Things that suck about exh
That he doesn't even get the kids on weekends that he can, only when it fits his "busy" schedule...
That he cares more about doing fun stuff rather than the activities that the kids have when he has them, even though I do ALL the driving on the other 24 days of the month...
That he invests NOTHING, but when he wants to parade them around for his friends or family to show what an awesome dad he is, they should be at his beck and call...
(AKA how I do all the work, and he takes all the credit...)
That while I am doing *ALL* the work, he is running around, doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants to...
That *I* am ALWAYS the bad guy...
That he thinks medical bills just pay themselves...
That I work my ass off to cook decent meals for them, and when he has them for Christmas break his Mommy is there to cook everything...
That he never shows up for basketball games...or soccer...or baseball...or...
That he lies. Constantly.
That he has told his family all sorts of lies about me...(just like he told me all sorts of lies about his first wife...)
That he is just plain old creepy...
That he stalks me online...
That he's probably reading this...
I know what you all are dealing with. Dumba$$ Daddies. It isn't ALWAYS the BM. Lord help me, only 7 more years!!
If he isn't doing any
If he isn't doing any parenting now, giving the kids to him full time would be a mistake.
Let me tell you how I wished
Let me tell you how I wished I had had kids with someone that could take them... I LOVE my children. But I homeschool them, work from home, and at any given time, drive them somewhere everyday, sometimes twice a day. I wouldn't change it for the world. But the reality is, he is only "entitled" to supervised visitation because he didn't even fight for them in court (he was afraid of what I had on him and we lived in a small town). I constantly debate whether his psychological crap is more damaging than keeping my kids from him would be... They were young when everything was finalized, and now that they are old enough to know right from wrong and can and will communicate with me, they visit him at his house. I saw how he parented my (then) SD and he simply does not/can not parent. He just does nothing. She failed classes, watched tv after school all day/night...her teeth turned brown from not brushing with braces, she gained weight from eating crap, her asthma flared up living in his home. He is a porn addict and sociopath. I simply picked the wrong guy. I would NEVER leave my kids with him and I fear dying before they are grown, because they would go to him.
My bf's son has the bm from
While reading your post, most
While reading your post, most of it applies to my SS's BM.
She told me in a text that she likes the arrangement because she gets to be the fun parent while I get to do all the day to day work.
I feel your pain
Wow. Does bio-dad help you?
:jawdrop: Wow. Does bio-dad help you? Please say yes...please say yes...LOL