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Sons father is in prison.

PassTheAvocado's picture

Hello Everyone, 

I am new here, I just someone to talk to... I am glad I came across this site, I've been looking for a place that isn't over crowded.


My sons father is currently in prison (he has been there over a week now) the whole situation is having huge effect on my 8 year old son. 

I'm so embarrassed and ashamed, and due to the seriousness of the crime, I don't think he will be free anytime soon. 

I would appreciate any support or advice. 

Thumper's picture

I am sorry you feel embarrassed.  It is not your fault your ex is a criminal.

Be sure to tell your boy the truth.---If your son asks--tell him, , Dad stole a car OR dad wrote bad checks, OR dad was cooking meth, OR dad xyz.

I do not agree with Oktostep "dad broke the rules and is in adult time out".....not a good response.

--for the record I have experience in this area. Truth matters when talking with our bio kids. Why are some parents afraid of speaking the truth? It is far better to hear Dad is in jail because dad DID blah blah blah, than to hear it from a crazy cousin or Aunt OR neighbor who is dying to be an ass.

You do not have to  pull out the court transcripts and read them to your boy---but just be honest. Oh and one more thing, please refrain from saying your dad made 'bad choices".

Welcome to Step talk. Do you have step kids?





Rags's picture

Keep the boy abreast of the facts.  Better that he has them than keeping him in the dark.

This is your X.  Nothing for you need to be embarrassed about.  He is no longer your mate.

Your son needs to know that he is not his father amd his father's crimes have nothing to do with him.  Most importantly your son needs to know that you have his back.

IMHO of course.