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BM let herself into my home

Kiwichick's picture

It was 5pm, I was in the kitchen making dinner and waiting for BM to drop off SD7. I hear a noise at the door and when I enter the hallway BM is inside and going through SD7's stuff. 

Me: What are you doing? 

BM: Oh, I was just grabbing her uniform and stuff so there's less flaffing about at handover (on Sunday). 

Me: *looking at her like WTF!? *

BM: I didn't want to wake anyone up.

Me: *Still giving her the WTF look *

BM: *demands a kiss and cuddle from child and leaves*

I told DP about it and his response was

DP: Yeah, she's psycho. That's why you should keep the door locked.

Me: Or you should tell her it's not ok to let herself into our house! 

DP: Ok, I'll talk to her. 


If one of us ever let ourselves into her home (we never would) she'd call the police and her lawyer (yet again). 

Winterglow's picture

Maybe that's what you should have done, right there, on the spot, and VERY visibly. I doubt she'd have tried that stunt again. 

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

I would have civilly told her to get out of my house.  BM knows better than to even come up to our door.  I understand not starting a fight in front of your skid, but have the right to set boundaries in your own home.  Your DH needs to let her know that next time you will file a complaint.

Aunt Agatha's picture

Throw the crazy woman out.  Loudly and let her know if she opens the door and steps in again you will be calling the cops on her for trespassing.  She can stay in the car and you will send the child out.

Granted, There's a top level crazy stalker BM in my life, but I wouldn't even let crazy pants come in my front gate the only time she tried that ONCE at drop off years ago.    She never tried that again and pick ups are now elsewhere.

Do not give these women an inch, or she will be rooting around for more than a uniform.

hereiam's picture

She was worried about waking someone up at 5PM?

I hope your partner really does tell her to not pull that, again.

justmakingthebest's picture

This is the one and only reason that I am grateful we are long distance. BM will never be in our state. Never at our door. I would probably acted like a crazy person. "Get out NOW. Get out. Get out. Get out!" 

cdmiles1's picture

This totally happened to me! Multiple times actually. The first time, I was in the furthest bathroom from the door and my younger skid was on the opposite end of the house. I HAD NO IDEA SHE WAS THERE! I could here my skid talking to someone but maybe she was on the phone?? So when I finally reached the other side of the hosue and I saw BM talking to her, I about screamed and fainted in the same breath. I kept it together though, but my skid was giving me the " do something, make her leave" look.  After she left, my BF got back home with my other skid and I told him about it. He just looked at me and said, "oh i forgot to tell you that she was gonna stop by" UMMMMM Don't you think that would have been information that I NEEDED TO KNOW?!?!?!  I told him to talk to her about just coming in on her own whim but he let it sit and she kept just waltzing in like it was her second home. Finally I had enough. I told him that if he doesn't tell her to AT LEAST knock before coming in, that i was going to be the one to say something. He was like "don't get involved in something that's not going to make a difference. You're just going to make things worse." But he actually did tell her. We still have that boundary problem with her though. But I'm the only one that sees it as an issue.

Winterglow's picture

Do what you have to. Either keep the door locked or, if she has a key, change the lock (preferably for one that takes a code and can be recoded) or, at very least, a chain for behind the door. 

Remind your idiot bf of who is the lady of the house and tell him that you will not tolerate another woman prying into your home. Your home should be sacred. How can you feel like it's your home when any Tom, Dick, or Harry can wander in (because that's what she is to you) whenever they feel like it?

Seriously, change that lock.

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

"I'm the only one who sees it as an issue".

Yep!  OP is soooo blessed to have a husband who told her that's why you keep the doors locked.


SM12's picture

Our BM stopped in on evening to being the stepbrats browniws "because SM12 doesn't buy enough snacks".  I nearly flipped my lid.  DH said he didn't see a problem with it, because he liked brownies.  He said if she did it again he would allow it.  No made it clear if she did it again he would be tossed out right wing with her and he knew I meant it.   And not that it matters but I used to buy snacks but the hogs would eat them all in one evening.   And leave wrappers everywhere so after several warnings, I stopped.   

Simpleton21's picture

What is with skids and snacks!?!? I quit buying a bunch of junk food/snacks, especially when my SD was visiting b/c she would hoard them and eat them all, once even asked dadddeeee to save her the last pop tart for her next visit, WTF?!?!?  When I quit buying all the crappy snacks BM just started packing them for SD.  She would have a whole box of oreos or whatever that BM would send with her....heaven forbid the skids go without junk food for a weekend or an evening! LOL!

Cover1W's picture

One of YSDs friend's mother sent her to our home for an overnight once with 'her snacks.' She was 13. Like ours wouldn't be good enough?  They were just basic crackers and grapes.  WTF?

Personally I think she has a screw loose.

Simpleton21's picture

Oh, I know BM has a screw loose! LOL!  But yeah your YSD's friend's mom seems like she does too.  Basic crackers and grapes?  Probably a kid that refuses to eat other things and try new stuff.  When we were younger we were expected to try/eat everything and for the most part I did.  My cousin (an only/spoiled child) had to stay with us once for a few days.  He was the pickiest child ever and FINALLY tried something new SOS (creamed dried beef a personal fav of mine).  Now it is one of his favorites!

BM also "rewarded" SD with a treat/dessert after EVERY meal if she SD is addicted to sweets and thinks she has to have a dessert after every meal still.  Any cash SD has goes straight to candy and junk food. 

Kiwichick's picture

SD7 expects dessert every night. She'll make a big show of not liking what's for dinner and having to force down a few bites. Then she'll say she's had enough and expects dessert. She does the same in restaurants, she'll order something, force a few bites down then demand dessert. Not on my watch kiddo. Eat the dinner you've got in front of you or go hungry. 

sandye21's picture

It's a deal breaker.  Good for you for cluing him in that this will not be happening again without consequences - but it sounds like there is a lot of stuff to address with DH.  Make sure this is his final notice.

Sparkl3s's picture

I'd like to tell you I'm surprised and shocked but I'm not. I always lock the door when BM does drop offs. Once she tried to open the screen door, I just stared at her in WTF from across the room. 

advice.only2's picture

I'm shocked you were so polite about it, I would have flipped out screaming "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE!" Had the phone out dialing 911 and screaming for fear of my life. Let BM have to deal with the cops and claim I was overreacting in my own home to an intruder.

tankh21's picture

Some people just weren't taught what a boundary and some people were and just don't care.  OP you have a DH problem.  If it was me I would tell him to get of his spineless a** and tell him BM that she is not to just walk into your house anymore and if he doesn't want to do that then you can deal with on your own.  You can send the harpy a letter stating that she is not allowed in your home any longer and if she doesn't respect that then the next time the cops will be called.

CLove's picture

Yeah, nope.

BM Toxic Troll did that once. When Munchkin SD14 was like 11 or something. We would get a text "on our way for drop off" and DH would THEN unlock the door for Munchkin to saunter in at around 6 am. Toxic Troll worked about 45 mins from our respective lving areas and she would do drop offs tres early. Then DH would do school drop off.

This is when Toxic Troll was actually working for a living.

So, the story goes that she had to park a few cars down, because our driveway was full and a few cars in front of our house and munchkin had to walk to our front door which was unlocked. DH didnt open the unlocked door for kiddo. So Toxic Troll busted into our home yelling at us, calling us names and "eff you guys".Dh got up and told her to get the eff out.

From that day on, she has NEVER been allowed inside our house. Apparently, now that Munchkin is old enough to be alone in the house a few hours, BM thinks it is ok to drop things off and drop by. Munchkin has strict instructions that her mother is never allowed in our home.

In fact, last winter, when she was homeless a few weeks, and we were storing Munchknis things from her apartment, a few garbage bags of things, I told Toxic Troll to place them on the porch. She gave be "the look" and did it, turned around and stalked off. Too bad.

Munchkin isnt dropped off when we arent there, she doesnt have a key.

Rags's picture

Look, this is entirely within your pervue to fix. Lock the damned door.  Just telling DH to tell BM to stay out of the house is like pissing into the wind.  If you don't want to a face full of piss, turn around.  Telling the wind to not blow in that direction is ridiculous.

And... why didn't you immediately dial 911 and report a home invasion while physically subduing the perp?

Kiwichick's picture

I'm serving a trespass notice on her. 

I didn't do anything at the time for a few reasons. Shock at finding her in our home was the first thing. She's ex military, ex police officer, ex professional boxer. She's currently a corrections officer at the local prison. She's a psycho and NPD. To be honest I am intimidated by her. There's a dent in our fridge from when she tried to punch DP once. 

Rags's picture

Very important additional information.  I would go as far as possible and not only go after a Trespass notice but also get an RO/PO keeping her away from your family and your home.  Those legal tools will put a ton of pressure on her and send the clear message that if she crosses the line it could end her career.

Don't hesitate and don't second guess yourself.  Box her in and keep her there.

IMHO of course.

Cover1W's picture

I wouldn't put up with ANYONE coming into my home unannounced unless you live here!  Dear lord. My neighbor and I always knock first, always - and she's welcome at any time.

I would have said, "Excuse me!  What are you doing here? Please leave NOW!"

MissK03's picture

If BM EVER walked into our house while I was home I would flat out tell her get the f out. Bottom line. 

I almost lost it when SD brought our pup outside to her in the driveway when we first got him. (One of the few times she took SD to get her nails done over the past two and half years that SD pays for *insert eye roll*) 

I quickly went out there and was like no he has to go inside. I almost vomited when BM was petting him. Pup was mine, not to be tainted by BMs hands. 

SO was like well SD loves pup. Sorry SO, DONT CARE!! Lol. SO knows better now though. 

itshardbeingastepmum's picture

That is just a big fat NO!! My god I would kill her if BM did that at our home. She did it once very early on in the relationship when I lived in DH's new house at the time, she walked into the kitchen, it's never happened again lets put it that way! And since, we have always lived in joint homes that are both of ours so she wouldnt be that stupid, i know Wink

Kiwichick's picture

She's changed her excuse 3 it 4 times since Monday. She even said in front of her daughter "Well she went in so I did too." So SD7 thought it was her fault BM was in trouble. DP has explained to SD7 that it wasn't her fault and BM should've known better.

BM has tried to intimidate and harass and guilt us into lifting the trespass notice. Nothing's worked. She even told DP that SD7 says he's changed and is meaner now and she doesn't want to go to our house anymore. All lies. As soon as he picked her up she ran to him with a huge grin, shouting "daddy", and gave him a huge hug. That p*ssed BM off.