.

All the while, treating you like crap. No, thanks.

dad'swife's picture

Exactly! If my SS wasn't so rude and lazy, maybe I would overlook it and still go to the hospital, but I'm just done. I have made enough attempts to blend and I am just over it at this point.

dad'swife's picture

Nope, no invitation. His reason? We live in the same house so it's not necessary. Ummmmm, we also don't ever speak so how would I know what is going on? SMH!

dad'swife's picture

Cheri to be honest, I would've been bothered about the pin but not as upset as I was if the gf didn't make snide remarks about us not bringing anything. I don't talk to either one of them. We have no relationship, but yet I have to act like a parent? Makes no sense to me.

oldone's picture

Please do not let him ever move back in. You know this is not a long-term commitment for these parents to be.

My advice is to stay away from the baby. Babies are adorable and innocent. And skids just love to use them as weapons to stab your heart.