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Finishing HS without any exams

Eve-Bee's picture

Wow, I just heard HS will graduate this year's final students without any exams due to corona. Then SD20 will be able to finish HS for sure. She has manipulated all the teachers all the way to the third year without any exams at all, so for her, this implies finishing HS without having any exams at all. The grades she will get are based on groupwork or grades that are, in my opinion, set to high by the teachers because she is working hard to play on their emotions. I was sure that if she were to have an exam graded by a neutral person, she would fail for sure, based on her terrible grammar and lack of work.



tog redux's picture

10 bucks (or whatever your money is) says that she finds a way to fail anyway - maybe by not completing any school work for the rest of the year? This is clearly a young adult who does not want to launch.

Eve-Bee's picture

Well, I wouldn't put it past her laziness to still fail, so I would not take that bet. When she gets bored and does not need to play games, she gets sloopy (this is what happened last time she dropped out). Her teacher is jumping through hoops, giving her special treatment and coachings on the phone whenever, so basically they are carrying her over the finish line.

tog redux's picture

Good for them, they should do that. They did that for my SS20, too - they got tired of dealing with his nonsense, I'm sure.

Eve-Bee's picture

Yes, you are probably right, she is tired of her too just like togs SS20 teacher. I wonder how common this is...

Gosh, I am glad I am not a teacher, having to deal with a potentially newer ending line of new entitled toxic students. 

didn'tsignupforapunk's picture

I'd boot her butt ASAP regardless if she graduates or not. Toss a package of underwear at her and tell her "Here's some big girl panties! Put them to good use!!" And then change the locks if necessary.

Eve-Bee's picture

LOL, that would make my day! Not so easy in my real life, though, or maybe I am overthinking.