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So he didn't get on the plane...

justmakingthebest's picture

I just got an email saying I have a flight credit of $711.63

Called the airline and he never got on the plane. 

I dont know what happened earlier when AA said his ticket was issued. I called back and they said it was never used. 

I am so happy he isn't coming but so mad for all the unnecessary stress! Poor DH was already at the airport waiting. That almost 3 hours of sitting in traffic for him for no freaking reason!


Ursula's picture

I'm happy for you that he didn't get on the plane after all, but annoyed for your DH that he went through all of that for his kid to not even show.  I'm sure it's hard to watch your husband go through this with his kid.  

ndc's picture

I'm happy for your sake that the kid is a no show.  Too bad your DH didn't plan to let him sit at the airport and wait for his call.  Sounds like you may have seen the last of SS. I doubt BM or SS will have any consequences for this, either.  I can't imagine the judge forcing a 17 year old to visit if he doesn't want to. At least you got a credit for the flight. I hope you and DH can use it to go somewhere fun. 

ndc's picture

I'm happy for your sake that the kid is a no show.  Too bad your DH didn't plan to let him sit at the airport and wait for his call.  Sounds like you may have seen the last of SS. I doubt BM or SS will have any consequences for this, either.  I can't imagine the judge forcing a 17 year old to visit if he doesn't want to. At least you got a credit for the flight. I hope you and DH can use it to go somewhere fun. 

Sigh's picture

For your DH...his heart must hurt even if it was expected. 

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

Would it be worth getting it in writing documenting that your DH showed up and waited at the airport since you purchased the flight and neither BM or SS were nice enough to say he wasn't on the plane. More wasted time on this sad situation. At least you got a credit, but still it shouldn't come to this.

justmakingthebest's picture

This has just been a Rollercoaster of a day! My heart breaks for my husband. He seems different about it all this time....I think this was his last shot of hope to see his kid.

justmakingthebest's picture

Oh, so the flight credit... has to be used under SS's name in the next year. I quit. 

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

for us with Alaska airlines, if the plane departs before a flight gets canceled or rebooked, then we lose the money spent on that flight and won't even get a credit. So if BM didn't send SD and pay for her flight to us then we would of lost $450 because the plane already departed, but then could cancel the return flight and get a $450 credit for that one.


thinkthrice's picture

That she won't be getting the cash prizes she thought she would  now that the jig is up (you uncovered her employment situation) so she ramped up the final nail in the PAS coffin and said f*** it.

Sad for your DH and you who put up a valiant fight to the bitter end.   Unfortunately the PAS almost always wins in the long run.

Cover1W's picture

They could have checked in remotely then just didn't go to the airport.

This is good/bad. Hopefully this will not ever be repeated. Your SS and BM have made their intentions very clear. Just be supportive with your DH and listen to him. My DH is better now after 4 years but his feelings surface at certain milestones like birthdays, holidays, college, etc.

bananaseedo's picture

I think we mentioned this, in your case you should have done refundable when she started this nonsense years ago.  Then you get the money back instead of a credit in HIS name.  Also, since she has the ticket info, that means he can rebook all those credits at anytime-without you knowing.

YOur DH was foolish to even go to the airport- on principle even if he DID show should have made him wait. Not waste his time, kwim?

I'm surprised AA would tell you if someone is on the plane, it's against policy to disclose if someone has boarded (unless you have an inside friend that told you)but the average reservation employee disclosing over the phone would be in big trouble, even if you purchased it.  And this was airline policy even before 9/11.

That said, I wish such karma on your BM more then almost any on this board- she is despicable and cruel, as is your SS> Fuc* em.   Be done booking tickets, be done with court.  Should have let go years ago. The outcome is usually the same but would have saved him and you such heartache and expenses.

justmakingthebest's picture

We thought about refundable and looked into it. They were over $1600. That is just more than we can handle if he did get on the plane. It is also more than will be awarded to us in court for child support calculations, which is the only reason we bought the tickets to begin with. It was a gamble, but end the end hopefully it pays off in our CS recalls.

We aren't filing for contempt, or anything like that. We just need true Financials settled. 

ESMOD's picture

I'm guessing they checked in for the flight the day before but that he refused to go.  At this point.. and based on some of his antics when he did come more recently'ish".. this kid knows full well what he is doing and I think at this point the PAS is now self perpetuating in him.. HE doesn't want a relationship with your DH at this time.. he will likely rethink this in the future when HE has a need for financial support.. but I hope your DH remembers this day.. because I don't think this is his EX.. this is that boy being an ahole.

justmakingthebest's picture

I agree that SS is an A hole, but so is BM. The fact that she couldn't respond that he didn't get on the plane is ridiculous. They are both terrible people and that is all there is to it. 

ESMOD's picture

It would be nice to think that the judge would give her some financial consequence for this..but he won't.  You have the worst court that I have ever seen as far as ignoring logic and legal precedent!  Your lawyer is also fairly ineffective.. so there is that too.. but yeah.. BM is a piece of work.. and  her son is a piece of crap

Cover1W's picture

Exactly. This is happening to DH now....the cries for college money. Oh really? Now you need him SD? But still refuse to engage? Wallet is closed. Get used to reality.

Winterglow's picture

Same happened to my brother with his ds2. Kid hadn't spoken to him for years despite his calls and local visits. He decided he wanted to change his studies completely, something that my brother didn't have to finance. So he got his mother to ask my brother for him. Brother said ok IF he asked him in person. Gave a meeting point at the local McDonald's. He waited for several hours but his son didn't show. Guess who dropped out? 


justmakingthebest's picture

It's so pathetic what these PAS'ed kids will do to "stick one over on dear ol' dad" out of some spite that they don't even know why they have it.

I was telling my receptionist at work- It's SOOO rough here when he comes to visit. We usually have a small trip planned, go out to eat to fun restaurant (there are literally no restaurants in his no stoplight small town, so eating out is a big deal), go to Top Golf, go to the beach, kayaking, Busch Gardens... It is just super hard to be around us all. I understand why he hates us so much.... Totally get it (with all the sarcasm I can muster). 

thinkthrice's picture

we took the skids on haunted hayrides, pumpkin catapults, to the mall, to the beach, to build a bear, to eat out, to amusement parks, you name it.  It was NEVER enough.   Chef and I are eeeeevvvvviiiiiiiiiiil SOBs.   /sarcasm OFF

Pathetic.  They never had any reason for it either which is a clear sign of PAS.  Just shrugged their shoulders, did no shows.   Constantly taking pot shots at Chef on social media aka "ghost dad" and "XYZ was more of a dad to me than my real father" quips (TM)

Winterglow's picture

Years later, he ran into his father at his brother's (the only one of three kids who wasn't PASed out) wedding and realized that he wasn't such a bad guy after all. What a waste. His mother left after the religious ceremony probably because she, couldn't handle my absolutely stellar SIL being treated like the happy couple's third mother.  

DPW's picture

Grrrrr.... This is almost over, almost. Once he ages out, set your boundaries with DH and hold them.