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Stuck between a rock and a hard place :(

Whatevereh's picture

Does anyone out there feel like you are expected to light yourself on fire to keep his family warm? I work all night from home. I am sitting in the hall way with my pc because the extra two bedrooms are being used by his mother and his teenage daughter that comes all the time now. His daughter only started coming more because her mother was laid off from work due to covid-19. Mama cant buy her never ending junk food anymore, the cable has been shut off at her house, her cell phone has been disconnected, and no more cable at her mothers house. So, the kid has been coming here more because daddy fills the cupboards with never ending treats, has internet and cable in her room, and pays for her cell phone. the kid never had any interest in coming here before. Shes only here because she is using him. I can see that clearly but dummy hubby thinks she missed him, lol they are really that dumb, huh ?

The kid is a little dirt bag, Honest god, 15 years old showed up here with just the clothes on her back ( as usual) stays in the same cloths for weeks, sleeps in the same cloths for weeks, doesnt get a bath for weeks, she is so dirty you could ring the grease out of her hair, and she just stinks to the high heavens. I find it hard to like the kid because shes also a know it all and treats everyone including adults like there are stupid. She never comes out of her room and is addicted to the internet. 

The mother in law moved in here and bought everything with her including the dust bunnies from her old apt. She expects to be waited on and catered to. The women will not as much as make herself a sandwich, She will sit in her room and make us feel guilty and wont eat until someone caters her down her meals. She is healthy and there is no reason for her being like that. She wont do a dish, she wont clean her room, she wont do her laundry, she wont get a bath because i refuse to clean the tub out for her, and she wont give a cent to me to stay here. The women has a large bank account but wont offer a damn cent. My garage is filled with all her boxes you cant even walk out there, my kitchen has her table and stuff in it, my living room has all her furniture, and it was a constant battle to remove her stuff out of my cupboards as she put all her stuff in there. the nerve huh ? I feel like i bought this house to be a free retirement home for his mother. His sister dont want her, she dumped her on us. Im tired of cooking meals, doing all the house work , picking up after his mother and dirty kid, and like I said im expected to light myself on fire to keep him and his family warm. 

I want to try and fix this place up on my own. I cant stand living in my house because never here is mine and I dont even want to be here anymore. I use to just want his kids and mother to piss off now I want him to go and take his shit show with him. I thought this house would be a new start for us I guess if i could go back three months i never would have bought this place.  I hate my house that i loved when I bought it. I dont even want to sit in the living room because im uncomfortable. Im sitting on her sofa her love seat etc. they all need to get out i just dont know how to get them out of my life Sad


hereiam's picture

Why are you putting up with this? Why is the mother-in-law living with you?

Stop doing anything for these ingrates and if you really want them all out of your life, consult with an attorney about divorce.

ndc's picture

Is the house yours or is it jointly owned?

Have you told your husband you're not willing to live like this and he needs to move at least his mother and preferably his minor child out?  If not, do so.  If he's not willing to do so, then go talk to a lawyer and find out the best way to proceed.

Life is too short to share a home with unwanted, unrelated people and to have to do your work in a hallway because those unwanted, unrelated people are using the available space.


Peach's picture

Lord almighty.... you need to put your foot down.  Why is the mother living there if she is in good health?  Either way, I would let her sit in her room and but not be waiting hand and foot on her.  You should have a decent place to work in your own home that you are paying for.  Make it happen.

CLove's picture

Wow, you sounds miserable, the situation sounds miserable - I would definitely kick them all out. Thats your house. Serve those eviction papers pronto (after consulting a lawyer of course)

mommadukes2015's picture

Do you have the resources to hire a cleaning service? If you do (I don't but Lordy if I did) then I would do that. I have a live in teenage SS and at one point I was caring for FIL and working full time-very similar to your MIL except for the fact he actually needed the help. I wanted so bad to hire someone to clean but we couldn't at the time. It would have given me some breathing room though. 

also, I would talk to MIL about a storage unit and ship her sh*t there. Then you aren't fighting to keep it out of your cupboards. 

what does your DH say about all of this?