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4th of July & Bday shenanigans

CLove's picture

4th of July was fun, with music and friends and dancing. Then the evening 'works, because husband decided to agree to his friends all bringing their 'crackers and kids to our house. Its funny - everywhere but our city they are illegal and unwanted, but we live in the last of the wild west towns and people go crazy - all over town big lights exploding. For one night we are the "cool town". 

Unfortunately for me, SD17 power sulk wanted to attend also, so sweetheart cousin picked her up and dropped her off.

Or course Powersulk sulked around me and was laughing and sweet with everyone else. Because I am the villan in her story.

Husband and I have not discussed anything, and I have declined giving her a ride with explanation so we are clear on things I will not do.

NOW, today Im at work and believe she is still at my house. I thought about things and re-read your advice dear stalkers, and texted husband that rather than me ASKING if she was going to be dropped off back at her mothers, I am actually REQUESTING she be dropped off.

And that if she is to stay she is to help with a few chores like run the dishwasher and wash and dry the towels in her room thats a pigsty.

I have taken tomorrow (6th) off for my birthday and I really do not want to be alone with power sulk. I have things planned and dinner and she is not invited to anything.

Am I going overboard? False accusations, recording me in my home without my permission and threats of CPS. 

Husband wants to believe her. He doesnt have my back with skids or his ex Toxic Troll. I have to protect myself and have my own back.


notsurehowtodeal's picture

I don't think you are going far enough. There is no danger in you going too far. As far as I am concerned, once she threatened to call CPS, she should never have stepped foot in your house again. Do what you need to do to get her out of there for your birthday.

Rags's picture

Purge the Sulk.  Her crap is nothing but attempts to crush your bliss.  Keep her out of your life.  Daddy broke, it, daddy can fix it, or... daddy can forego a relationship with the Sulk.

Stand your ground and enjoy your birthday.

CLove's picture

Yes, I did put it gently as in "I just want peace on my birthday and no drama". When husband called me wicked stepmother.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Clove, your husband's name calling is really beginning to concern me. You have said that he makes fun of you in front of others and calls you names and my sense is it might be worse than you have let on. You don't deserve this! You are a wonderful and caring woman and neither your husband nor his kids deserve you.

AgedOut's picture

once she threatened you the game changed. it's your game board now. protect yourself, don't let her nasty mess up your birthday. 

CLove's picture

and my board game is "all about me now"...

justmakingthebest's picture

I think you are completely warranted in requesting she leave tonight. She doesn't need to be there after her actions especially not alone with you. 

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Just ask that she go home to her mother's place and leave it at that.  You make yourself into the villian by picking at her behaviour.  Just ignore her and tell your DH to do the cleaning.

CLove's picture

Husband called me wicked stepmother to diminish the experience.

Like "haha thats so funny!"

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Get her outta there CLove- yeah no chores just go back to mommy's. I agree that you are being fair to yourself and you could even go a bit further. She's almost 18....when that happens you really should consider a "not living in my house" any longer attitude. Happy B-day ! Enjoy it with the people you love !

CLove's picture

Yes, Im already planning on having "the discussion".

I figure she already knows shes living with her mother, so it doesnt really matter how she treats me or how I feel and forget any relationship.

SteppedOut's picture

Her mom isn't going to want to lose her beach pad. If sulking skid works, bm would go over income limit? I can't imagine she is planning on college? So... is she just going to not work and no school or anything?

CLove's picture

She was talking about a job and college. Now its supposedly a job for power sulk will make them not qualify for low income housing. O dont know how that works I thought it was only the parents income that qualifies.

Supposedly she wants to go to college - junior college. But who knows, because now I really am not engaged with her future.

Stepdrama2020's picture

May your birthday be powersulk free. 

Is your DH doing something nice for your birthday? 

CLove's picture

I asked him if he had any special plans for me, he said "I plan on buying you something nice", so I organized my own special plans - a walk in am, a spa in afternoon and dinner with parents.

All he needs to do is make the home powersul-free...

Stepdrama2020's picture

He is a jerk.

So glad you organized your own birthday bash. Celebrate like the queen you are. Or even better celebrate like the wicked SM. That means a cauldron filled with witches potions that unleashes on the toxic clan   ;) Oh the fun! LOL


Exjuliemccoy's picture

Screw your DuH for calling you a wicked SM. What an a$$hole thing to say.

You know you're the only sane one in the scenario, CLove, and that your DuH is a poor excuse for a dad. Stand firm, keep training HIM about consequences, and keep working on your exit strategy.

grannyd's picture

You know, Clove, looking back over these last (6+) years that you’ve busted your butt for your younger SD; buying her things, taking her places, comforting her, making excuses for her drama and so much more, her current behaviour becomes increasing unacceptable. Hon, if my own, bio daughter threatened to unleash CPS on me, our relationship would grind to an immediate halt.

I also suffered a SD caught up in a loyalty bind, inspired by her awful mother, yet she drew the line at involving either CPS or the police. Unlike your situation, the girl had good reason to claim abuse since I’d smacked her across the face. All you’ve done is encourage study habits and expect one basic chore. Yikes, washing the dishes; hanging offence! And you used to call her, “Munchkin”, with real affection, even though she was often a brat. 

You’re an empath, Clove, and since I suffer the same affliction, I understand how much it hurts to have a child turn on you, despite having your love and support. The Sulker is past the age when the trials of adolescence can be used as an excuse for appalling deeds. As my sainted Nana would say, “It’s gone beyond the pale!” My dear, knowing your nature, I suspect that you’re going to weaken and contemplate doing kind things for SD once again. Don’t! Just DON’T! Involving yourself with mini TT will only bring you heartache. (((((((HUGS)))))))

CLove's picture

Yes, lines have been crossed and I am just going to involve myself in positive things that bring me joy.

Harry's picture

It's your day and or week.  You should celebrate the way you want.  If you don't want SD in your home ( wonder why). DH should make sure she is back to BM or somewhere else.  She got what she wanted 4 th of July. Now you get what you want  a day to yourself with the people you want.  Have a great day !!!

CLove's picture

Yeah, right, gee I wonder why I dont want powersulk energy in my peaceful and serene abode.

Rags's picture


I call bullshit on all of the excuses. Loyalty, PAS, etc... All of that crap is nothing but an excuse for these toxic nasty spawn to be nasty.  They know exactly what they are doing.  Either on their own initiative or at the behest of a toxic PASing parent. Either way, the SPawn chooses to perpetrate their crap. PERIOD DOT.

For that, SParents should purge the toxic spawn's presence from our lives and even the lives of our mate. After all, at some level, the toxic spawn is a product of our mate's parenting.

If a mate refuses to recognize that and refuses to purge the toxic spawn, they have no business being our mate.

IMHO of course.


1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

Happy bday

You cant request chores or services from her, the relationship is over and all this will create is added drama and tension and they will gang up on you.


What you can do is tell her to get the f out of your house pronto and let the chips fall where they may with your husbands reaction. 

Put yourself first and give yourself the gift of independence and freedom from nasty abusive stepchildren for your bday!



CLove's picture

Im not going to really follow up on the chore thing. I just want the house to myself for my day of peace and serenity.

AgedOut's picture

make her invisible to you. she's a mere shadow in your world. she is not welcomed nor is she unwelcomed. she is invisble to you. no rides, no softening your stance over time, no special anything. no hellos, no goodbyes, no chit chat, no chore requests, no buying groceries she likes, no back to school shopping or birthday cards or christmas gifts. no laundry help, no cough drops if she's sick because she has made herself invisble and anything more than nothing gives her power. stop being a doormat, make her invisble. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Nope. Why should she stay in the house alone with you? If she and her dad were spending time together that would be different. I'm guessing following the CO went out the window a long time ago. She doesn't get to randomly decide to stay with just you and be shitty. 

Rags's picture


Cleaning up after one's self is a given.

Chores are the duty that a kid owes to the family and the family home.

They are not a punishment, nor are they compensated for. Doing dishes, vacuuming, etc... Are chores and the kid's duty.  Cleaning their room, doing their own laundry, etc... are personal care.

Extras can be paid for.  In my case, It was digging a cellar under our house. That meant deepening the crawl space under the house by 3 feet. I was paid $10/Cubic Yard of dirt. I learned in a hurry that a cubic yeard of dirt is a ton of work to dig.  Vacuuming, doing dishes, cleaning and oiling the wooden furniture, etc... were chores.  Keeping my room clean, doing my laundry, etc....  was taking care of myself.  

So many kids are catered to that most of them can't even take care of themselves with the absolute basics.  When they consider a basic request abuse... good riddance if they stay gone.

All IMHO of course.

Lillywy00's picture

Welcome to Step-parenting H3LL! 

  • Where you're house is expected to be a 24/7 on-demand respite care for the ex-wife (skids dropped off anytime without your knowledge or consent and you never know when they're leaving - especially during summers)
  • When skids touchdown the maladjusted disneyland dad has no rules, no boundaries, no responsibilities for those skids and if you dare try to teach them some respect/home training you're the evil c*unt torturing them like cartel-level opps 
  • You're ALWAYS the villan no matter what you do
  • Maladjusted Disney Land dad will back those kids 100% of the time against 'evil' 'mean' step-mother
  • maladjusted disneyland dads cannot say not their kids whims and EXPECT you to cover for them/help them meet their childcare demands (while theyre off golfing or whatever) and usually wont compensate you in any way for helping so you're better off saying NO every time.

If some skids threatend to call CPS (when I haven't done anything CPS-worthy) they would NEVER be allowed in my home and I'd either demand their mother not send them to my house/ship them off to the farthest juvenile detention facility. 

Those skids can powersulk all they want.....they get straight up IGNORED by me during their negative attention-seeking moments

CLove's picture

I requested she be dropped off at her mothers. Its been since Thursday and havent heard when she will be back...and Im not asking anymore either. Ive never been in that loop, so me asking makes her relevant and she is no longer relevant in my world.

MissK03's picture

Happy Birthday!! Enjoy your day! Don't let the generational system abusers ruin it! Go do you!! 

CLove's picture

Even when things were pleasant between us, I got an attitude if I asked for something to get done and it always took forever.

I just started going through husband and got the same attitude from him (ok evil stepmother).

So eff them all.