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OT - Eff Off Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

TGIF!! Who else is ready for the weekend? DH has to work OT and I want a weekend off before I start the next Memory Bear order. What to do with myself besides cook...

Eff off to:

  • long covid. I am so tired of having this caca. Especially the farking headaches. Gaaaaaahhhhh...
  • King Pita and his "let's do a zoom" mentality. No, KP, we do NOT need to do a bloody zoom so you can give me the r7n dates for the ZZZ report. Email the dates so I have them on record. Asshat.


I think I'll make some pasta this weekend. That should fill up the bellies of DH and SS19 (yes, he's still with us). *biggrin*

Wishing you a stress-free, healthy, and enjoyable weekend!


CLove's picture

To Fridays-eve text from Sd22 Feral Forger to DH. Shes still a b$tch. Sent him a "so?" when he texted her back about a band. Anytime I hear about her texting, my ptsd flares up. Nothing bad about me and no further "your not a dad your just the sperm donor", so thats positive. I just hope it sticks this time.

To my fatigue, and stomach not feeling good. 

Advance child tax credit, which makes it so we have a lower refund. 

CLove's picture

Tax time always stresses me out, lol. *takes rose*

classyNJ's picture

EFF off to SS19 still being here.  Fingers crossed and praying to the snow queen to let it be a clear weekend so he can go back to campus on Sunday.

EFF off to having to wear a tshirt and shorts to bed because SS19 is still here.

EFF off to not feeling comfortable having sexy time because SS19 is still here.

Can I just say EFF OFF to SS19?  LOL

Evil4's picture

F off to elitists who brag about multiple Master's degrees and PhDs while they can't seem to find the unmute button. 

I work with people who are in their 50s and have spent their entire adult lives in school gathering initials behind their names. They never let anyone forget how much education they have, yet, they can't seem to find the unmute function during meetings. We've been working from home for two years and have had all of our meetings on TEAMS and despite spending so much time on their education, they can't seem to figure out how to unmute. 

On a funnier note, one guy has a parrot. During a meeting, it flew across the room and splatted shit during flight and I had to fake a coughing fit and mute myself and close my lens because I was in hysterics. Of course the rest of us were texting one another about it and the guy who had the bird seemingly had no clue that his bird shit while he was speaking. I laughed so hard that it was one of those kinds of laughs that no sound was coming out. 

caninelover's picture

I wish I could've seen that!  

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Evil, do you with my BIL? LOL

I could not have hit mute or close the lens fast enough! *ROFL*

caninelover's picture

To girl scout cookies.  I don't want to eat them (SO and I have cut way back on sweets) but they come around like the Mafia each year for their collections.  Always some friend or neighbors kid so it's awkward to decline.  

I should toss them but I hate wasting like that.   Plus I kinda want to eat them haha.

Stepdrama2020's picture

I just dont have the will power  SIGH

caninelover's picture

Next time.  Or maybe I'll take a page from Bratty's book of excuses:. I had to eat the sugar because the girl scouts made me!  

Stepdrama2020's picture

Eff off to Girl Scouts cookies cause they are so dang good.! I buy several boxes as I proceed to tell a 10 yr old I am buying for my family   ;)   LOL Pinocchio I am!, and like she doesnt care. 

Aniki hope the long covid effs off so you can be ok.

cmd88's picture

Haha my DD13 sells them every year... So I always order at least 6 boxes, and then later I regret it. But they are so dang good though! I will probably share with the coworkers who didn't order, but then again, I may just tell them they should have ordered when they had the chance. haha!

Stepdrama2020's picture

I do. Do I really have to share?.

Actually i brought some here today. They are in the lunchroom and they are calling my name. Ive been good so far.....

caninelover's picture

They are calling me from the kitchen.  They are good.  My favorites are the peanut butter sandwiches Smile

caninelover's picture

Trefoils!  My 2nd fave. Those are the 2 boxes I ordered... peanut butter sandwiches and trefoils!  Damn those girl scouts!  Not good for my waist line at all!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I just realized... we're going to trivia next week and our hostess will be pimping out her granddaughter's gs cookies. Dammit! *dash1*

caninelover's picture

Uh-oh! Wink

caninelover's picture

And SO works from home. So no co-workers to pawn them off on...

caninelover's picture

Someday when I'm elected President...I will ban them.  Along with telemarketers.  And car alarms.  Ha 

bearcub25's picture

To snow, ice, and cold temps.  

And to all the groundhogs around here that predicted 6 more weeks of winter....not the actually groundhog just what he represents.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I never understood groundhog day. Spring is 6 weeks away whether that gumball sees his shadow or not. *unknw*

Cover1W's picture

EFF off to one more week of insanity at work. There's multiple HUGE reporting deadlines and one of the Insitutional wide items has incredibly long FAQs, Matrix's and multiple emails that go out and I STILL cannot find the answer to a basic questiion:  Do I have to report on X project that starts 4/1/22?  Easy right?  NOPE.  And some of the information contradicts the other information in another source.  Oh, and you DON'T want me to go to my assigned contact to ask questions, really?  Well too bad because I just did again and so far, no answer after two days.  Guess I'm not reporting it.  And that's not even my main job - which is full with deadlines and I'm right now waiting on everyone else because I've done my part and I'm dreading that everyone will be emailing me at one time next week.

This weekend is DH making dinner tonight, me hopefully going to dinner with a friend on Saturday and then me doing nothing on Sunday. YSDalmost16 is here again over the weekend, but no biggie - she never comes out of her room.

cmd88's picture

EFF off to BM for constantly shoving SD12 at us when she wants to party and do whatever the hell she does, and then expects us to "ask" her if she is availble to take SD on unscheduled days...

EFF off to my stomach, heart, and mind. My stomach has been messed up all week due to stress and not eating right. My heart seems to like to act up due to the insane ammounts of stress that I am under. And my mind just won't slow down, therefore I cannot get a decent night of sleep.

Eff off to my SD12 for giving me attitude this morning because DD13 didnt "wake her up" for school

Eff off to covid all around. I hope that you get some relief soon Aniki <3

Merry's picture

Eff off  to my staff.  And I feel terrible for saying that. I love each and every one of  them, but dammit I'm their boss, not their bestie.

When I say that I'm close to getting an off-cycle raise, and a substantial one, for you, that means I spent hours writing justifications and documenting the marketplace and having discussions with my boss and the money people. The correct response to me is THANK YOU. Not, well so and so makes more, or our classification system is stupid. While that is correct, a little appreciation is a better approach than a bitchfest.

I am tired.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Good grief. Whenever I'm told I get a raise or bonus, the ONLY thing I say is "thank you very much". Sheesh.

caninelover's picture

Of the last 4 years did this for us routinely.  Fought the HR struggles to get us off cycle raises, better bonuses, etc.  It's partly why I loved working my butt off for her.  I always told her how grateful I was - but I had a couple of decades of crappy bosses who didn't do that, so I knew the meaning of it.

Nowadays - sorry to say it - employees have a 'what have you done for me lately' attitude.  And to be fair - corporate America has been been eliminating pensions and propogating layoffs/rightsizing so much - they are getting the reckoning they've deserved for awhile.  Though it sucks for managers caught in the middle right now Sad

PetSpoiler's picture

Eff off to whatever it is that is making my poor daughter miserable!  She's been sick for a week now.  I kinda suspect Covid but kinda don't know.  I had her tested and it was negative so I don't know.  I just know she's missed four and a half days of school and I dread all the makeup work she'll have to do.  She's been working on it some but it seems like they love to pile on the work in high school.  

Eff off diarrhea. Princess Popcorn has the dreaded mess and I had to bathe her today.  She just loved that.  Note sarcasm.  She kept on biting me but luckily she wasn't trying to really hurt me or she would've taken off a finger.  Eff off to the vet who couldn't see her.  Oh well I'm not that impressed with them anyway.  Poor Queen Squeaky had diarrhea and I'm flashing back to what happened to her.  I gave Popcorn a probiotic and cut down on the veggies.  Hoping that helps or she'll have to see the vet.  I need to find a new vet.  

Eff off to the cold weather and annoying traffic.  Go home people.