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3 Weeks to court

justmakingthebest's picture

The anxiety is starting to set in so I called our dumba$$ lawyer today. 

BM's employer hasn't been served yet. He swears that they only have to give them 7 days and this is his "strategy" so that BM doesn't have as much time to cover her tracks.

BM hasn't been served yet. He doesn't want to give her a heads up until the last minute.

He tells me to just relax, we have it all covered. I ask him if he has X,Y,Z. Hmmm... probably somewhere, just send that again. Oh and bring A,B,C when you fly out. 

JESUS! We are going to lose. All I ever wanted was a fair hearing. BM beheld accountable for all of her contempt and alienation. And the financial side of things calculated fairly. It's really not too much to ask. 

I don't have enough xanex to get me to this hearing. 


MissK03's picture

Almost there. Hopefully you won't have to put out much more money and can finally wash your hands of them. Wishing you luck! 

Mominit's picture

All it takes is for her to dodge the server for a few days and his "seven day window" is blown. Errrg, why do I feel that his "strategy" is his way of covering up for negligence!


justmakingthebest's picture

Her employer is the #1 key. As long as they get served we are good. I want tax records and bank statements but if I get her employer we will have her by the throat. It's a med spa, they have regular hours so they can't dodge a server.

Her 1st husband is also going to be there LMAO we have him with documentation that she has been working too 

Her face will be priceless!

advice.only2's picture

Realistically with that short of notice for that much financial background her lawyer could easily request a continuance…I mean I understand why your lawyer is doing what he’s doing, but he’s playing chicken with your time and money.

justmakingthebest's picture

That is my biggest fear. We literally can't postpone. DH is home for like 6 weeks for the rest of the year and then in Japan. I am so freaking stressed!!

ndc's picture

I-m so happy This. Your lawyer is an idiot and his strategy will likely backfire.  Your judge always sides with BM and her lawyer - they'll whine and he'll continue the hearing to a time when your DH isn't available.  BM will likely say she doesn't have 5 years of tax records and has to request them from the IRS, and that takes more than a week. 

How does your lawyer think BM will explain her employment away if they have a couple more weeks notice of what your case is?

I've always thought your lawyer was totally ineffective, and this doesn't change my mind. 

Mominit's picture

Can you tell him you're not a fan of his strategy and insist he serves them now!?  He works for you, if you don't like his strategy (and remind him that DH leaves for JAPAN soon!) I'd put some pressure on him to straighten up!

Rags's picture

account listings and balances, last two pay stubs, etc....

We always provided full docuentation. The SpermClan, never brought anything but the last two pay stubs. THe courts never said a thing through we always pointed out that they were in violation of the court issued subpoena to provide the mandated documentation. 

We would bury the Judge and oppostion in documented fact. When the SpermClan lied, we bared their ass immediately with notarized documents or by playing recorded telephone conversations, rants on answering machines, etc....    The robbed morons would never hold them in contempt or charge them with perjury even when they were lying their ssess off right in front of the judge during recorded court hearings.

The SpermClan hated when we bared their asses. The Judges did rip the Spermidiot and other SpermClan members a new asshole when we bared their lying asses, then the idiot bottom 10%ers of legal profession in the stupid Harry Potter robes slinging the toddler's Fisher-Price wooden hammer would issue their ruling and make some moron comment exactly like ... "Any child would be fortunate to have the love and support of this fine family".  Just after calling them out for their lies, etc...  We always won. But.. I never left court without feeling like I needed to sanitize my body with a scalding hot shower using lye soap. Scum bags be there. Including the Judges, far too often anyway.

I never understood that crap. Which is it? Are they lying pieces of shit, or they a fine family? Those seem to be mutually exclusive conditions... except for bottom 10%er legal morons on the bench who seem to think that lying POS scum bags are fine people.


justmakingthebest's picture

It's so different in small town courts when it comes to mom's vs. dad's. The judge just takes anything she says as fact and when DH presents anything, he doesn't agree even with proof. There is no other judge in the town. He is it. We would have to go to the state to appeal and the cost of that is so significant that we can't justify it. Especially since judges hate to overrule each other even with blatant wrong doing. However, if things aren't fair this time, we might do it. This is the 2nd completely illegal ruling that this judge has made in my husband's case. 

thinkthrice's picture

Girhippoville has a population of 5,000.  There is only one magistrate for the county and they are definitely pro BM.  They have overlooked:

Her just not showing up to court because "Chef gives her anxiety."  (Should have been held in contempt)

Her not reporting that OSS emancipated

Her not reporting that an orthodonture bill was paid as she kept collecting extra CS for it

Her fake child care receipts from her mother

Her transposed (photoshopped) W2 (despite her gov't salary being public knowledge on a website)

Her constant withholding of the ferals and health information, school info, erasing Chef from all records. 

Her falsely reporting is to CPS.

That's just a sample.

Rags's picture

I do get the frustration.  Some of it anyway.  Though we won repeatedly even living out of state.  The CP/BM bias worked in my DW's favor even after she left that town at 18 as a single teen mom taking SS with her.  She has never again lived there.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Weird that your BM's employer is a medspa. BM here also does eyelashes out of a similar place, though they do things like nails and facials, not anything like actual medicine. If they are "in on it" too, helping BM hide income, i hope they get nailed as well. 

justmakingthebest's picture

She actually does injections and vitamin infusions. We know she makes good money, it's such bullshit. I really hope that having the actual owner/Dr. being subpoenaed that the truth comes out. If not, we really will go after the business and she has 2 locations to lose over this.