The Big Meltdown aka Butter Bawl
The weekend was unusual. It was busy. In involved a meltdown (or should I say devolved)...
SD16.5 Power Sulk and I had a very deep and emotional conversation. Im still processing it in my head. So Im laying it out here, to all of you.
The convo started out easy. It involved SD's auntie lala we will call her. She is a self-made powerhouse who has worked her way up through the ranks of hospitality industry in the area of Human Resources. And in the Hospitality Industry which is huge in my area. Saturday shed had us all over for dinner, after a small group includeing SD and Husband had finished cleaning Sweetheart Cousins apartment. Apparently shes a mess just like Feral Forger and Power Sulk. Anywow, she had told PS that she will help her get a summer job in a restaurant. Sounds good yes? Well this is because its too "shameful" to work in fast food. And kids get bullied if they work in fast food (I had to reall bite down hard not to roll my eyes at this one).
This flowed into conversation about jobs and work experience and then college and different options for work load balance between schooling and job. Which somehow flowed into conversations about Feral Forger. And then the tears started flowing. Her feelings flowed out. Its been years since we have talked like that. And then more...
So the topics in order of what I think are important:
1. SD16.5 Powersulk and Toxic Troll found a 2 bedroom apartment near the beach, and its "very pretty". Feral Forger lives nearby in a houseshare. PS is very stressed about the very real possibility/probability that Feral Forger will slide back in there with them and the dysfunctional patterns will continue. Shes working 2 jobs so she looks like shes changed in a positive direction and can possibly chip in financially (until the inevitable firings happen when shes landed in a place where she gets a free ride, mom I love you).
Ps's main cry fest happened when she told of her feelings that her parents have always catered and coddled and given the lions share of consideration to her elder sister, who hasnt had to really work for it, like she feels she has had to. My perspective is she has been coddled all her life as the beloved youngest. Her perspective is that no matter how bad and horrible Feral Forger has treated her parents they continue to forgive and give chances to be in theire lives. My perspective is "not in our house". My perspective is that I have suspicion that if this does happen, Power Sulk will want to live with us full time, so she wants me "on her side" and she knows that I will want to weigh in on this decision. Like seriously does she think I will be hands off like now, if shes full time???lol.
2. She wants to "get to know" her father, better, and spend time with him. This is what he has told me also. I mentioned its hard for him to spend time with her when shes always in her room. She tells me shes always in her room because her father is always in the garage, smoking, drinking beer and hanging out with barnacle friend. Yep, I have that very same problem. Like the only way to get him out and relating is to go fishing with him. She stopped fishing because even then barnacle friend was there too.
She feels that he only relates to her as far as doing chores and her mother's love is more "unconditional". My perspective is that her relationship with her mother is "easier" because they share a room together and her mother treats her more like a bff. Shes not doing the work of a parent. Shes not involved with truancy, bad grades and missed assignments and cleaning and all that yucky stuff. Her perspective is that her mother "always wants her" meaning always wants her around...and her father just wants to follow the visitation schedule without any real desire to spend time with her...
So they both want the same things - to spend quality time together. This is fixable, if they are willing to do the work. Its not easy. Its not for me to fix. My perspective is that any time I try to facilitate family time, Pwer Sulk goes into Powersulk mode. Its work to be around her. Its a joy suck to be around her. Meanwhile shes laughing and giggling on the phone to her friends for HOURS.
3. She looks like her mother. Her sister looks like her father and her fathers family. In many families, children are a direct extension of their parents. In Husbands family this is amplified by 1000X's. I brought this up. NOT the part where she looks like toxic troll just with short hair and brown eyes, the part where her sister has been spoiled and gotten the attention. She jumped to the conclusion on her OWN that because she looks more like her mother, no one really likes her or wants to get to know her. More sobfest ensues.
I honestly dont know what to do with that except I just say, "well I feel that your personality is more like your fathers and because I dont ever see your mother, I see you as a natural blend lookswise, you look like Powersulk to me, your own person not an extension of any one person." I think its actually kind of true, in some ways, but ultimately Husband loves kiddo for herself, he just feels that she has a closer relatiibship to her mother and that hes "losing her" to her mother.
She made the point that she is always trying to please everyone so she stuffs down all her emotions and she tries to change who she is to make everyone happy. And they arent happy, so shes lost as to what to do.
I have no answers. I just suggest that she is direct and honest and asks her dad to spend some time together.
I get that none of it was about me. I even asked point blank if there is some issue with me. She emphatically said no not at all. Im getting all this simply because Im not her parents that she has the issues with, Im not her friends who do not know the family dynamics, and Ive been in "the trenches" for over 8 years so I really understand the dynamics and theres no work to play "catch up" as you would a therapist.
I havent mentioned anything to Husband, he just knows that we talked.
- CLove's blog
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Insightful post
Ya know Clove SDPS sees you as a safe bet. You are a warm and caring lady and SD knows that.
However you must remember as much as the tides seem to be turning in your direction, in stepworld things can change at a power sulks moment.
Good that you realize SD's sadness is not because of you, but because of the dysfunctional dynamic in your DH's family.
Its up to power sulk and DH to fix their relationship. Just stay out of it, which I know you are. Cause we all know when shit happens guess who becomes the scapegoat?
As the other commentors have noted, Power sulk uses her emotions as a tool. Either to get out of trouble or avoid getting into trouble. Or whatever her most recent goal is. I am a convenient emotional dumpster and always available.
Im thinking back. Husband has called her out on her power sulking mode. She told him (who told me) that it was because of me. Or because we always "just ask her to do things".
Im thinking that she is buffing me out because she knows that Feral Forger will somehow slide back in there...
Well, of COURSE he's losing
Well, of COURSE he's losing her, she said exactly why and it predates her sitting in her room all the time, "her father is always in the garage, smoking, drinking beer and hanging out with barnacle friend". It's time they actually spoke to each other and more than time HE spent time with her doing things that maybe SHE likes.
Nothing much you can nor should do about any of this, though, beyond telling one to talk to the other.
Losing her
She did mention that shes tried talking to him, but she talks to him about her mother and he doesnt really want to hear about her.
I have previously tried to bring us all together to spend time doing some fun things (that arent fishing, that she would like). I dont know if shes aware that she goes into power sulk mode. When husband has called her out on it, she sais its because of me. SO when I asked her she tells me a different story. Knowing shes afraid of angering HIM, and doesnt concern herself with how CLOVE feels, I figure shes telling me the truth.
She sees things realistically
She's seeing things realistically, very insightful for a young person. I'm glad she has someone to talk to. As much as I know you'd like to fix things, your most valuable role is as listener.
I still give her credit for getting the new place, I doubt if TT could have navigated the bureaucracy. As irritating as it is to you, a daughter helping her mom like this is commendable.
Hang in there, Clove. I'm glad she has a sane person to talk to. Glimpses of the sensitive, caring, thoughtful adult she will be.
Definitely more than irritating
When she details all that she does for her mother "my poor mom has one one!!!!"
Yes, she is very smart, and I agree with another commentor - she was using me as emotional dumpster - because I am a safe bet and because she is also understanding she needs me or might need me in the future.
Maybe I'm a bad mood because
Maybe I'm a bad mood because I'm not feeling well again today but it all sounds manipulative to me.... my suspicions are yes PS is worried about FF trying to move in (because if I remember correctly, they never got along)... Is she trying to make sure she has some sort of landing space incase TT decides extra $ coming in is more important than her bff-daughter living there? I wonder. So is all this "whaaa whaaa I wanna be closer to dad" and "yes-I-do-like-you-Clove" all part of her back-up plan incase things go south at TT's? You know, trying to smooth everything over...
I would be reinforcing my boundaries of no PS moving in with DH and working n making your house look less appealing to PS (maybe cut off the Wi-Fi to her device only periodically - "oh gee we've been having some issues with dead zones in your bedroom") Nope. Bad grades, laziness, messy... it's a recipe for disaster.
Butter Bawl Manipulations
Yes, Im thinking that she is trying to form an alliance to ensure she has a safe place to land. Now that shes going to be 17 soon, shes thinking she has more decision making power. And the impending end to "mandatory visitation" might also be in the mix too. Shes understanding shes going to potentially need me.
Yeah, I dont think she has a clear perspective or maybe shes blowing smoke that she doesnt have a clear perspective. The more I process things, the more Im just wondering whats the truth of things.
I got stuck at too "shameful"
I got stuck at too "shameful" to work in fast food. What exactly does this girl think is going to be her first job? Fast food has provided first jobs to many a teen. There was even a Jeopardy question about the percent of people who started by working at McDonalds.
Call me skeptical, but I see the 'I want to be with my dad' as a way to get out of working weekends. Summer school Monday to Friday, weekends with Dad. No time to work.
If PS and Dad are serious about spending time together, maybe they should sit at the table and eat dinner together. No devices. Family dinner time can be quality family time. Time for Dad to loop himself into his daughter's life.
I had a tough time with that one too...
I worked from 14 at family busines that involved "fast food". She went into great amount of details as to the bullying that occurred with some friends she has that work in fast food. GREAT AMOUNT. Shes made comments in the past about not working in fast food. Her fathers rich friend has two kids that amassed a large amount of $$ from working fast food. Enough to buy their own cars and different activities.
I tried doing the family dinner thing. It was forced and awkward and she power sulked through it, so I just stopped. The more I think of it, the more that I can see that something more is up with the whole "I want to get to know m daaaaaaaddy".
I just cant figure it out.
BUT. Her and her father need to figure things out themselves. I have tried and have given up.
Count me as part of the
Count me as part of the "McDonalds was my first job" club! My SO, too.
My fast food gig
Was a swap meet each and every weekend.
"Too shameful to work in fast food"
The people who think this are the exact people that need to work a job in fast food. Imagine thinking so little of those people! Imagine how they probably treat them as well. Everyone can learn some respect for the people who work those jobs by taking a turn for themselves. Plus they pay well for a teen. SS16 worked at McDonalds for his first job, and SD-almost 14 was planning to, but now she has talked about wanting to do something else (there aren't a lot of options). DH is hesitant and may still steer her to McDonalds or BK because he thinks it teaches a lot of positive things and wants her to have that experience and I don't disagree.
It's Too Soon
to even think this is something of value. I'm with the majority in that this is just a manipulation tactic. No one, especially a teen, changes that quick, especially knowing her past behaviors. You are slowly disengaging...not all the way there yet...but you are making moves that she is seeing and it's probably IMPACTING her negatively.
I'm going to strongly suggest you take all of this with a grain of salt, continue with minimal words and direct her to her father for these tear jerker talks. Again, I've been in your shoes. I can show you countless "apology" letters that I took at face value. Letters written like a Hallmark card. And everyone of them wasn't worth the ink used to write them. Also included in that mix were multiple "deep" conversations that, again, weren't worth the air used to speak the words. It is going to take a lot of TIME to see change in people. Sit back and watch. If not, you will quickly be brought back into the circle of madness. For me, that led to some serious health issues, both physical and mental.
As ESMOD says, disengagement does not have to be mean/cruel. You can offer compassion but send her to her dad for the next "event."
It's ironic that PS has the
It's ironic that PS has the same feelings about FF moving back in that a lot of stepparents have about skids moving in.
I'm hearing a lot of "poor me" in PS's vent. My daughter is a similar age and similarly goes on these self-pity jags. I will let her vent, tell her what (if anything) i'm willing and able to do for her, and then try to get her to think about what she can do to better her situation.
As far as what you can do for PS - when it comes to FF and TT, you can't do a thing. You can decide if PS living with you guys full-time is something you would tolerate, but that's about it. Would your DH even take the steps to legally modify the CO and CS? Having the kid full time while paying TT child support would be a big no from me.
As far as PS and your DH's relationship, you *could* talk to your DH about her concerns. But - i don't get from your description of him that he actually wants to do much besides drink in the garage with that guy. Some of these dads just aren't all that interested in spending time with their kids. Maybe PS would be better served by understanding and accepting the limitations of her parents. Not that it's on you to facilitate any of this, but idk. Maybe casually comment that she shouldn't take it personally, that's just what he does....idk. Or maybe stay out of it. Up to you.
I did say
I did say something to the effect that "your dad is definitely a mans man type DUDE...hes isnt into doing girly type things at all...but you two do have common ground with music and live music events.
Ive decided after thinking about things, and the comments here, Im going to stay out of it. She has her own agenda and if she wants a better and closer relationship with her father, shes going to have to do the work herself.
I dont think she realizes how her going into Power Sulk modality affects things.
Oh the “woe is me” I used to
Oh the “woe is me” I used to go through this with Spawn. She was always the victim, if it wasn’t because she looked like Meth Mouth, then it was because she couldn’t have a better relationship with her das. Note Spawn never put any effort into anything. Not her relationship with DH, not her school work, not her friendships, nothing! She would sit and cry that her life was miserable because of me and DH and Meth Mouth…but she never took into account that she was a backstabber who played both sides, or that she was a habitual liar with a mean girl mentality. While I understand you feeling empathy towards BS16 don’t get sucked in, it’s a trap and in a week you will be the bad guy yet again.
Thats exactly what Im thinking too
She isnt taking responsibility to the fact that whenever Ive tried to initiate together time, she goes into Power Sulk mode.
Her friends all drive and have jobs, and they kinda take care of her...and without her doing any work. Her mother and her share a room and her mother is BFF. I think shes wanting that type of dynamic. No work on her part, he just offers up whatever $$ or thing without her having to work for it, and shes woe is me because she sees her sister getting without having hard to work for it.
She doesnt realize - she has her own room at our house that she trashes and her father cleaned, her father gave and pays for her $800 phone, he cooks for her and empties out her period pads from the trash for her. When she has needed "saving" he swoops in, at a moments notice.
But see again "you" initiated
But see again "you" initiated the time together. But it's not what she wants. She wants her dad. I understand he cleans her room or cooks but that's something non parent can do, cleaning person or cook. It's not what she wants. That's not what kids consciously or subconsciously want from their parents. And you can't substitute it with anything
So he pays for her phone. 99% of all parents pay for their 16-year- olds things. It's a normal routine thing. So she has a room. Typically when people decide to have kids it's kind of a given they will need food and room and this and that depending on financial situation. That's what we sign up for when we have kids. It's not like dad took in a stranger and now doing all these things. That's what parents do. If they don't want to take care of a kid they shouldn't have one. But kids need more than tangible things.
Im not saying that I am the center of what she wants. When I asked her what she was looking for, she said she wanted to "know him better". To spend more time together. And back in the day I would have everyone eat dinner together, where we could talk about our days and she could communicate and talk with dad. She Power Sulked her way out of that and I just gave up, and now we all eat separately or its just Husband and I together. She always eats alone. That was one example.
I know what she wants and needs. I see things from outside perspective. She LIKES hanging out with her friends and talking on the phone in her room.
I think another commenter said it well, that the whole convo was a tactic. And also a way for her to release some emotions shes been having. Some other things were said also that I havent mentioned. Her two good friends both lost their father and each one had different relationships and did two different sets of grieving. So, I think she was considering that she might lose her father and was expressing her fear and sadness at not having the closeness that she really wants.
So, yes I know its a normal thing, the doing and paying & phone etc, but I was using that as an example of how shes feeling shes not getting enough or that her sister always got more, and could treat the parents how ever badly she wanted and they still wanted her love. And how she tries to twist herself into a pretzel to please and gets the crumbs of their attention. And shes actually getting the same and more than...
But I understand. She wants a better relationship with her father. When I asked her if she wanted alone time with just him and her, suprisingly she shook her head "no" very emphatically. I told her I have absolutely no bad feelings if thats what would help achieve her goal, I would totall support that, but again she said no no no...
What it boils down to is barnacle friend. She said that was really what was preventing her from being close. She even mentioned how sometimes her dad would ask barnacle friend to pick her up from school and bring her over (you know, since hes already on the way over and school is on the route.) She doesnt really like him that much. Hes stinky and quiet, and just a DUDE.
Please, next time she wants
Please, next time she wants to talk, find a fast excuse and walk away. Or say nothing and walk away.
I feel
I feel like I wasted 2 hours of my weekend. It feels like I was used.
You're the big meanie who
You're the big meanie who bullies her, dunno why she'd want to discuss anything with you.
I guess Im the stepDubster/stepdumbster/step dump on me ster
A tough one. On the one hand... it is a MEH moment. On the other
it is an emotional topic. IMHO, more than anything it is a "Knock it off, quit crying or get over here and I will give you something to cry about."
That was one of the crying "topics"
In fact. One I didnt feel like mentioning it but now that you brought it up...
Her father doesnt like it when she cries, and tells her "stop crying", etc. So she feels like she has to pretend and stuff down her emotions. Im not quite sure that there is a solution to this. He feels crying is a manipulation tool. Because he grew up with sisters and his ex toxic troll & Feral Forger they were all major cryers. Using tears and emotion as a control structure.
I dont know what to think.
My SDs sometimes complain
My SDs sometimes complain that the other gets more of something. They are often jealous of each other
It's not anything unusual or something you need to do anything about
The difference is that my SDs complain to their dad or dad and me together. They'd not complain to me about dad in dad's absence because they know we are a team.
When your SD complains about mom and dad, I strongly advice do not engage. Call dad over to be present in the conversation. Don't discuss her mom and dad with her. Yes everyone knows your DH avoids his wife and kids, drinks, spends time doing stupid stuff and isn't parenting his kids. But you shouldn't discuss it with your skids in dad's absence. He needs to be present. And never discuss BM unless dad is present. It will backfire.
Yeah I don't think she was crying because she wants you to start organizing outings. I don't know if she necessarily manipulated you, but she might really be missing her dad. He's hugely unavailable and no matter what you do, you can't replace him. If he is interested in your opinion, you might want to tell him that SD will date and marry unavailable men. She is being set up for unhappy relationships and unhealthy marriage because of what she sees. That's just a given. I think she'd benefit from therapy and she'll likely need years of it.
My take on it all is basically I need to back off and not try to "fix" anything. The other comments helped clarify and untangle the "whys" of things. But, the fact remains, he definitely needs to step up. I just dont know if I should tell him or just leave it. Ive got my own issues and I said what I said to her and made my suggestions.
I dont think either of them will do the work.
It's up to them. I personaly
It's up to them. I personaly wouldn't want anyone to tell me how to do a relationship with my kid/grandkid.
Yes he needs to step up. Again it's up to him. You could absolutely tell him your opinion. Is he going to listen? I don't know.
but you cannot fix it. No amount of trying to fix it will ever change a thing. It's not for you to fix. Doesn't mean you can't make suggestions. Unless it results in a fight. Then what's the point.
I would try to improve your marriage and stop worrying about improving SD's snd dad's relationship. Control what you can and let go off things that arent within your control
Thats exactly what I WAS trying to do, before Cry-Fest 2023. Improve my life more than anything. Marriage will improve or not, I cannot do much more than I am already doing.
Ive come to the conclusion that nope I cannot fix anything.
Im thinking I might text her something like "I am glad we had that talk, and I wish you the best in things" or nothing...probs nothing.
What everyone else said and I
What everyone else said and I think you over analyze everything with SD. Every word, every action, even her sitting in her room on the phone like normal teens do. Hence my SD right now.
Her parents suck.. she is starving for attention from BOTH of them and wasn't taught a thing (besides what you tried to) on how to be a decent human being.
You can't combat failing of two parents as a stepparent.
Edit: has either of them offered to help her with job applications, offered to take her driving, offered their assistances in anyway besides trying to hold her accountable for things she hasn't been taught to do..
I write things out here
It helps. I get caught up. So, if I seem like Im over analyzing its a wanna be writer writing out the thoughts and feelings to help with getting it out of my head. And its really been working! I dont tweak on things with Husband like I used to.
Shes definitely NOT starving for attention from Toxic Troll. They share a room together for 50% of her visitation and her mother is always talking to her. Offering to do things and giving her money. THAT slipped out. She tried to take that one back. And this is in contrast to her father who if she wants money has her do chores. Like wash everyones dishes and some pans. Stuff she does anyway...but an extra time of to me, after thinking of things, it seems like shes having sour grapes of her sister "getting more attention and things" than her and not having worked for it, and her father is more "transactional" in his giving.
Job applications: shes not mentioned anything. In our conversation she said the high school was very college-preparation oriented and had them do resumes, and shes been online doing her own apps. Her mother took her to an interview and at 16.5 they told her she was too young. So, shes trying which is good. The driving - I set her up last June for online permit. Husband is aching for her to complete the course and get that certificate to get the permit, and shes lamed out of it with no repercussions. He simply shrugs and sais that its saving him a lot of money with her not driving this year and maybe next...but she darn well better be driving by thats where that is at.
Im not quite sure what you mean by " besides trying to hold her accountable for things she hasn't been taught to do" Shes not really being held accounable for ANYTHING, which is kind of my point in my Blog Meanderings.
Clove every time anyone asks
Clove every time anyone asks what her parents do for her (not monetary) and how they support her and how they spend time with her, you always respond with what YOU do, what you sign her up for, what you organized. It's not the same though. What do THEY do?
you do try to hold her accountable for things (which is commendable) but those things she was never taught or modeled: good grades, attendance, clean your room, clean after yourself, honor family time, eat with your family etc No one models or teaches her anything. Her dad isn't even around. Her mom is around but she is a horrid mess. You do try to teach her things, but she needs her parents.
100%. This is exactly what I
100%. This is exactly what I mean.
Let’s not forget…. Just a week or two
Ago you were asking for big help around the house. Particularly her room. It may not be consciously to make you back off and keep the warm and fuzzies alive but something she naturally defaults too. Clove has demands/expectations/timelines? Oh let's bond then Clove isn't so set on all those pesky things. Yes, I'm a cynic.
Why is she in her room? she
Why is she in her room? she wants her dad to seek her out.. to chase her... she doesn't participate in things because she is in a reject before you are rejected mode with him. (again.. you are a sounding board for her. and where she vents.. but she isn't lacking your attention.. it's her dad and probably her mom to an extent due to ff drama)
SD. FF is playing you
She doesn't like the disengagement from you. She wants you to buy her stuff. Be BFF as long you are paying and doing what she wants.
She is street smart. She needs a flop house. When all else fails ,, it's Cloves to the rescue..She complains about BF because she knows you are not happy with him.. when all her friend. Like one , finds someone or something else there cloves,, where she doesn't have to do anything, gets money, gets taken care off
She has to understand that when you burn bridges,, they stay burned. There are things, words actions that are forgiven once, twice, three times but after a time there no forgiveness. You can't be a taker all the time. She and BM are alike "What in it for me". "Let me wash a dish, my dish, and I a, doing a good job". Today there no excuse for not working, like 40 to 60 hours a week. If she did that. That $900 a week. Or closed to $50000 a year. Walmart,Uber, door dash. You can be working in three hours.
You are on the Skid-coaster
One day they are ignoring you, and the next they are treating you like a confidant. These are truly baffling and confusing times. I am on the same coaster with SD13 and can't wait for the ride to end. I fear we have the same SD, right down to the sulking when we take her to do things.
She feels that he only relates to her as far as doing chores and her mother's love is more "unconditional". My perspective is that her relationship with her mother is "easier" because they share a room together and her mother treats her more like a bff. Shes not doing the work of a parent. Shes not involved with truancy, bad grades and missed assignments and cleaning and all that yucky stuff. Her perspective is that her mother "always wants her" meaning always wants her around...and her father just wants to follow the visitation schedule without any real desire to spend time with her...
I could have written this word for word. This is exactly what SD thinks, exactly how Crazy is, and exactly what she thinks of DH. If he isn't initiating Uno with her every night then he doesn't want to spend time with her. She is always in her room- and honestly, so was I, or out doing other things. I'm not sure why now that's such a thing, there is such a huge expectation of spending all of this time with your parents. It just wasn't for my friends or I.
I had to
It was too good of an opportunity.
For those of us with teen skids, what is your Teen SKID Roller Coaster ride called?
Mine seems to be a given:
PowerSulk Intimidator
EGADS, I NEVER wanted to be around my parents at that age. Much less "get to know them better". Which is another reason Im suspecting my new reason for the Cryfest is right on (thanks to steptalk)
My teen roller-coaster name
My teen roller-coaster name is the Skidmark. Lol.
I'm late to the party on this
I'm late to the party on this one but I don't feel like unppacking so I'll post instead.
Her main go to is manipulation.
Clove wants her to do something? sulk sulk sulk, get out of it.
Clove/Dad want her held responsible? here come the tears.
Everything she does manipulates someone. And it works. Now she's manipulating you with emotional snacks. Pieces of her alleged emotions that will get her her end game.
When ever she opens up to you, mentally step to the side and listen to what her end game is. She's proven that she knows these crumbs make you hungry for more. She uses it to her advantage. She can and will turn on you and hurt you to get her desired result. She's done it so many times. Don't let her set the stage for it again.
Sour Grapes
Im not sure there really is any kind of end game here for her. I think she was wallowing in self-pity and sour grapes and stress-releasing over the possible move in with Feral Forger.
My first job was teaching swim lessons and coaching
competitive swimming. I was self employed. I made a ton of money each summer I was in HS and my first 2yrs of college. What parents will pay to get rid of a kid for half an hour is noteworthy. I charged $15 for half an hour lesson. I never had a parent take only half an hour. It was always a hour minimum and I usually had 5-10 kids in each class. I would clear usally around $15K/mo each summer.
My first "real" job was in the restaurant industry though not at Mc Ds. I prepped, cooked, cleaned, and delivered for a tiny taco/pizza shack. Taco Marina was my first employee job.
My deliveries included land and water deliveries.
It was an adventure for sure, attempted roberies, getting detained by the police, flat tires in the middle of nowhere late at night, having to unload and re-load refrigerators when I failed to rotate product by date of delivery, pissed off customers, customers who were interested in tipping in non financial ways when I delivered food, washing cookware by hand, etc, etc, etc... The most memorable repeat experience was trying to get people calling in for pizza to tell me how many people they were trying to feed so I could recommend the size of their order. For some odd reason they would ask how many slices were in a small, medium, and large pizza. Explaining that each size pizza had 8 slices would cause their idiot brains to seize. Then trying to explain that a pizza of any size can be cut into just about any number of slices the customer wanted. "So, how many people are you planning on feeding?"
Then I bought my own restaurant, me and 7 business partners and eventually we bought, and sold, several restaurants over the next 6 years.
I learned more about business, management, logistics, production, procurement, inventory, personnel management, customer service, conflict resolution, accounting, payroll, training, taxex, etc..... in my year of Taco Marina adventures then 6 years of running restaurants than I did in grad school getting my MBA.
I applaud those who start their careers in the restaurant industry. Some of the smartest most successful people I personally know started their work lives in restaurants.