Finally! Last CS Check Went Out Today!
After 19.5 loooooooooooooonnnnnnnngggggg years, the reverse ransom, indentured servitude, breeding tax, courtesan payment plan, mommy mortgage, matrimonial millstones, broken vehicle notes have come to an end.
Rather anti climatic TBH. It was much more thrilling when Pumpkinhead (OSS) accidentally emancipated himself shortly after turning 19. The first one off was a giant milestone which of course enraged the Girhippo as we weren't supposed to know he had moved out of her house and in with Uncle Kinky albeit less than a year ( thank you social media).
After the Gir was caught red handed trying to game the system ( and why not? Her whole life consisted of breaking the rules and getting away with it) she suddenly turned back to her church lady act and decided to disclose that the Animal Torturer (SD) would be moving out shortly before her 21st birthday.
I prorated the payment to the first three days of the week as the HousesHitter was still 20. And yes it is absolutely infuriating that New York State goes to age 21 for CS.
Early next week we will be closing that account and Chef will be opening up a new account at a different bank altogether. Our attorney advised us that sometimes CSEU makes a "mistake" and keeps trying to claw CS at which point you have to go to an attorney and literally file a motion for them to stop doing that because skid has aged out.
And once they take more than they should they DO NOT reimburse it back to the NCP. Ask me how I know about that one (orthodonture bill rolled into CS).
So safe to just close the account and let them send nastygrams.
- thinkthrice's blog
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Take a deep breath of that
Take a deep breath of that sweet sweet 'we don't owe you a damn penny you coniving, evil, b-word from hades so you're cut off from the money train and it sucks to be you' air.
Good idea to close the
Good idea to close the account.
woo hoo!
woo hoo!
Congratulations! I'm looking
Congratulations! I'm looking forward to hearing next month that your first non-payment went to a luxury or celebration for you two! You deserve it.
We will be
Driving down South for Mardi Gras but that's about it just bought a beat up old fourplex for cash.
So happy for you!
So happy for you!
Now that money can go towards vacations and savings/investment account
5 more months for Husband! And ive already reappropriated that money to a work 401 k investment account :D with moi as sole beneficiary. I dont want him to suddenly have "extra money" left over to give to skids or for his fishing trips.
Just bought a
Beat up old fourplex for cash so this should be interesting
Hallelujah, TT! That new
Hallelujah, TT! That new account should be labelled, 'travel'! Once DH's hefty extortion payments ended, we began travelling the world and believe me, we enjoyed it all the more, realizing that the expense was covered by monies freed up from 'The Screamer's' purse!
Enjoy your huge raise, block the BM, define very clearly and enforce very strictly any interface with the now off of the payroll spawn.
Time for the word NO to become very prominant in any conversation with THEM.
They are addressed only as the two of your together define. You say no. It is no. Time to let DH know that your veto is absolute unless you and only you withdraw it.
When SpermLand changed the CS rules to require payment directly to the CSE office and then forwarding the CS to the CP, DW opened an account that only took direct deposits of CS from CSE. She retained that model when they went to direct payroll withholding of CS. The instant it hit that account it direct transferred to another account then another after that. There was no easy way that CSE could retract the money though the rules said thay could withdraw any erroneous payments.
Closing the account is a great idea. No need to give any otherwise unemployable drooling morons in the CSE office or family law courts any ability to screw up at your expense after the spawn age out from under the CO. Better to force them to actively chase you and prove their collection rather than let them take your money without notice. If BM owes you any money, send the CSE/Courts to her to collect. Use them as a stick against BM.... for a change. I know, fantasy. But a fun one for sure.
The Spermidiot still owes us $thousands for this half of med expenses not covered by insurance. Unfortunately the toothless dipshit bottom 10%ers of the legal profession on the SpermLand family law bench had no balls for enforcing him to pay that element of the CO. So for years we billed him/them twice a year including added penalties and interest per the IRS penalties and interest tables. We would send it delivery confirmation.
Get on with living well.
Take care of you.
Congratulations! What did
Congratulations! What did Chef have to say about it?
He acknowledged that the Gir is off the payroll and is okay with closing the account and opening up a new one.
Just be careful. Gir Isn't going to take this lost of income, with out a fight. She will starting next week, thinking of ways to get money from you. Becausevshe needs money and you are better then wirking
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That was a loooong (too long) time coming. May your future be Girhippo and skid free!!
Congrats !!!!!
Congrats !!!!!
So happy for you!
Thanks everyone
And yes FINALLY!!!!!!