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Another tough weekend for us

Esperanza's picture

So last weekend was skid weekend. Things were going well lately, some issues here and there but good overall. Some recurrent issues with SS6 are that he can become moody/grumpy often (basically every time things don't go his way), he is very needy/attention seeker, he is an extremely fussy eater (to the point that feeding him is a struggle yet has no problems eating rubbish food) and he can be quite immature. It has been the case since I met him when he was 3. Me and my DH have worked hard to help him overcome these issues, we have made some progress but is still an ongoing battle. Sometimes is a different version of the same issue or something new or more of the same but there is always something to deal with. 
So this weekend. Friday when he arrives all was good, everyone happy, pleasant evening. Saturday we are walking early to get take away coffee for us before heading to a farm we were visiting. On the way there SS6 says to me "can I tell you a joke?" "Sure" I say. And he starts telling a knock knock joke. My DS7 joins in asking the "who is there?" etc. He finishes his joke with something completely nonsense and not funny (something that he does all the time!!), we all laughed and said something like "that's doesn't make any sense" in a nice way...he immediately gets moody and says to "DS7 wasn't meant to join in, I asked you!!". I'm like please be kind with my son (geez). While waiting for the coffee I say to my DS7 "I love the T-shirt btw!" (My mom got him a new T-shirt from our home country and sent it by post) and my SS6 chimes in "what about meeeee?? You like my T-shirt?" (a T-shirt that I have seen millions of times). Also, at this point the amounts of "look at me, look at this, look what I'm doing" was already driving me crazy. 

We head to the farm, which was a special treat for the boys for doing so well with their end of year school report (in reality my DS7 did very well whereas my SS6 did well-ish pretty average but that's another story). We arrive there and all is good, we sit for lunch and SS6 starts being his usual challenging self when eating, my DH gets extremely annoyed, I ignored him, but can't help to feel irritated. Then I take my son to a pony ride (SS6 didn't want to join because ponies are 'lame' - he can be so negative sometimes !) and when we came back, DH was upset because SS6 had an accident and wet himself (it happens often because he doesn't go to the toilet when he needs to). We tried to enjoy the rest of the day but DH was upset/frustrated/overwhelmed. Then we are heading back home and DS7 is making conversation with SS6 , who replies back in a very rude way. Now I'm starting to loose my patience. 

Comes Sunday morning and we are playing football, SS6 starts getting annoyed because he is not scoring any goals, he starts trying to play victim/look at me I'm so upset. Both me and my DH are feeling so frustrated with him at this point. Finally SS6 raises his voice and starts lashing out at us. Now, we have zero tolerance for being disrespectful so we both tell him off and send him in time out. At this point I'm really upset because I was genuinely enjoying the game and my DS7 was having such a good time, and again is ruin with SS6 attitude !

After lunch we go to the park and SS6 is all happy and buzzing and I'm feeling resentful because he always dictates the mood, we can only enjoy on his terms, when he wants to be happy and nice Sad

thanks everyone for reading ROFL




JRI's picture

Sounds like a typical SK weekend.  I know your SS sounds whiney but I'm feeling a little sorry for him (easy for me to say, I don't have to be with him) in his tattered old t-shirt  grumbling away.

Esperanza's picture

I feel sorry for him sometimes too. But we do everything to try and make him happy, we organise fun activities for everyone, we pay him lots of attention, we talk to him and always ask if there's something wrong, why are you upset yeah, I start getting frustrated

oh and his T-shirt wasn't old, I just meant I had seen it before 

JRI's picture

It sounds like you're doing everything possible.  Maybe that's just his personality.  He probably needs to see your calm stability but I would get tired modeling calm stability all the time.  Lol.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

It sounds like SS seeks out negative attention. Perhaps sitting with DH and developing a behavior plan in which SS can earn one on one time doing something he enjoys with DH may encourage him  to comply with certain expectations. 

Esperanza's picture

Yes, that's exactly it, he seeks out negative attention constantly. Me and DH have come with so many different strategies to overcome that but nothing works! The thing is that we are both getting so frustrated now, specially my DH, I'm a more patient person so I almost always keep my cool. 

simifan's picture

Overcoming a negative personality is difficult. Your DH will need to put in some serious effort here to help SS change. SS should be called out on these negative behaviors - each and every time. He should be rewarded for seeking positive attention. 

Be mindful. It seems some of his negativity is your momma bear instincts kicking in. He asked for your attention appropriately (the joke) & you allowed DS to interfere. Then gave him negative attention when he got pissy about DS interfering. 

Esperanza's picture

I'm all in for him asking for my attention but I'm not ok with him wanting to exclude my son! My DH also joined in with the joke (we were all physically together in the same space interacting with each other) yet he only got grumpy because my son join in ? Nah. My son never excludes him of anything so it's a two way street I feel

Yeah, it's defo a personality thing and for his own good I hope he turns that around, his mom has told us many time "he is always miserable" like nothing is ever good enough ?