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baibaide's picture

I finally met the love of my life. He is an amazing man. The only thing we fight about is his ss. Long description short. He's 25. No home. No job. compulsive liar. VERY manipulative. Will take advantage of any situation for as long as he can. Needs professional help, anytime some brings this up he gets very upset. My husband being the kind person he is is letting him walk all over him but doesn't seem to see it. I have put my foot down about him moving back in with us. He already lived with us four months after we got married, and lived with his father and half sister for over a yr. prior to us getting married and him getting out of prison. (Not a horrible crime, just something a young person that is not using thier brain would do). I know it is his son but he is also a grown man. Doesn't their come a time when he needs to start treating him like an adult and not let him walk all over him?? Only being a sm and not having any children myself I don't know if I am being wrong in thinking this?? I feel that the only way a person will change is if they want to and he has been given ample opportunity but only advantage instead of trying to better himself.

Northrop2011's picture

Ditto (love of my life, finally, and the only thing we fight about are his kids). You are not wrong in thinking this. It sounds like your H is an enabler. It seems like guilty fathers make for co- dependent father-child relationships. So sad. I'm sorry. The love of my life is an enabler too, I think.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

The problem is, its up to your DH to make people treat him better. You defending him only makes him feel sorry for SS. Just worry about what affects you and your lifestyle. I know its hard to watch someone treat your DH so badly. I really do, but he has to stick up for himself.

Poodle's picture

Just draw a clear circle round your territory and do not let him into it. also, don't bother discussing or asking after him.