They got in a "little argument" at school
SD14 and BD14 got back from school, my daughter rushed to her room, SD went to buy chocolate. (There's loads of chocolate in the house but she wants one with strawberry not the hazelnut one or the milk one we have) FDH had his lunch break moved because of a meeting so he got home at that time,and when he saw BD run to her room barely even talking to us,he asked SD what was wrong before she went out. She answered "We had a little argument, nothing important" , and he nodded, then she said "I thought about going to buy chocolate, can I ?" , she said "sure sweetie , why not",and he gave her money. waaay more than she'd need for chocolate.
So I thought I should talk to BD, I went to her room but she was in a bad mood and wouldn't talk. She said that everything is OK but obviously it isn't. SD has been out since then, and it's been almost an hour. There's a store nearby and it couldn't have took her more than 15 mins to get chocolate. FDH called her and she said she met a friend and asked can she stay out with her. He agreed with that and told her to have a nice time.
BD is still not out of her room. I went there once more and I think she was crying but she said she was fine again.
I'll have to talk to FDH about this because I think that this should be dealt ASAP with but I really don't even know what to tell him,nor how.
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I'll tell him, but when I do
I'll tell him, but when I do ,how can I ask him to do something about it? i really don't want to present his daughter to him as a bad person, I just want him to realise that' she's doing bad things right now and he should do something about it. Not just for my daughter,but HIS own too,because if she's doing that for a person who did no wrong,she must not be very happy right now either.
He was not my husband, and she can't live with him as he's not involved.
I can only imagine how she feels,it must be horrible. That's why I want to do something about it.
You need to step up here. I
You need to step up here. I have been following this and it sounds like your child is being bullied by your SD. She has no remorse for any of it. I guarantee something is going on and you are not being your child's advocate. If you asked here if she was miserable in your household, I am sure she would say yes.
If you have an Ex in the picture, don't be surprised if she wants to live there. SS14 was miserable with his bio sister and now lives with us full time because of it. He hates her and they are related. THey only see each other in the hallways at school. No relationship at all.
You need to stand up for your child to your husband and if you can't do the right thing and get her out of there. This disgusts me when a parent sacrifices a child for love...
I think she is being
I think she is being bullied,and I know that SD has no remorse for it. If she had ,she wouldn't keep doing it.
If I ask what happened, what's wrong, she says she's fine.
I don't have an ex in the picture.
Well, how do I stand up? I decided to,but what do I say? Because I'm not sure what can he do about it.
I'm not sacrificing her for love, I'll talk to him,or leave if it's not solved. The thing is, SD hates her now,and even if I leave, I'm not sure she'll stop.
School officials? I don't
School officials? I don't have that option because this school is "the best school in town" (there really is no better than this) but it's a ruin. THere's a lack of staff - teachers, people to clean,take care, enforce the rules etc. The principal is all sweet and he thinks that "be nice children" is gonna solve everything. We have a pedagogue,that makes children promise not to do it again and nothing else. There are no consequences for most kids. Especially if they're from rich families-they're unfairly privileged. I know that the rich kids have it "better" almost everyewhere,but in this country & town,it's far, far worse. Probably because the country is underdeveloped and the system sucks,so there really isn't much to do about anything. If you have money or any kind of influence,then you can get away with almost anything. Especially your child causing problems at school-no one even cares about that. Bullying is not even recgonized as a problem and people don't take it seriously at all. most people say that it's "children's sh*t"
And even if it wasn't like that -SD has straight As, extra school activities,is not disrespectful to teachers, she's considered to be very smart, and a good student who behaves fairly well in school. If they knew that she was having arguments with someone,they'd let it go even if she wasn't a part of the "elite" students because it'd be a "one time". Basically,the school officials won't or can't do anything for various reasons. Incompentent, or just affected by the malfunctioning system, I'm not sure. But they're no help.
I really wouldn't mind being branded a bitch-SD already hates me, people around town would believe her and her family, not me, and I'll be branded a bitch even if I don't do anything. I want to do something,and I will do anything that would help. But..what?
what can I do? What can I do to take control of the issue? SD is not afraid of me one bit.
DH should have asked his DD
DH should have asked his DD what the fight was about. This is getting absurd. YOU have to step up and do something. Protect your child. Even if it means moving until the DD's are out of the house.
He doesn't care,he thinks
He doesn't care,he thinks it's not an issue.
Even if he did, I doubt she'd say the truth,just say something that he lets it go.
So what do I do? I know I have to,I have to protect her, I have to stop this,but how? I thought about moving and will do it if it's not settled,but.. What if SD keeps it up at school? She's not really known for knowing to forgive. Even though there's nothing to forgive,when she decides that someone is bad,she'll keep it up..
You need to say to HIM that
You need to say to HIM that this stops here. My daughter is an equal in this house to his daughter. Start doing some yelling and stop being a door mat, because it really sounds like you are. She is your only child and needs to be your priority and he has his head in the sand....
But what will that do? I say
But what will that do? I say that, and then what changes? I don't think that he'll change his parenting of 14 years just because I said that this stops here and that my daughter is an equal.
I'm so sad for your daughter.
I'm so sad for your daughter. That must be very hard for her to have to LIVE with her bully as well as going to school with her. I agree with everyone else that something big needs to happen and change so she's in a better place.
If you know that by stepping up and saying something to him isn't going to change his parenting of SD and YOU yourself can't change anything with her, you have two choices: you either stay in the relationship and watch your daughter go downhill (possibly into further depression) and suffer at the hands of SD or you can tell DH that you're NOT standing for this bullshit and pack yours and your daughter's bags and leave. Even if it's temporary, to give him the clear message that something has to change or you won't subject your daughter to that situation any longer.
I wish I could help. That's a tough situation to be in. My ex bullied my daughter and I was so scared of him that I allowed it for years and years. Guess what? My daughter LEFT me and lives with her dad in Michigan full time. I get to see her spring break, summer and when I go up to Michigan from Denver at Christmas. I made the biggest mistake of my life out of fear that I couldn't make it on my own. Don't make the same mistakes I did. Your daughter should be your #1 priority right now since she's in pain. If your husband can't see that his daughter needs to have his foot up her ass and change her shitty behavior and DO something about it - well, I see nothing improving until you get out.
Good luck. Keep us updated. I hope your daughter isn't suffering permanent damage or will resent you for not standing up for her and removing her from that horrible situation with SD.
Well even if I move, i'm not
Well even if I move, i'm not sure will that stop SD from doing it at school or outside.
I'm not sure what could change-even if I leave and tell him that something has to change, what? What can be done now,anyway?
But I'll tlak to him.
I'll tell him what is going on,and see what's his response.
If he agrees to take care of this,I'll give him some time to sort all this out, if he accepts to start NOW. If no, I'll get ready to leave.
But I'm still worried-even if I leave,what if it keeps going in school?
Sorry to be so blunt but it
Sorry to be so blunt but it sounds like you want to be the victim in this whole situation.
I would do whatever it took to protect my own child. I wouldn't hide behind a bunch of "what ifs"
Move out of that school
Move out of that school district and put her in a new one. If that's not possible, talk to the school counselors, your daughter's teachers, the principal. Let them know what's going on and don't take no for an answer. This is your daughter, protect her with all you can. I will regret for the rest of my life that I didn't stand up for mine.
Just curious are you always
Just curious are you always this much of a door mat with him? Because honestly, you need to get a backbone here....He is not parenting in anyway. But, that is not your problem. You can disengage from his parenting, but you do need to be your childs advocate and call SD out on everything she is doing. You can be assertive here. He obviously can't, but you can be with your SD. If it was me and I have been here with SD bullying my BS, I would be in her face when he is not around and letting her know exactly what she is doing is unacceptable and you will not tolerate it. Put the fear of god in her....
My SD16 threatened my son on Facebook to have him beat up. I went to school and the police to find out my rights. I didn't care, that was my child. The school intervened and moved them away from each other on the bus. She was put right behind the driver and that stopped the behavior and made her know that she could not be tolerated by us. Her games were over.
BM still thinks that DH went to the school, but that was all me. DH wanted to wait and see if something happened. But, my son is my prioroty not that brat...
Stand up and don't just have a conversation with him. You need to do all the talking about what will not be tolerated for your child. Seriously, stand up to him and SD before this gets out of hand. Your daughter has no safe place and that is a problem.
Do something!!! I've been in
Do something!!! I've been in your shoes-my ss14.5 was a horrendous bully to all 3 of my kids. There were times I let things go I shouldnt have. But I will tell you I definitely made dh and ss uncomfortable. If I was unhappy about what was going on, if my kids were unhappy, well, they were damn well going to be unhappy too. I've found that even if dh doesnt think things are issues, lots of bitching and no sex from me typically gets him to reconsider fairly easily. Also as "woman of the house" I provided lots of comforts for ss-washing his clothes, buying and cooking his food, driving him places, etc-if he messes with my kids? Hello, I'm not doing a damn thing for you buddy.
Eventually these actions on my part continued to be ineffective. They helped for awhile-in the shortterm, but long term ss continued to be an asshole. Dh continued to be ineffective in making him change. So I told dh he had to go. SS14 has been living with my inlaws since June. Please, please do not make the mistake of not parenting your own kids correctly in order to please your so. I have made the mistake in the past and it is something I horribly regret.
But I'm still worried-even if
But I'm still worried-even if I leave,what if it keeps going in school?
Then you take care of it at school. If you leave, at least YOUR child will have a safe place to live and not live with the enemy.
But, I am sorry, it really sounds like you just want to vent and not really help you child. I say this because all I hear are excuses. I feel really bad for your kid. And yes...she needs to learn to stand up for herself and talk to you about what is going on.
What if your kid is the real bully in this situation? You will have no idea because no one is getting to the bottom of the situatino.
My SS's bullied my DD and DS
My SS's bullied my DD and DS both at school and in our house. I had a straight up "discussion" with my DH who didn't really see the issue in it... until I told him there was NO WAY I was going to teach my children to "go along to get along" and if they had to get ugly in order to get the point across that they were NOT going to be bullied, I'd be the first one to teach them.
It's bad enough that kids have to take that kind of crap out in the world: school, the bus, social gatherings, etc. But then to have to face it at home? The one place where they are supposed to be safe, and they aren't?
At school, my SS's basically had 30 or 40 kids calling my DD an absolutely HORRIBLE name as she would sit in class, walk thru the hallway, or be at recess. They were relentless. I went to my DD's teachers and principal and told them I don't care if we are considered "family", I wanted absolute separation during school hours. It progressed beyond family when all of these other kids got involved. The teachers were witnessing to the fact that my straight-A student was failing miserably in school, and they all truly believed it was due to the bullying going on.
Frankly, I didn't give a shit who I pissed off or embarrassed. The little cretins knew exactly what they were doing, but they forgot they were also messing with this Mama Bear. DH wasn't happy, but also wasn't willing to step up and do something about it because it would mean getting after his precious two.
Oh well.
You have to get your daughter
You have to get your daughter to speak to you. My BD13 is a clam-up type. What works for me is to be with her in the car. Go to the grocery store parking lot or something. Just sit in the car, face her, tell her you can't help her if she doesn't talk. Be patient (I am so impatient - lol) wait her out, just sit there with the car running and some music on quietly - music she likes - you will be out of the house for one in territory that might help her open up. She can cry and noone can see her, bring some tissues - wait her out quietly.
Tell her you want to help, you need to know what happened so that you can be the parent and understand what you need to do. Explain its your job to help her but if she doesn't talk she is tying your hands because you can't help her if you don't know what is going on.
She is old enough to have a discussion. Maybe she can even participate in what she thinks will be a good way to go about it.
Get that girl to talk.
If you get her to talk it through, maybe you can discuss other ways she could have handled it. Maybe she needs permission to stand up for herself. I had a similar situation with my BD13 when she was 11 where a former friend was bullying her at school - once I got my daughter to open up - its almost like she needed permission to stand up for herself, once she had the permission - she was able to do just that and after a short bit, the bully lost interest. Not saying its always that easy - but get that girl to talk.
My ss14 still goes to school
My ss14 still goes to school with my kids. My dd15 was also "I'm just going to get along type"-through MUCH coaching from me-she is much better on this avenue and while she still chooses to ignore alot of the petty dumb stuff my ss does-if he really pisses her off she gets in his face and threatens to blow the whistle on all of his bad behaviors that she knows about that would horribly humilate him (because they are so incredibly bad and humilitating). Of course, the shoe is on the other foot with my dd-she is the one that is very popular while my ss is just so not. This helps my dd quite a bit as she doesnt really ahve to worry about him turning a school full of people against her. Fortunately for My dd the balance of "power" is on her side at school. Unfortunately for your dd the balance of power seems to be squarely with sd both at school and home. She has no escape.
Ok, you're right. I can't let
Ok, you're right.
I can't let this happen.
Since I can't do anything about SD and get to the bottom of it,I'll move out and tell FDH I'm coming back only if he changes his ways of "Dealing" with her. If no,nothing then.
I'll pack this evening and go tomorrow,I'm talking to FDH as soon as he gets home.
I'll talk to my daughter about this, and I'll tell her to stand up for herself,but I'm afraid about what's gonna happen. But okay.
I hope you're serious. It
I hope you're serious. It may just be the wake up call FDH needs to do something concrete about the situation, OR, it may make you see that you don't need to subject your daughter to such abuse and you're better off without this guy.
Either way, I do hope things work out for the best. I truly feel for you and your girl. I know what it's like to sit by and do nothing out of fear. I pay for it every day that I don't get to raise my girl. If I could go back and change it, you bet your ass I would!
I think "bully" is a big
I think "bully" is a big word, and one that is often thrown around far too freely, much like "abuse."
So, why exactly do you think DD is being bullied??
You have two teen girls who are unrelated living together. (Hell, the unrelated part is probably moot because teen bios would argue.)
Is it possible, since I haven't heard any specifics, that these girls are just doing what teen girls do? Picking, heckling, being generally stupid?
I must've missed something, because everyone seems to be jumping all over the "it's abuse! it's bullying! protect your child!!" bandwagon...
That was my first thought!
That was my first thought! They were probably fighting over a boy or something stupid. I would wait with the drastics until you can get a little bit more info.
Well I don't think that the
Well I don't think that the problems between them are unusual,except for the fact that SD is popular,and my daughter is not. SD has many friends who are just like her (and they're all together like a gang - all the same, mean, stuck up, arrogant and ready to fight at all times) , my daughter has no many friends,and they're not really popular either. So Sd manipulates people at school into not talking to my daughter, not hanging out with her,etc. And overall she just has more influence and power in this situation. They had little problems before and as it did not seem to upset my daughter I didn't worry,I thought it was teen stuff too. But this is worse than just that because SD has a kind of power over my daughter-and when SD does something to her,she can't return because everyone will side with SD. I guess that's why she has not said anything to them-because whahtever she does, SD will find a new way to attack her. She just influences people at school to avoid my daughter,so then my daughter feels powerless to resist them - she hasn't got anyone at school to turn to if she does it. So she takes it,all that SD says,so she would not attack her at school and / or turn people against her more.![Smile](
I guess I kind of understand how she feels,but something has to be done about it because if no, it won't get better. I realised that here,on steptalk.
I'm very grateful for all of your help. Thank you
That's just awful! Girls are
That's just awful! Girls are so mean! I'm glad I have a boy!
IMO, regardless of what you
IMO, regardless of what you call it, if it shuts someone down it needs to be addressed.
"Is it possible, since I haven't heard any specifics, that these girls are just doing what teen girls do? Picking, heckling, being generally stupid?"
Just because it's what teen girls do doesn't make it okay. Why teach them that it's acceptable to follow the crowd? Kids need to be taught to respect others. Picking & heckling to the point of shutting a person down is not "fun" or "joking". It's just being mean.
There's no way she'd talk to
There's no way she'd talk to me except to argue and fight with me, or at least make a sarcastic or flat out insulting comment. There's no "let's discuss this" with her and me. If I asked her, she'd probably say something mean and go on with her day. Or just say it's all BD's fault and walk away.
to me it sounds like more
to me it sounds like more than normal teen stuff-if there was some sort of argument on the stairs the other day and you have said that there is ongoing stuff at school. His daughter is trying to turn classmates against your daughter-I dont even understand why your dh would NOT want to address this-does he want his daughter to grow up to be a mean bitch? I wouldnt want my kids doing this to anyone much less someone that is supposed to be "family". Your daughter is coming home and crying over this stuff-it apparently needs to be addressed.
Well he thinks that their
Well he thinks that their relationships at school are something they should work on, not the parents. As his older daughter, SD21 was parented that way (he didn't meddle with her relationships with friends - or "enemies") and it worked fine for both him and her,he's convinced he should do it that way again.
She's not just trying to turn them,she's doing it. He thinks that they're not forced to it,and if kids do something,it's because they chose to. I don't think he gets how much influence his daughter has over this situation and how much she can affect my daughter.
But anyways, he doesn't see her as a mean bitch as this is the first problem with her. So he doesn't see it as that threatening to what she will grow up to be as it's one problem.
It needs to be adressed,and it was. I talked to my daughter, husband,and will talk to him again.
What does your daughter
What does your daughter say?
Normally I'd agree with your DH regarding kids needing to work out their own conflicts but this conflict is way beyond normal disputes children have.
You need to do something drastic by either insisting that big changes be made in your home, or pack up your DD and leave. If your FDH refuses to make changes, you might have to reconsider your relationship with this man. Your child's well-being comes first.
It's hard being bullied at
It's hard being bullied at school, but it must be a hundred times harder to live with the bully at home. There is no place to hide and no escape from the feelings of anger and humilation. Bullying can be a subtle drip drip drip of slights and meanness, which are devastating to the child and their self esteem.
It's even worse because it has not been addressed in your home at all, and SD sees no consequences to her behaviour. It is shocking that your husband did not address the issue of the argument with his daughter, when your daughter was obviously upset, and in effect gave his daughter 2 rewards for participating in an argument which left her stepsister in tears: chocolate and an outing with her friend.
I wonder if your daughter is not opening up to you to tell you what's wrong because she has given up, and lost faith in your ability to do anything. If that's true then the situation is having a dangerous effect on her and she is feeling ever more isolated. Even if she has to continue at the same school at least if you move out her home will be a sanctuary, and she will know that you have her back. If that were my daughter suffering I would be so angry with SD by now that I would not be able to live with her or her father anyway.
"I wonder if your daughter is
"I wonder if your daughter is not opening up to you to tell you what's wrong because she has given up, and lost faith in your ability to do anything."
I wonder about that too. Honey, I'm wondering if maybe you should not even bother trying to make changes with dh and SD. Maybe, as difficult as it may be, you should leave this guy. Your daughter's well being is at risk. You do not want her asking to live with someone else.