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OSD19 - college life

Cover1W's picture

So I was informed of some information regarding OSD19, in the form of a college radio station interview (i.e. two female college students who "interview" what seems like their circle of friends...not exactly "high intelligence conversation...." at a midnight time slot LOL).


So they interviewed her because they loooooooove her.  It was interesting; she hasn't changed all that much, still kind of the same person she was at age 13/14. She is a "hardcore lesbian" who goes by she/her (this is changed from her last year of high school they/them). She still "hates men" - except for her cousin's boyfriend who is ok because he likes the same video games as her and Charles Dickens because "his stories are so good, even though I've not finished one yet." VAPID. She either wants to be a women's studies scholar or study literature. She doesn't want to even read "old books/literature." She actually has a job at the university library. BM was on a pedestal - she mentioned how wonderful she is at least 3-4 times in 40 minutes. I think I know what preoccupies YSD's time here when she's in her room (video games on her phone introduced by OSD). She still eats mostly carbs, confirmed eating issues noted by just a quick comment of one of the other students. She cut her long hair to shoulder length. All of them bashed men and a few shots at "boomers" of which they miscategorize like everyone else.


I'm not sharing it with DH because I think he'd just be hurt and upset. But it confirms for me that I don't think she'll ever come around. I was hopeful, but after hearing that, I have no more hope for any reconciliation between her and DH.


TrueNorth77's picture

No hope of reconciliation is sad (not for you, It sounds like she is still figuring things out, if she's still changing her pronouns. Maybe once she matures there will be more of a chance... how does DH feel about her now?

Cover1W's picture

He says he is done with her and done worrying at this point. She's 19 and made her decisions.

BUT he still gets upset around her bday and the holidays (close together) and anything that would recognize him as "dad" like his birthday and father's day.  So he's still very upset about it. He doesn't have all the info I have (that I know of). He's trying to protect himself.

AlmostGone834's picture

The only sure fire way of getting them to visit or call is to employ my husbands method of spending a fortune on gifts.

Cover1W's picture

Not in OSDs case!  DH was already doing that before her last holiday here, and birthday. AND he sent her large gift certs which she never used (online ones he could track). Fully PAS'd - anything DH would do is the wrong thing.

caninelover's picture

Well as long as she knows she's on her own to make a living after school is out. 

My experience - that major is useless in the real world.

Cover1W's picture

Unless she wants to teach it? God that's a nightmare. She may like it because some of the teachings fit in with her "down with the patriarchy" viewpoint.

We know she won't come to DH for help, and he has proven he won't give her a dime. BM will always be there for her....

caninelover's picture

When you don't like to read lol.  Sounds like she is parroting stuff she hears and reads online.

Well, it's her life and her choice so....

thinkthrice's picture

Literature major and yet refuses to read historical/classic literature for fear she might learn that human nature never changes and thusly history repeats itself.

As long as she doesn't come being for money. 

notarelative's picture

Silly me, I would have thought that courses for a literature major would have included some "old books". 

Cover1W's picture

It's classic OSD. Makes grand declarations but doesn't want to do the work. Be glad she no longer wants to be a 'heart surgeon'.

AlmostGone834's picture

Like Little Idiot's grand declarations of the Coast Guard Academy and a medical examiner. At least your SD eventually came her senses. Mine is too dumb to realize how screwed is going to be.

Cover1W's picture

She used to talk about being a heart surgeon and I'd always ask her how she'd deal with that because she couldn't even stand to cut up raw chicken for dinner....



Cover1W's picture

I was thinking about this after chatting with his sister. I'm going to talk about it with him when ySD isn't hanging around.

justmakingthebest's picture

I feel like so many in college are trying to figure out who they are and do a terrible job at it! 

MissK03's picture

I don't understand the "I hate men" or "I hate women" stuff. Just hate everyone equally haha..

Cover1W's picture

yeah, I pointed this out to her the last time I saw her when she was 15. She was going on and on about how awful ALL men are, how X persons shouldn't be doing Y or all persons of Z type must be not doing A, B, or C.  It was horrific.  LOL.

I just said to her, "So you think doing the same thing to them that you say they are doing to you is OK then? That's hypocritical. And you don't get to make generalization about MY friends who you don't even know so don't you dare mention them as an example again." That pretty much shut her up for a while.

MissK03's picture

I'm guessing the "boomer" comment... SS19 called SO a "boomer" once... claiming that he didn't understand anything about basic apps LOLL. I'm 36 (so clearly I laughed at the stupidity) and SO (about to be 46) was like WTF. He basically told him that his grandfather (SOs dad who's 79) is a boomer and SS19 had no idea what he was talking about.

That happened last year maybe 2 years ago. 

advice.only2's picture

This is where I am so thankful my youth was not recorded for my children to hold against me lol.  At least today’s generation will have a visual and audio timeline of all the bonehead things they said and did.